Eating disorder treatment and supplementation

Just a question for any of my friends out there who have been through an eating disorder treatment program. When I went through mine 2 years ago, if we struggled with eating enough food, it was recommended that we supplement (with ensure/boost/etc.). For a while after I came home, I continued to supplement with lower nutritional supplements (like special k protein shakes when I worked out) I was just wondering if any of you have continued this practice after returning home from rehab. There are some days when I still struggle to get in enough calories (and some where I still go way over), and my dietician said that even though my goal is weight loss, it is still important to not eat too few calories (because of binge/purge problem.) I am no longer seeing a dietician, and I just wanted other people's feedback about this. Thanks :)


  • Hey girly I've been out of treatment for a year now and I've still been drinking the ensure boost. Also,my dietician had me drinking Nestle Carnation Instant Breakfast Essentials. As, you know some days are more of a struggle than others so these drink are still very helpful to me.I don't drink them as much as i should but they are healthy and will give your body the extra protein, calcium and vitamins . Hope i was helpful :)
  • islebutterfly09
    islebutterfly09 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks so much for your response!! It makes me feel better that I am not the only one who still does this. My dietician also had me on Carnation for a while, but I have been back and forth between that and ensure. I don't take them often, but some of the medicine that my doctor prescribed me for anxiety makes me extremely ill to my stomach, so I have recently started back on the supplement. Anyways, thank you so much for helping me to feel not alone!! :)