Starting, again...


I am not really new here, although I am starting again (unfortunately!)

I started MFP in February of this year. In conjunction with eating 1200-1400 calories a day + exercise + 1 cheat day a week I managed to lose almost 15 kilos in 5 months.

I was going so well and LOVING life, and then I started binge eating. I am not sure why this happened, but everyday all day I would think about food and stuff my face with take away, chips, chocolate.. anything high calorie really, every night after work. I managed to get this under control about 2 months ago but my diet has still been appalling.. for instance, pancakes for breakfast, footlong subway for lunch and sushi rice rolls for dinner- carbs, carbs, carbs!

In four months, I have managed to put on 20 KILOS! That is 5 more than what I started at. My clothes aren’t fitting and I feel awful about myself.

So here I am, starting again, disappointed but determined to get off this yo-yo diet wagon once and for all.

I am eliminating the cheat day.. I feel like that forms unhealthy habits in my mind of good/bad days. I am just going to live my life, and try and make the best choices majority of the time. Next week is my birthday, so I will have some cake but will work it around my calories.

I am a bit unsure of myself.. I worry that my binging and weight rebound was from losing weight to quickly. Is 1200 calories enough? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE any help or advice and will be scouring these forums looking for anything that can help me overcome my weight and live a healthy life!

Thanks for reading!


  • I did that same exact thing. I gained 15 pounds and realized that I needed to be healthy, so I started this and lost 10 pounds. Just like you, I started to eat so bad. I would eat out so often it disgusted me. The problem was that I would buy healthy stuff and not want to eat it. So I decided that I was going to buy food that I liked and would eat, and since then I've eaten out once in the past two weeks, and that was only because my room mate burnt the lasagna. I work at a bakery so I'm constantly tempted with the samples we have. I worked saturday and controlled my self enough and didn't have one. ( i put notes all over the store that said "Jess, don't eat a sample) and it worked.
    Don't put in your mind that you can't eat the food, its better to think that you DONT eat those bad foods.
    I think you should keep your cheat meal that way it takes longer for you to stray from the diet.

    I added people on here for hopeful inspiration (:
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    I'm in the same boat as you as well. I did well and reached my goal, then all of a sudden just kind of let myself go and gained back the 10 pounds. So i'm trying to get back to my 1400 calorie days and working out at least a half hour daily. I think just checking in on here again daily will help as having someone other than yourself to motivate you helps.
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    You want to lose the weight slowly. If you try to cut back too much your body can go into "starvation" mode (slow metabolism), lose muscle as well as fat (you do not want to lose muscle) and you are more likely to binge from being hungry all the time. This is why MFP recommends a pound (not sure how many kilos that is) or so a week. Your 20 kilos in 4 months, if my conversion math is right, is abut 1300 extra calories a day which is realy easy to do with binging, especially on junk type food. Set realistic targets for yourself. You can do this. Feel free to add me if you like