Calories vs. Carbs



  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member

    If you eat 100 calories of bread, and eat 100 calories of steak, you do not end up with 200 calories of energy.

    This makes no sense. You are saying 100 plus 100 does not equal 200. In every math class I ever took 100 + 100 = 200 regardless of if is inches, pounds, watts , calories, does not matter.

    Now the calories in a steak come from protein and fat and the calories in the bread comes from carbs and they are used differently by your body but it still totals 200.

    Eat more calories than you use a day and it gets stored as fat regardless if the calories come from protein, fat, or carbs.

    because calories are unit of energy not a unit of mass or volume. For arguments sake, if you eat 100 calories of bread you are going to get about 98 percent of that as calories/energy while if you eat 100 grams of protein probably 90 percent of that is going to go to repairing bodily tissues and partitioning fats off for joint lubrication, vitamin absorption, and things like making your skin and nails not dry, the body MAY use the other 10% for energy *L* .

    Does this mean that after the body has used the protein for repair that it must then use stored fat for energy? And if I had eaten the bread that would have been used for energy instead of stored fat?
  • mudya
    mudya Posts: 128 Member
    I'm always at the high end of my carb intake (average 205g) I am eating around 1200-1300 calories per day and am losing a minimum of 1.6lbs a week. I weight myself every Tuesday, but already this week I have lost 2.4lbs. So the carbs are obviously not doing any damage. Oh and its important to note that I eat around 1500 calories once a week... I can't not have the foods I love, I just have them in moderation and once a week is plenty for me.
  • mudya
    mudya Posts: 128 Member
    I'm always at the high end of my carb intake (average 205g) I am eating around 1200-1300 calories per day and am losing a minimum of 1.6lbs a week. I weight myself every Tuesday, but already this week I have lost 2.4lbs. So the carbs are obviously not doing any damage. Oh and its important to note that I eat around 1500 calories once a week... I can't not have the foods I love, I just have them in moderation and once a week is plenty for me.

    feel free to add me if you want to view my diary!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    both calories and carbs need to be counted, imo.
  • Brian_VA
    Brian_VA Posts: 125
    A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that the types of food we eat impacts how much energy our bodies use (burn) both at rest and when active.

    After losing weight on a diet, subjects were put on three different diets - one high in sugary carbs (typical American diet), one high in low glycemic carbs, and one low in carbs (Atkins). The calories they ate were the same - it was only the mix of carefully measured foods that varied. (This was done in a clinical setting - the subjects were monitored throughout the study).

    The results were people that ate the sugary carbs diet had a lower energy output (they burned fewer calories) than people that ate the low glycemic diet. And people that ate the low glycemic diet burned fewer calories than those that ate the low carb diet.

    How much difference - people that ate low carb could eat about 300 more calories per day than people that ate the sugary diet, because their body was burning about that many more calories.

    This puts a new spin on the "a calorie is a calorie is a calorie" debate.

    One more thought / question - why are we here counting calories or carbs? People have been on the planet earth for 2 million years. As recently as our grandparents generation everyone was at a pretty healthy weight. Heart disease was low. Insulin sensitivity didn't exist. Almost no one exercised as an adult. No one counted calories. People ate until they were full and went about their business. Why now are so many people's bodies NOT able to regulate their weight?
    u gotta post a link with such contradictory info!

    Here is a link to a column from the NY Times that explains and interprets the study:

    And here is a link to the raw study abstract, as published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, June 27, 2012, Vol 307, No. 24
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    One more thought / question - why are we here counting calories or carbs? People have been on the planet earth for 2 million years. As recently as our grandparents generation everyone was at a pretty healthy weight. Heart disease was low. Insulin sensitivity didn't exist. Almost no one exercised as an adult. No one counted calories. People ate until they were full and went about their business. Why now are so many people's bodies NOT able to regulate their weight?

