24 year old, bride to be!


I was on weight watchers in college and lost 40 some pounds. Left college, joined the stressful adult life of trying to find a job, moving out, etc, gained it all back and some! Now I am finally in a stable everything- career (I'm a teacher), home (we own our home), and relationship (getting married in March). Time to start a new health style too!

Usually when I get home, I just sit. I make supper. I sit some more. I watch tv with the hubby and don't do much of anything. No more!

I have a couple of goals this week- be more active, drink more water, and stay off facebook and pinterist! Ha!


  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Word of warning you'll replace the facebook addiction with MFP addiction lol
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    Word of warning you'll replace the facebook addiction with MFP addiction lol

    hehe so true! im on here all day faffing even while at work xxx
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP! Congratulations on your wedding, I hope it all goes to plan! We got married in September and trying to loose weight became a nightmare in those last few months, I gained back everything I lost and am back here starting again, I hope you have more luck than I did. LOL Feel free to add me if you want some support ^_^
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    your in the right place! this is all thats ever worked for me :D good timing too if everything is stable! x
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Word of warning you'll replace the facebook addiction with MFP addiction lol

    hehe so true! im on here all day faffing even while at work xxx

    Work ??? lol
  • Hello! When are you getting married? My big day is April 12th next year and I'm on MFP to lose atleast 14lbs before my first dress fitting in early March.
    5lbs down already so I feel like I can do it!! Add me if you want a fellow Bride to Be for moral support! Word of warning though, I will message you if you stop logging on ;o)
  • Welcome :smile: you will indeed replace your facebook addiction with MFP addiction, haha I certainly have.

    I'm 24 and got married last March and losing weight for it was difficult and unfortunately I got married at a size 22 :sad: however my husband said he didn't care he was with me for me not my size (which is a bloody good job lol)

    I lost 56lbs on here back in 2010 however that creeped back on in 2011 to early 2012 and now i'm losing again. 16lbs down so far so hopefully it keeps going in the right direction.

    Feel free to add me on here I always welcome new MFP friends to help along their weightloss journey and vice versa. Hope to see you around :happy:
  • MsRuth12
    MsRuth12 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Thanks everyone! My big date is March 16! I'm in major weight loss mode! Woke up at 5 am to work out this morning before work.
  • Hi there, I am getting married on Feb 2nd of next year and want to lose a bit to make myself happier and the husband to be who is a physical trainer in the army, happy as well ;) want to lose about 10 or more lbs. Let's get started!