Need Motivation! 39 & Tired of being chubby

I have always been a jogger/runner...someone that exercises regularly, but have always been 20 to 30 pounds overweight...and I am so sick of it...I have recently lost my motivation to even exercise...what is wrong with me? Is this what midlife feels like..? I am so discouraged right now...I have always been self motivated in everything, but I think I have just run out of steam...any ideas on how I can get motivated again?



  • Heather0123456789
    You just do it! The want will come when you see the hard work pay off! Trust me ;)
  • eandrsmom
    eandrsmom Posts: 119
    Fake it till you make it!!!!! You got this! :smile:
  • YouniquelyInspired
    Start off with a one week goal. (in mind) see if you can lose one- two pounds.
    Jogging in place is probably the best way to start. Depending on your weight, you can break down your total everyday exercise calories into the day. jog 5 minutes ever 2 hours or etc. Watch something on tv that keeps your attention and weigh yourself in a week, see if you've lost what you're expecting. Dont weight yourself everyday. just keep the everyday routine and weigh in in a week only! Remember to stay within your calories, or you'll have to exercise off what you've went over to stay constant. Good luck and follow up with us soon!
  • casey882
    casey882 Posts: 291 Member
    I hear what ur saying I used to feel like you do then I started using this site and app on my phone and couldn't believe how many calories were in some of the foods I ate it opened my eyes even though I thought I was eatting less and I should be losing weight I was still eatting too much the phone app is great just scan n eat it works
  • jonkers2012
    jonkers2012 Posts: 32 Member
    Sometimes things going on ones life can make us lose interest in things we used to enjoy. Fretting over your lack of desire won't help you, and sometimes logical answers like the excellent suggestions above just don't help. I'd look at your life and see what might be dragging you down and try and address it. However, what IS true is that (as others have said) if you start exercising those endorphins will really help you. Good luck :)
  • FitinHonau
    FitinHonau Posts: 63 Member
    Add me if you want! I am 40. I had some 8-10 kilos too much, since 2 years and I was about to accept it and be happy with it when I found this website begining of september. I have lost 3 kilos since and I am more motivated to do sports with the encouragements of other friends. Do not be discouraged! We can do it together!
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    ”It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.”

    Keep on trucking, remember why you're doing this and that'll be motivation enough for you
  • myssetareh
    stay positive!mfp is amazing you need to be patient and you will see the results. being motivated will make you succeed!never give up dear!best of luck:)
  • dori1979
    dori1979 Posts: 7 Member
    Try something new!! That always gets me out of a workout rut! You can do this!!
  • casimir2
    casimir2 Posts: 4 Member
    keep your head up! keep in mind you are in control what you put in your mouth.

    this is what i am saying to myself, I know how you feel because I feel the same. On my birthday 11/7 I have been looking for full time work for 4years. I have gained pity(why me) weight on. and i want it OFF only I can do it. i have too many clothes in size 10-12 to just let go : ) please keep in mind we fall down put we get back up (keep it moving)
  • JonesClanSC
    JonesClanSC Posts: 4 Member
    Hang in there! I just turned 40 this year and am also looking for motivators! Feel free to add me! :)
  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    Add me if you like! I turned 40 last month, and am finding it REALLY hard to shift any weight at all at the moment.. it used to be so easy! But the support and encouragement on here is fantastic.
  • saihtnyc
    saihtnyc Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 39 too and have gone through periods of not being motivated to exercise. Sometimes it seems like an endless cycle. I'm out of the rut now and would recommend like someone else said - change it up. Find something that looks interesting and fun, a zumba class or DVD, an exercise machine, a running group.

    The times when I was most motivated were when I had other people to do it with - step classes at a gym, the local running club or running store fun runs or training groups, etc.

    Right now I just got the Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred for something to do at home, and run with my baby in the stroller, so I feel like I have things to look forward to and it's not a "chore".

    You can do it! Feel free to add me.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Are you truly tired of it? Because if you are truly fed CAN and WILL do it! It took me a while of stops & starts but finally at age 38 I REALLY got serious and lost 35 lbs. I know you can lose the weight too! Remember exercise is just the proverbial icing on the intake is 99% of it!

    If you aren't motivated to work out for 30 minutes at a 10 minutes 3x during the day. 10 minutes before work, 10 minutes at lunch, 10 minutes after can talk yourself into doing 10 minutes of squats and lunges, 10 minutes of jumping jacks & mountain climbers (or running or whatever), 10 minutes of abs or stretching.

    The other thing I found helpful when I lost the weight: I joined a challenge (its very motivating to compete against others and against yourself), train for an event (5k, 10k, Warrior Dash, Hero Rush, Tough Mudder, Triathlon, Half Marathon). I am currently training for a half. I am not yet registered for a half b/c I don't know if I want to do one or not, but I started Hal Higdon's Half Marathon 12 week training program this morning (novice1). Have a goal to work towards. I would like to work towards a triathlon but I can't train during the winter b/c I don't have access to a pool (indoors or otherwise) and I am just learning to swim...this one may be on hold for a bit...but I will come back to it.

    Add me if you'd like! I know what it's like to be tired of being "chubby" ....I was 152 (size 12 almost 14) and I dropped to 118 (size 2). I am currently 120 and size 2...

    I know you can reach your goals too!
  • tashmcphee
    If I ever need motivation, I remember why I started in the first place. I want to be a fit healthier version of me I don't want to don't want my photo taken any more or not allow people to post pictures of me. I also look at motivational's well, I find some of these sayings really help! One that sticks in my mind all the time is when you feel you can't go on any further, you're already hurting so you might as well make it worth it.

    Jogging is also a great stress reliever I find, I actual look forward to jogging/running after work forget the day forget everything except you and the road.

    Remember you're the only one who can make your self stick to it., and you are worth it.

    Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • mrtoaster
    mrtoaster Posts: 90 Member
    I'm also terrible at motivating myself, each day I have a mental battle to get myself to the gym. But once I get there I am nearly always OK and I love the endorphin rush I get afterwards. I have recently started learning to jog which I love and hate in equal measures.

    One little manta I follow when I’m struggling is “Instead of asking Why? Ask Why not?”

    Fell free to add me if you want