    Well, my grandparents didn't sit on their sofa and watch TV as much as I do! Plus, they didn't have all the easy things that I did my whole life like I've had - toilet in my house, car, air conditioning, dishwasher, wash machine, clothes dryer, etc! They also didn't eat as much processed foods as we do.

    OP: When I shifted my focus to staying under my carb goal, it was way easier for me to come under my calorie goal. Even when I go over my carb goal, I still 99% of the time am under my calorie goal so I don't feel so bad, but my goal still remains to focus on coming under carb.
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
  • Brian_VA
    Brian_VA Posts: 125
    One more thought / question - why are we here counting calories or carbs? People have been on the planet earth for 2 million years. As recently as our grandparents generation everyone was at a pretty healthy weight. Heart disease was low. Insulin sensitivity didn't exist. Almost no one exercised as an adult. No one counted calories. People ate until they were full and went about their business. Why now are so many people's bodies NOT able to regulate their weight?

    Compare total activity back then to now. Did people sit around and watch TV (as often as now) and play XBox back then? Or were they farming, working more active jobs, and moving around? Did people eat fast food then, and drink gallons of soda, as much as they do now?

    As a society we are eating more calories and moving a lot less then previous generations.

    Not sure our grandparents were that much more active than us. Factor in all of the exercise that today's generation does and I might argue the opposite. Either way, they had the ability to eat foods they enjoyed - and had the means to eat enough of it to get fat. Why didn't they? Or better question, why have more and more of OUR bodies lost the ability to maintain themselves at a healthy weight? To tell us, you're full and don't eat any more?

    The following is my opinion.

    I think, as a society, we have been sold a big fat lie about what we should be eating. The so called experts have told us that anything that comes from plants is healthy and natural and good for you, and anything that comes from animals is unhealthy and unnatural and makes you fat. They sold a generation on this concept. They created a food pyramid that said grains were the foundation of our diet - and told us it was irrefutable fact. They got organizations like the American Hearth Association to put their heart healthy logos on sugary cereals loaded with sugar because they doesn't contain saturated fats. Then the food industry scientists started playing with the plant foods and sugars to create the most addictive foods in history. This science got us things like partially hydrogenated vegetable oil that proved to be 100% plant based and extremely ultra-unhealthy! So now we have a generation of people that, in their heart of hearts, think that wheat and grains are healthy, and steak and cheese are not. The only way many of us can control ourselves is to carefully monitor what we eat and record it in MFP so our cerebrums can have the facts they needs to impose the necessary self controls. Our bodies have ceased to be the self-monitoring system that evolution (or God, depending on your beliefs), intended them to be.

    Eating a low carb diet helps restore the body's ability to monitor itself. You become familiar with what "hungry" feels like as opposed to the body's screaming for sugar, which is what we though hunger was. The reason people regain weight after doing this "diet" is they think that once they've lost their weight they can go back to eating the way they always had. And finding the middle ground is very tricky.

    I find exercise and removing certain trigger foods from my diet are the ways I can maintain. I have no illusions of adding sub buns, french fries, crackers, etc. in the future. But I do love many foods I can eat, and I eat them often and without worrying about how much I eat. This is my plan for maintenance - to keep eating as I am now, and allowing my body to find equilibrium.

    It pains me to see people talk about not cutting foods from their diets and losing the "natural way", or "the healthy way", or similar sentiments. In fact they are eating the way that we've been told is healthy and natural, but is in fact neither. We are, in fact, eating in an unhealthy way that puts our bodies in a state that they can't maintain themselves. This is a sickness. 2 years or 5 years or 10 years from now this will all be unraveled and we'll get a more factual picture of what we should be eating by the next generation of nutrition science that I hope like h3ll is smarter than the last generation. There are signs that this is happening already. Can you believe the food pyramid was repealed? The experiment I referenced was conducted and published. Nutrition experts and even doctors are recommending lower carb diets. We are on a new trend - a healthy one - a natural one.
  • mournlight
    Brian: I agree with all you've said, but I'd like to add to it that I believe the foods our grandparents ate were better for them, too, because the food industry hadn't done all the meddling yet. Back then, a tomato was picked in season, a squash was always fresh, and the eggs were from the back yard. Everything was fresher. That's the part of "getting back to it" that I'm really enjoying about what I do hope is a food revolution. They may have all been carb heavy but they were far better for you, imho, than the same items from a can.

