Biggest looser?

tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
I am a huge fan of reality TV but Ive never watched Biggest Looser before. I caught the first episode and than last nights. I'm a really disappointed. I didnt find the show motivating at all. I thought that some of the advice was good from the trainers but the whole thing seems horrible to me. It made me feel so bad for those people. First off, I am not an expert but I do know that loosing that much wt in that short of a time can not be healthy. Also wt loss has to start and end in your head. They are not teaching people real life situations. Its easier to be healthy when you have the whole world watching but its those quiet moments when no one is watching that count. Also I feel humilated every time they kick someone off. Just dont think its right. Maybe I havent given the show more of a chance but dont think I'll be watching after the whole temptation thing. Maybe its too personal for me and I relate too well to everyone and feel like everyone whos trying deserve to win.

PS My husband loves the show and thinks I'm crazy =)


  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    I don't think you're crazy, I agree with you! I am not knocking people who enjoy the show, to each his/her own. I do feel it promotes a very unhealthy way to lose weight, and honestly, if it worked, there wouldn't be so many previous contestant and winners who have gained much if not all back, and are trying to lose it again, it's sad :frown:
  • chellebelle
    I agree with you for pretty much the same reasons. I know I'm lucky to find 30-60 minutes to exercise. But at the same time, I've never actually watched a whole episode all the way through. I mean, it doesn't take a genus to figure out if you workout 8 hours a day you'll lose weight.
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    Sorry:grumble: but I have to agree with your husband!!! I love that show :love: and I find all kinds of encouragment out of it..also if you just watch what kind of exercises they are doing then you can add to your own exercise plan:heart: ..and yes the trainers give very good info and tips...I also bought the Jillians 30 day Shred cause I find her so motivating..:drinker: Sorry you didnt get more out of it:sad: (just my opinion)
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    I do like watching the biggest looser, but also agree that loosing weight that fast is not good. I feel they will gain the weight back if they dont stick to the hours and hours of exercise they are putting in each day. I think they are offered extended privaleges to work out at a exercise facility near by but not sure how long that last. I also think the 2 looking for those cards in the slots along with the food were enjoying every bite of it, for the show they said that the food was making them sick, ya right those cookies looked good to me lol.
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    Oh man! I am such a huge fan. I wish I could go on the show! It has changed in the past few seasons, and it seems like its less about eating healthy and working out, and more about plugging a bunch of products and exploiting any sad stories in the contestants lives, but I still am addicted.
    I know that normally it wouldn't be that healthy to lose weight so quickly, but they monitor them very closely on the show, and all of the contestants have so many health problems to begin with that the risks of their prior health problems outweight the risks of losing too quickly. I mean this season there was a guy that started out weighing more than 500 pounds, and several others that came pretty close to the 500 pound mark.
    And some of the contestants have gained weight back, but a lot of them run marathons now, in fact I saw Bernie one of the past contestants at a half marathon in chicago, and a lot of them have become nutritionists or personal trainers. I just love seeing the progression from the beginning of the show till the end. I can't wait till the makeover episode.
  • penny38_1999
    penny38_1999 Posts: 25 Member
    I also dont agree. They are getting the chance of a life time to change their health and there ways. Of course its filled with 8 hours of excerise, but we dont see alot of what is going on, learning to eat right, cook right, and giving and getting the support they need. And remember its a show, and its a ranch, they are away from home, what else would they do all day long, might as well excerise and get the weight off while they can. then learn to keep it off when they go home. I say you cant lose weight fast enough. but the key to it all is to keep it off, and i feel that most of them will but not all of them. Just like a lot of us on here, we lose the same weight over and over again, we have to make our mind its a life style change and stick to it. If I had the chance to lose all that weight, that fast, i would be damn if i would turn around and put it all back on after such hard work. good luck to them all
  • jswann
    jswann Posts: 1
    I really enjoy the show. I even listen to the Biggest Loser Podcast with two people who chat about their jouney though weight loss and excercise. It is a great way to walk and listen .... helps with motivation. I would love to go the Ranch one day. It would be life changing.
  • Jerzeebabie04
    I like the show and I have learned some really good tips from watching it. The trainers do give the contestants good information to go by, how to eat healthy and how to face difficult times without relying on food. Sometimes I think Jillian goes a little too far trying to make people cry so that they will bring their feelings out and deal with them. But it is important for people to realize why they gained the weight and learn a new way of dealing with their problems. Of course it's not healthy to lose that much weight that quickly, but they do eat the number of calories they are supposed to and they workout 6 hours a day. They are doing it the right way, just too fast, which isn't good. But the whole being kicked off thing is all about the money, it's a game where people lose weight and learn to change their lifestyle. And then when they get kicked off they have to go home and keep all the stuff they learned and continue to work at it. Because they will be on the finale so they end up learning even more than just when they are on camera. They have to apply what they learned and when the finale comes around how well they applied it will be revealed. It's motivation that helps them keep doing it, and we all need a little motivation sometimes.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I completely agree with you. I've tried to watch the show a few times. But I just can't stand it. It's unrealistic. They make those severely overweight people do ridiculously dangerous exercises. I've seen the trainers make people use the leg press with another morbidly weight person standing on it. I've seen those trainers scream obscenities at their clients. And I'm sorry, but someone who weighs that much should not be putting so much stress on their joints by running all day long.

    I cannot stand Jillian Michaels. I refuse to buy any of her books or work out videos because I think her behavior on that show is just appalling. She needs to lighten up... not on the scale, but in her attitude.

    My former personal trainer was staying in my home for a while last year and we tried to watch an episode together one night. She was totally shocked at how dangerous the exercises were and how badly the people were being treated. I think we stopped watching after about 10 minutes because we couldn't take it anymore.
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    I watch the show for what it is worth. Entertainment. I have picked up some train ing tips as well. My main problem is that they set these people up to "play games" and then Jillian and Bob come on and act all upset that the contestants went for the scripted bait.