Lesson Learned on Post-run Eating

Usually when I learn something new about my body, I'm like, "Cool! Neat-o!" Not today. Today I learned that if a distance runner does not eat within 30 minutes of completing her long run, even if she wants to shower really bad and isn't hungry, she can become horrifically nauseous and expel all liquids consumed (and that crappy Gu stuff) until dry heaving. Not cool. Not neat-o.

I ran 12 miles, including some pretty intense hills. When I completed, I felt it had been a pretty decent run. My time was not perfect, but that's what happens when I have to wait for street lights. I felt good and skipped my typical immediate post-run snack thinking I'd eat when I got hungry. I didn't get hungry. I got sick. I've had GI issues in the past, but not, um, the vomity kind. I looked into some runner's forums and found other people had similar issues and it was likely caused from low blood sugar and/or dehydration. It was suggested the runner would feel better as soon as she ate. YES. Thank you. As much as I had no desire to eat, this helped a lot, and I'm like a real human being again. :)

Hopefully this helps someone and you don't go through the moments of panic I did where I imagined myself at the emergency room with an IV because I couldn't keep anything in. Ugh, I hate needles!


  • chaosqueen01
    chaosqueen01 Posts: 20 Member
    Uh, doesn't sound like something you want go through twice! :(

    Luckily you felt better after eating! And thanks for the advice, I'm someone who normally doesn't eat directly after running. I should change this immediately.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    what are some stuff you eat before a run? i have been trying to get into running but i dont eat before because it tends to upchuck any tips?
  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    I also find after a long run (12km +) on a hot day if I wait until I start to get nauseated to eat something it's already too late. Now I bring Jelly Tots or Energade Gummies with me & have at least a few within 15 minutes of finishing the run. Ugh, that's a horrible feeling.
  • Crysti
    Crysti Posts: 17
    I'm not a huge fan of eating before a run, but my goal is a marathon, so it's kind of necessary. I'm trying to condition myself to not hate it. That and a mid-run supplement. I almost cried the first time I tried Gu. If I'm just running a few miles, say less than 4 or 5, and I'm crunched for time, I'll skip eating in the morning. If I have a longer distance planned, I try to get up a little early and I usually nosh on an energy bar or banana or something. I like Clif Mojo bars and Larabars. I've also had good luck with a slice of toast with peanut butter or Greek yogurt with honey. Just because of my schedule, I don't usually run in the evening (which could be another issue I had today), but I try not to eat anything substantial within 3- 4 hours of a run- just a 100-200 calorie snack if I get hungry first.

    P.S. Honey Stingers go down a little better than Gu for mid-run. I just used what was laying around. It was a collection of bad decisions today! Lol.
  • evilmonkee
    evilmonkee Posts: 55 Member
    Ouch! I learned the same lesson the same way, after a 12.5 mile run couple weeks ago (except GU is kind to my GI system, honey stingers wreck havoc). It was not pretty- now I take GU with me whenever I do more than 10 miles and make sure to hydrate the day before and the day of.
    As soon as I get home, I choke down some food with protein and carbs. Eating when I don't feel like it is not super pleasant, but it beats looking like the girl from the Exorcist.
  • mbcasey2009
    mbcasey2009 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm the same way, I'm not usually hungry after a long run. I do find it easier to drink something after, so I'll usually take water and mix a NUUN tab or two into it. They're slightly fizzy so it helps settle my stomach too, although it took a while to figure out which flavors wouldn't make the nausea worse! This will keep you from getting dehydrated as well. Worked on my 11 miler the other day anyway. I feel your pain, good luck!
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    I find it quite hard to eat straight after a run too; but chocolate milk is easy on my stomach, as recommended by several articles I have read over the past few months.