    The comment about us thinking it is hunger when our bodies crave sugar is interesting. I'm going to pay more attention to how I feel hunger. Unfortunately, my way of knowing it was time to eat was often because I'd gotten a headache from not eating. That's way past time.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that the types of food we eat impacts how much energy our bodies use (burn) both at rest and when active.

    After losing weight on a diet, subjects were put on three different diets - one high in sugary carbs (typical American diet), one high in low glycemic carbs, and one low in carbs (Atkins). The calories they ate were the same - it was only the mix of carefully measured foods that varied. (This was done in a clinical setting - the subjects were monitored throughout the study).

    The results were people that ate the sugary carbs diet had a lower energy output (they burned fewer calories) than people that ate the low glycemic diet. And people that ate the low glycemic diet burned fewer calories than those that ate the low carb diet.

    How much difference - people that ate low carb could eat about 300 more calories per day than people that ate the sugary diet, because their body was burning about that many more calories.

    This puts a new spin on the "a calorie is a calorie is a calorie" debate.

    One more thought / question - why are we here counting calories or carbs? People have been on the planet earth for 2 million years. As recently as our grandparents generation everyone was at a pretty healthy weight. Heart disease was low. Insulin sensitivity didn't exist. Almost no one exercised as an adult. No one counted calories. People ate until they were full and went about their business. Why now are so many people's bodies NOT able to regulate their weight?
    u gotta post a link with such contradictory info!

    Here is a link to a column from the NY Times that explains and interprets the study:

    And here is a link to the raw study abstract, as published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, June 27, 2012, Vol 307, No. 24
    thx 4 posting the link. his findings r very controversial. i wonder if there have been follow up studies to prove him right or wrong. i wonder how he is quantifying the calories burned. he probably used weight loss not fat loss. weight gain will be shown in subjects with a high cab diet vs those on low carb diet because glycogen makes u hold on to alot of water. i would love 2c a body composition test on the people 2c where the weight variations came from. thx 4 posting.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    Not sure our grandparents were that much more active than us. Factor in all of the exercise that today's generation does and I might argue the opposite.

    I simply disagree.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    One more thought / question - why are we here counting calories or carbs? People have been on the planet earth for 2 million years. As recently as our grandparents generation everyone was at a pretty healthy weight. Heart disease was low. Insulin sensitivity didn't exist. Almost no one exercised as an adult. No one counted calories. People ate until they were full and went about their business. Why now are so many people's bodies NOT able to regulate their weight?

    Compare total activity back then to now. Did people sit around and watch TV (as often as now) and play XBox back then? Or were they farming, working more active jobs, and moving around? Did people eat fast food then, and drink gallons of soda, as much as they do now?

    As a society we are eating more calories and moving a lot less then previous generations.

    Not sure our grandparents were that much more active than us. Factor in all of the exercise that today's generation does and I might argue the opposite. Either way, they had the ability to eat foods they enjoyed - and had the means to eat enough of it to get fat. Why didn't they? Or better question, why have more and more of OUR bodies lost the ability to maintain themselves at a healthy weight? To tell us, you're full and don't eat any more?

    The following is my opinion.

    I think, as a society, we have been sold a big fat lie about what we should be eating. The so called experts have told us that anything that comes from plants is healthy and natural and good for you, and anything that comes from animals is unhealthy and unnatural and makes you fat. They sold a generation on this concept. They created a food pyramid that said grains were the foundation of our diet - and told us it was irrefutable fact. They got organizations like the American Hearth Association to put their heart healthy logos on sugary cereals loaded with sugar because they doesn't contain saturated fats. Then the food industry scientists started playing with the plant foods and sugars to create the most addictive foods in history. This science got us things like partially hydrogenated vegetable oil that proved to be 100% plant based and extremely ultra-unhealthy! So now we have a generation of people that, in their heart of hearts, think that wheat and grains are healthy, and steak and cheese are not. The only way many of us can control ourselves is to carefully monitor what we eat and record it in MFP so our cerebrums can have the facts they needs to impose the necessary self controls. Our bodies have ceased to be the self-monitoring system that evolution (or God, depending on your beliefs), intended them to be.

