Just started P90X!

shizzam Posts: 9
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I just started P90X yesterday. The measuring, weighing, and picture's of myself were all a huge eye opener to me!

I'm 5'7" and I weigh 139 lbs. which isn't bad, but the problem is that I have a 39" waist! Which bumps my BMI up to 30%, and that is unhealthy! Looking at the pictures I had my husband take of me was very dissappointing too. I have back fat! Yikes! Not to mention a major muffin top. I've never looked like this in my life...and with my 32nd birthday coming up next week...it's time for a change!

This was my second day of Pp0X. I'm waking up at 6:00 a.m. to do the workouts (which is absolutely torturous because I HATE waking up) and I'm trying to stick to the nutrition plan as close as possible. It's not a diet...it's definitely a lifestyle change. I can hardly do what they people do in the video's...but I'm just doing as much of it as I can and hoping it will get easier with time.

I'm sore. I'm scared that I won't stick to it. I'm scared to change. But, I actually feel really great. I feel like I have more energy and I'm in a better mood already!

I have a friend who obtained AMAZING results using this program, so I'm going to try my hardest to stick with it - and I'll keep posting on my progess. And if I see good progress...maybe I'll even post pics on my profile.:happy:


  • What is P90X? I heard a lot about it, but never knew what it is.
  • RJFarr
    RJFarr Posts: 10
    I have that, but still too chicken to dedicate myself to the process. it seems so intense. Keep up the good work, & let me know when it stops hurting.
  • Good luck! you will get great results if you stick with it!! i'm on my final month!! I have lost almost 10 lbs. which is a lot for me. I haven't weighed this much since i was a freshmen in H.S. I had to re-do a few weeks recently because I had to get my wisdom teeth out, but i'm back on track and ready to finish strong! Again good luck!!!!
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