Should I do Interval training on empty stomach?

Hi all! I plan to workout first thing in the morning on empty stomach before I go to school, because I dont have time to eat breakfast, wait for the food to digest, workout and then go to class. I do the interval training workouts which are short but quite intense. I've done it in the past and I dont feel dizzy or anything but I was wondering if I am burning muscle or anything like that. I als oplan to eat a high protein breakfast (eggs,banana, greek yogurt) after the workout.


  • iwbsme
    iwbsme Posts: 16 Member
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    When I do morning workouts, I usually just drink water or a Powerade once I wake up. Evening workouts is when I usually eat an hour or 1.5 hours before my workout. It is more of a personal preference. I tend to get nauseous if I eat to close to when I workout.
  • iwbsme
    iwbsme Posts: 16 Member
    thanks for the reply, my only concern is muscle loss, but if I thought If I ate protein right after it shouldn't be a problem right?
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    eating after is ok. I can't workout on a full tummy either
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I drink water or iced tea before I run or bike in the morning to avoid dehydration. Breakfast comes after the workout.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Just as long as you intake protein after your workout then you will be just fine. Some say after weight lifting you have protein within 30 minutes of completing the workout.
  • 46Phil
    46Phil Posts: 36 Member
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Depends on the person.

    If I workout with an empty stomach I will pass out.
    Other people are fine.

    Something as small as a banana with PB is good if you want a little something and won't make you sick during the workout.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    thanks for the reply, my only concern is muscle loss, but if I thought If I ate protein right after it shouldn't be a problem right?


    It's what your body needs as energy source at the time of the workout, not what it got later.

    So you fasted all night basically, your liver glucose stores are almost tapped out.

    You go do a glucose intensive workout.

    Now, the muscles have glucose in them for what the muscles need, that's fine and great. But that can't be put into the blood stream, only the local muscles.

    So the liver is finished off, blood sugar drops, there is no more available glucose to put in to help, so something is going to be used. Some of the lactic acid from your intense carb-burning workout will be used, but sadly that is slow and inefficient, or else you would never feel the burn.

    The next most efficient thing to break down is muscle. To the tune of 600 cal in a lb when used that way.
    Now, this at least is not for general use, only the blood sugar, used for brain and heart and other organs that have no glucose storage. So it's not much, but it is some.

    I lost 3.2 lbs of muscle that way over 6 weeks with specific spin bike one night followed next day with intense run, and never topping off carbs enough, same situation.

    Buy some Clif Bars that have 40 carbs to 10 protein about, and eat as soon as you wake up with water. It should be digested enough by the time you get to the gym.

    You eating protein afterwards won't matter, it'll be used to repair the muscle you actually used, not what was torn down for glucose.
    You won't make that back while eating at good deficit, not working it out heavily, and you don't even know what was broken down.

    And while it only supplies 600 calories of energy, it takes more than 3500 to build it, and lucky to get 2 lbs a month when doing things properly.

    I don't suggest it.

    What kind of intervals do you think you are going to do every morning? Only 20% of your cardio time should be spent on intervals, or you really don't get out of what you are putting into it.

    If this is for the purpose of fat burning, actually do that which works better, even while fasted. Weight lifting.
    Upper one morning, lower the next. Repeat.
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    Options covers your question.

    He does use some profanity, but the information is great.

  • iwbsme
    iwbsme Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for all your help! Is great knowing Im not compromising muscle working out on empty stomach.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks for all your help! Is great knowing Im not compromising muscle working out on empty stomach.

    No one else is speaking to your specific workout.

    Intense intervals.

    You are.
  • iwbsme
    iwbsme Posts: 16 Member
    :o what are some things I can eat and workout right after? No time to wait for it to digest
  • this1bigdog
    this1bigdog Posts: 350 Member
    just a small amount of crabs to replace the ones you just burn. . I recommend a bananna. . good for potassium too. . doesn't take much shouldn't be a whole meal unless you aren't planning to eat breakfast . . but a small snack is always good after a work out to replace the carbs you just used up
  • iwbsme
    iwbsme Posts: 16 Member
    so you would suggest weight training on empty stomach instead?
  • iwbsme
    iwbsme Posts: 16 Member
    just a small amount of crabs to replace the ones you just burn. . I recommend a bananna. . good for potassium too. . doesn't take much shouldn't be a whole meal unless you aren't planning to eat breakfast . . but a small snack is always good after a work out to replace the carbs you just used up

    yea I will probably do that
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    so you would suggest weight training on empty stomach instead?


    Doesn't burn nearly the number of carb calories during the session, but burns fat later through the day during repair, after you've given it that great high protein breakfast, which will be used during repair of muscles.

    It's incredible the number of posters that didn't actually read your post nor intent nor plans.
  • 46Phil
    46Phil Posts: 36 Member
    This is a summary of the article I suggested:

    "Article Summary:

    The first thing to assess with cardio on an empty stomach is the intensity of cardio.
    If you're following a low carb diet, this could lead to greater fatigue during the workout.
    As you get leaner, it becomes more likely that fasted cardio will cause you to lose muscle."
  • 46Phil
    46Phil Posts: 36 Member
    I took interval training to be cardio.
  • iwbsme
    iwbsme Posts: 16 Member
    so you would suggest weight training on empty stomach instead?


    Doesn't burn nearly the number of carb calories during the session, but burns fat later through the day during repair, after you've given it that great high protein breakfast, which will be used during repair of muscles.

    It's incredible the number of posters that didn't actually read your post nor intent nor plans.

    thankyou!!! saved me from losing muscles xD what about bodyweight exercises like pushups squats etc? I usually have a cardio workout and then a strength/weight workout; Now I plan to do strength/weights in the morning on empty stomach and cardio when I get home from school, does that sound like a good plan?