    Eating a low carb diet helps restore the body's ability to monitor itself. You become familiar with what "hungry" feels like as opposed to the body's screaming for sugar, which is what we though hunger was. The reason people regain weight after doing this "diet" is they think that once they've lost their weight they can go back to eating the way they always had. And finding the middle ground is very tricky.

    I find exercise and removing certain trigger foods from my diet are the ways I can maintain. I have no illusions of adding sub buns, french fries, crackers, etc. in the future. But I do love many foods I can eat, and I eat them often and without worrying about how much I eat. This is my plan for maintenance - to keep eating as I am now, and allowing my body to find equilibrium.

    It pains me to see people talk about not cutting foods from their diets and losing the "natural way", or "the healthy way", or similar sentiments. In fact they are eating the way that we've been told is healthy and natural, but is in fact neither. We are, in fact, eating in an unhealthy way that puts our bodies in a state that they can't maintain themselves. This is a sickness. 2 years or 5 years or 10 years from now this will all be unraveled and we'll get a more factual picture of what we should be eating by the next generation of nutrition science that I hope like h3ll is smarter than the last generation. There are signs that this is happening already. Can you believe the food pyramid was repealed? The experiment I referenced was conducted and published. Nutrition experts and even doctors are recommending lower carb diets. We are on a new trend - a healthy one - a natural one.

    I think you are trying to get to deep and profound with this whole thing. Its a well known fact the generations before moved more, ate foods closer to their natural state and weren't sitting in front of the TV shoving an entire bag of cheetohs down their throats. And actually a lot of our grandparents are now suffering and have died of diabetes, heart diseases, cancers, and our parents are worse off and obese because these grandparents stopped breastfeeding, started feeding them processed foods, thought being fat was being healthy and hearty. For instances those hearty breakfast we like to eat now? Biscuits, gravy, pancakes with syrups, waffles, fats, sausages, bacon, etc? You want to know why people ate like that before and didn't get fat? Because they woke up at 4 am and spent all day grueling manual labor, farms, factories, construction, worked the mines, you name it. Most of us now sit at a desk and troll MyFitnessPal.
  • Brian_VA
    Brian_VA Posts: 125
    The comment about us thinking it is hunger when our bodies crave sugar is interesting. I'm going to pay more attention to how I feel hunger. Unfortunately, my way of knowing it was time to eat was often because I'd gotten a headache from not eating. That's way past time.

    As I get thinner I find I get more symptoms of being hungry than when I had lots of weight to lose. I don't usually get a headache, but a get a dull ache in my lower stomach that says its time to eat. When I start to think about eating something specific, and my brain is telling me to eat it - that is not really hunger - that is a craving.
    thx 4 posting the link. his findings r very controversial. i wonder if there have been follow up studies to prove him right or wrong. i wonder how he is quantifying the calories burned. he probably used weight loss not fat loss. weight gain will be shown in subjects with a high cab diet vs those on low carb diet because glycogen makes u hold on to alot of water. i would love 2c a body composition test on the people 2c where the weight variations came from. thx 4 posting.

    I have not read any opinions saying the research is controversial (no one is saying the research is flawed), but the results are certainly unexpected and fly in the face of some longstanding theories. I do not know how they measured energy expenditure, but think it was more than just weight. If you got a hold of the actual study documents (only the abstract is available for non-subscribers), you might get more details.

    I do hope this spurs more similar studies. Why is there so little of this type of research happening?
    I simply disagree. <in reference to grandparents getting less exercise than we get today>

    Some grandparents got more exercise, some less. Where is the average? I won't argue either side.

