Help Losing weight

mary71225 Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I have off and on started and quit MyFitnessPal but I really want to stick to it this time; I have found my self looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. I don't have time to go to any big programs and I don't have time to go to excercise classes. I try to excercise at home with my kids when possible. I work 8-5 M-f; I go to classes 3 days a week; m4-6 , Tuesday and Wed 1-3; I run my kids to their practices afterwards; so it is hard for me to eat right or excercise right. In the past I have tried to bring lunch; and something to snack on that is healthy; but it isn't so easy to find food that is easy on the go and to have time to prepare it. Does anyone have any suggestions that I haven't already posted here?
I am ready to get on board with this and try to lose weight before I am too big to move or end up with more health problems than I already have.


  • Dlhigh
    Dlhigh Posts: 72 Member
    One of my favorite things to take to lunch ( I always pack my lunch ) is a lean pocket, 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese, and some baby carrots. If you buy the right lean pockets lunch will be about 360 calories. Another favorite is the Progresso light soups, They have about 160 cal in the whole can, and just throw in a few things to go with it. I plan my lunch the night before, once you get into the habit, it's pretty easy. A few other fun things are sugar free snack pack pudding for 50 calm and Light string cheese.
    With just a bit of planning you will do fine.
  • caityjean
    caityjean Posts: 40
    For the situation you're in, I think the best thing you can do is change your eating habits. I was super busy last semester and didn't have time for exercise either, but I made a big difference simply by incorporating a lot more raw fruits and veggies into my diet. Also, drinking those 8 glasses of water (I try and aim for 10) makes a huge difference.

    Try and think about the things that fill you up and see if you can change those things first. For example, I always get hungry around 3 and the easiest option is to run into some fast food place. But now I'll just have a banana or an apple. Both of which really fill me up. If I'm in a huge rush and need something on the go, I'll get a Jamba Juice or frozen yogurt. No a perfect choice, but better than McDonalds if I'm on the road!
  • djksinn
    djksinn Posts: 1
    Wow, sounds like you have your plate full!! I have learned in the past, that sometimes we have to be a little selfish (so to speak) about time for ourselves. Because I have a full schedule as well, I had to put it into perspective one day for me..."If I can not find ONE HOUR a day for myself, to take care of myself, then there is a problem." I truly believe, that out of 24 hours in a day, if I can not find time to workout (or do something active, walk, bike ride etc...) then I am actually hurting not only myself, but my family and loved ones. You only have one body and it deserves to be treated like gold! So you can actually be around to spend time with your family for years to come!! Healthy!! Not to say that I workout everyday for an hour, so in that case in point, what is finding an hour a day only three days a week?? I hope this helps a little, to put it in better perspective of how important it is to take care of YOU. As far as snacks on the go...I have found that any fruits are easy...bananas, grapes, apples, oranges just to name a few...I also like to take hard boiled eggs...great protein and very satisfying, however, not many people like hard boiled eggs on the go :) Good luck!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Meal planning will help you a lot. That way you are thinking ahead. You will only need a little time put it all together. You could also try snaking on dry cereal. Maybe on your day off set time aside to weigh and measure and pack your snacks for the week to come. djksinn is right about taking time for yourself. You might be totally pooped at the end of your day but you need to make the time you. Maybe get up a little earlier or maybe in your breaks at work if you can go outside and take a walk or go up and down the stairs. Think of the small changes you can make. You might not lose as quickly as you would like but you are doing the healthy thing. Baby steps! You can do this.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I too have a very hectic schedule. Finding time for me has been a real challenge. You have to make you a priority. I have set aside other things I would normally be doing to make sure I get an hour to myself every evening to exercise. Not easy after a ten hour work shift, but I refuse to let my job have all of me, so I force myself to do it. Sometimes I don't get the full hour, but at least a half.

    Planning meals is just too difficult for me, so what I do, is just grab all the healthiest things I can manage to at the grocery store every Sunday, keeping in mind, healthy snack foods, and a few basics that can be used for dinners. After I get the groceries away, I prepare breakfasts and snacks to take to work for the week. Mornings are always rushed, and having something ready in the fridge that I can just heat up or grab and go is fantastic. It doesn't take too long. I hard boil eggs, make a batch of steel cut oatmeal, cut up carrots and celery, yogurt and berries, and neatly stick it all in tupperware.Whatever healthy snack floats your boat! It has really helped out my mornings and kept me away from the junk when I get the hungries at work. A pretty simple thing I wish I had started doing years ago. Very little prep time really. It's an hour spent in the kitchen on Sunday, and ends up saving time in the end. Also yes fruit, it's pre-packaged goodness ready-to-go.
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