fighting cancer and the weight gain

I am a 40 yr old single mom of 3 boys who was diagnosed 3 years ago. After my bi-lateral mastectomies and full hysterectomy including my ovaries 2 weeks after my mastectomies i have gained over 35 lbs. Over the last 3 years i have undergone several surgeries and procedures during my rebuild process, they put me HRT after they took my ovaries but i gained 20 lbs in a month so i discontinued them. Since the surgeries i have zero energy and have gained to much weight. The doctors have tried me on so many medications trying to get my hormones back in check but nothing seems to work, i have even looked online and tried several different things with no success. So i found this site and am trying really hard to reach my goal. If you have gone through something similar and it doesn't have to be breast cancer any illness that you just cant seem to get back in shape from or have any suggestions or tips feel free to post away. Good luck to everyone on this site and remember no matter your size we are all beautiful. The picture of me is the weight i want to get back to.


  • helenfox
    helenfox Posts: 4 Member
    There are many women who have gone through the same as you. Unfortunately most of us also experience weight gain. It's not HRT that you are taking but it is an anti-hormonal drug that gives you menopause symptoms. That's part of the weight gain. I'm working with a dietician now and she has turned me on to this site. With her support and this site I have lost 40 pounds. So it is doable. Don't give up. If you are looking to connect with others in a similar situation, check out the breast website. Lots of support there.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Good for you for keeping your own physical fitness and wellness a priority during your recovery. I don't have any suggestions, other than making sure you have an endocrinologist manage your care while trying to get your hormones in check. This is definitely a case where a specialist is helpful. Best of luck to you!
  • wishing you good health and success. never ever give up. im sorry, im just lost for words. :flowerforyou:
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    There are many women who have gone through the same as you. Unfortunately most of us also experience weight gain. It's not HRT that you are taking but it is an anti-hormonal drug that gives you menopause symptoms. That's part of the weight gain. I'm working with a dietician now and she has turned me on to this site. With her support and this site I have lost 40 pounds. So it is doable. Don't give up. If you are looking to connect with others in a similar situation, check out the breast website. Lots of support there.

    No, it may very well be an HRT she is taking. If her tumor wasn't estrogen-receptive then she wouldn't be put on an 'anti-hormonal' drug as you are referring to. Not everyone takes adjuvent therapy.
  • I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer 2 years ago. About 18 months ago I had bilateral mastectomies and hysterectomy and just in the past 6 months I have gained 25lbs - omg! i am so disgusted and frustrated. I've had weight loss surgery, but since the hysterectomy I am gaining weight.

    Here's wishing you many more years and successful weight loss.
  • ItsTimeDave
    ItsTimeDave Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Soliquay,

    I cant relate to what you have and are going through, so the only comments i can make is this.. I found your post very open and honest, which i like and admire. If you would like to add me as a friend please feel free, I am good at giving people a kick up the *kitten* if they need it, or have been know to try and crack ajoke or two and make people smile when they need it.

    What ever you choose with friendship on here i wish you the best of health and good luck for the future, may your weightloss journey be a successful one.

    Dave :)
  • yes its hard, congratulations on beating the fight. It is a long journey trying to get back in shape but if we stay positive and try try try i am sure we will succeed.
  • Susete
    Susete Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am in the middle of my breast cancer battle. This Thursday is my last Chemo round 12 yay! Then I will have a body scan then surgery and then 5 weeks of radiation. I was on here and doing very well with my weight goal until my DX I have gained 8-10 lbs from chemo. And plan of taking it off as soon as I can, but chemo make me tired and weak. So I don't eat right or excise. I would love to add new "friends" to list so I can start adding my weight again to my app on my phone each morning. I wish everyone the best!
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Bless your heart!

    I have a friend who is battling cancer for the third time now... and she's having the same issue. I know she has some days that are good, some that are bad... but I know one thing for sure... her tenacious nature, spunk, and sense of humor are getting her through it all.

    Good to see that you came here for support and it looks like you have a few that have experienced the same to help you on your journey! There are a lot of supportive awesome people on here..... :)
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    You are so young to have been going through what you have. You have an amazing outlook and attitude. I have never had cancer, but I did become physically disabled 4 yrs. ago when I was 44 and after that I gained about 80 lbs. due to health issues. It has been a long road to lose this wt., but it is so worth it. I know that you can do it.
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    Wishing you the best for health and recovery and that you can regain energy to exercise again. Sorry you are going through this :(
  • wilmawm
    wilmawm Posts: 81 Member
    I'm going through treatment for breast cancer right now - I just finished chemo and will start radiation in January. I haven't had any significant weight issues wih it yet, but after losing a large amount of weight before being diagnosed, I am rather concerned about gaining it back.
  • I just resumed chemo last week for metastatic breast cancer. Since the recurrence diagnosis two weeks ago, I'm trying really hard to keep up my weight loss journey. I started in July and have lost 37 pounds. Would love buddies/friends to help motivate!