    But fundamentally, should our bodies be able to maintain a healthy weight adjusting for our activity level? Would a fish gorge himself to unhealthy obesity? How about a dog or cat? Or a monkey? I think humans have introduced a type of unnatural food into our diets that bypasses the bodies normal regulatory means - and that food is carb heavy and making us fat.
    I think you are trying to get to deep and profound with this whole thing. Its a well known fact the generations before moved more, ate foods closer to their natural state and weren't sitting in front of the TV shoving an entire bag of cheetohs down their throats. And actually a lot of our grandparents are now suffering and have died of diabetes, heart diseases, cancers, and our parents are worse off and obese because these grandparents stopped breastfeeding, started feeding them processed foods, thought being fat was being healthy and hearty. For instances those hearty breakfast we like to eat now? Biscuits, gravy, pancakes with syrups, waffles, fats, sausages, bacon, etc? You want to know why people ate like that before and didn't get fat? Because they woke up at 4 am and spent all day grueling manual labor, farms, factories, construction, worked the mines, you name it. Most of us now sit at a desk and troll MyFitnessPal.

    A lot of truth in that! I think people blame themselves for their instinct to overeat, but that is really not fair. The institutions we trusted to tell us how to eat let us down too. Key is to find something that works for us. Low carb has been vilified in the media as an unhealthy option, and I am trying to let people know that the jury is still out. Maybe it will be found to be unhealthy, but I doubt it. Based on my experience it is a great way to lose weight and there is little if any evidence that points to it being unhealthy. And I know one thing for sure - me at 175 is a lot healthier than me at 225!

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    Not sure our grandparents were that much more active than us. Factor in all of the exercise that today's generation does and I might argue the opposite.

    I simply disagree.

    Me too! I don't know how anyone with any understanding of what life was like 75 or 100 years ago could make that statement.
  • GreenyLeany
    My belief is the new processing of foods and the additives America puts in them. It's all about making more and more money, and to do that America had to get people to buy more and more of their food. A lot has changed in our food molecularly, including an increase in sugar and weird substances that really shouldn't count as food at all. The stuff they use have pretty bad effects on the body, as it's obvious when we look around at other people and hear all about their health problems.

    I actually wonder how different a fully grown strawberry from substance-free soil would taste from a typical one at the super market. If you think about it, even the produce goes through a LOT to get to its place on the shelf.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    Much agreed Greeny......................
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    """""""""""""""I think you are trying to get to deep and profound with this whole thing. Its a well known fact the generations before moved more, ate foods closer to their natural state and weren't sitting in front of the TV shoving an entire bag of cheetohs down their throats. And actually a lot of our grandparents are now suffering and have died of diabetes, heart diseases, cancers, and our parents are worse off and obese because these grandparents stopped breastfeeding, started feeding them processed foods, thought being fat was being healthy and hearty. For instances those hearty breakfast we like to eat now? Biscuits, gravy, pancakes with syrups, waffles, fats, sausages, bacon, etc? You want to know why people ate like that before and didn't get fat? Because they woke up at 4 am and spent all day grueling manual labor, farms, factories, construction, worked the mines, you name it. Most of us now sit at a desk and troll MyFitnessPal."""""""""""""""""""""""

    I completely agree with this, well said.
  • diligentjosh
    Now get out there and go eat a donut before you max out on the bench! Rawr!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    For me, it's both. Carb control enables me to make better choices.

    I prefer lower (and less processed) carbohydrate as I get less ravenous hunger and cravings which enables me to control my intake better.

    I've banged on about calories and the various assumptions made about them before but at some point they clearly do count.

    I once believed there was an inherent significant metabolic advantage to a low carb (or ketogenic) diet in the long term but the more I read the less I think this is a large factor.

    Less blood sugar less often is generally good for a whole host of things health-wise so I'll always be generally on the lower carb side of things.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    For me, it's both.

    This! They are both elements to be managed, it's not either or.