Going to the gym tomorrow...



  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member

    Honestly, the only 2 things that make me mad at the gym are
    1: When people don't clean off their machines and,

    This so drives me nuts. Happens a lot in my gym
  • HarlowAudrey
    I understand where you are coming from.

    When I started going to the gym earlier in the year, and as I lost weight, many people came and complimented me and made me feel AMAZING for the weight I had lost.

    Well, I have gained it all back and am mortified to be seen.. but you know what, if I don't, nothing will change. I did it once, I can do it again.

    Just go in there, do your thing, and enjoy yourself!
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member

    get pumped
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    first of all... NO ONE looks good at the gym! lol, and if they do then theyre not there for the right reasons

    second of all.. like another person said.. any time i see someone very overweight at the gym i feel proud of them. dont be ashamed, you are doing something great for your life
  • nosillanosilla
    I always think "you go girl (or dude)". We all started somewhere and we're all there for the same reason :)
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    Here is my EXTREME honesty.

    When I see a heavyset person at my gym, my very first thought is, "Least they're trying." I see tons out in daily life who'd rather not try, and complain about their physical limitations due to size.

    Second thought is, "Good, they're bigger than me, maybe no one will think MY *kitten* is the widest thing in here."

    Third thought is, "Why are they bigger than me and still look better in their workout gear than I do?" I have a seriously disproportionate belly, and i have saddlebags from hell, i look plain ol funny in my outfit.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    Here is my EXTREME honesty.

    When I see a heavyset person at my gym, my very first thought is, "Least they're trying." I see tons out in daily life who'd rather not try, and complain about their physical limitations due to size.

    Second thought is, "Good, they're bigger than me, maybe no one will think MY *kitten* is the widest thing in here."

    Third thought is, "Why are they bigger than me and still look better in their workout gear than I do?" I have a seriously disproportionate belly, and i have saddlebags from hell, i look plain ol funny in my outfit.

  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    What is this myth that only thin people exercise? ALL bodies need exercise !
  • shayyyface
    You know, whenever I see someone whose overweight working out, whether at the gym or running down the street, I always almost get envious of how proud they are going to feel after their run. I always just assume that they surely are much more proud after, perhaps even accomplishing something they never thought actually possible, than I am after my runs.

    And then again, I always feel SOO proud for any one ever working out and being healthy!
  • Goddessmaker1
    Goddessmaker1 Posts: 114 Member
    Honey I need you to have a seat after you get through with the treadmill seriously. Only your self-concious self would feel this way. **** anyone who has anything to say. Like are you going to allow someone who doesn't give you any at night,pay any bills or anything of value in your life stop you because they looking. No! And if they are staring give them something to stare at..
  • zmoreno10
    zmoreno10 Posts: 69 Member
    As many (including yourself) have said, Who cares? Seriously, if somebody gives you a look, give 'em a look right back!
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    Honey I need you to have a seat after you get through with the treadmill seriously. Only your self-concious self would feel this way. **** anyone who has anything to say. Like are you going to allow someone who doesn't give you any at night,pay any bills or anything of value in your life stop you because they looking. No! And if they are staring give them something to stare at..

    haha this is pure awesome.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I can honestly say I have never looked at anyone at the gym and thought "why are they here". There is one guy who was over 400 lbs (he's lost around 190 lbs). He actually inspires me more than anyone else I see at the gym, including my friend who competed in a national bodybuilding competition. He inspires me so much, I started following his blog. He also posted about thinking similar things you do, which I find is funny because I think pretty much the opposite.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I started working out at a gym (24 hour fitness) when I was morbidly obese. I never noticed anyone looking at me funny. About a month into my membership, the spin instructor (who had probably seen me on the elliptical every day of that month) came and personally asked me to give her class a shot. I would have waited a long time to try a spin class because I was so out of shape. But, she taught me how to take class at my own pace and I've made so much progress. It gave me the confidence to try other classes, and instructors showed me modifications when necessary. I can totally rock spin class now and can also run, swim, lift, jump... tons of things I wasn't able to do or comfortable doing in the past.

    I think it would have been hard to overcome negativity, and I was lucky and found none at my gym. In fact, people comment all the time on all the progress I've made, and it feels terrific. I hope you have a similar experience, but if you are unlucky, just stick with it. Eventually, people will see that you are working hard and are dedicated to making positive changes. If it still sucks after a few months, look at other gyms in the area that might be more welcoming.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Nobody will notice anything. I would say just make sure your hubby helps with the gym etiquette. That's all we care about. :)
  • marceguerrero
    Anytime I see someone overweight at the gym (including myself) I think 'good for them' and am usually impressed at how hard they're working. go for it I know you'll feel fantastic for doing your best x

  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    There's this girl at our uni's rec center who HAS to be over three hundred pounds. And whenever I see her there she's puffing along on the treadmill, not very fast, but always for at least an hour. And I'm always mentally applauding her. Some of the really tiny sorority cookie cutter types (they're the stereotypes you see in movies) give her nasty looks out of the corner of their eyes, but this girl is doing more work than they are honestly. The other girls go in, do fifteen minutes on the elliptical, stretch, then leave. Don't worry about what OTHER people are thinking. YOUR workout is YOURS. :heart:
  • sullrico18
    sullrico18 Posts: 261 Member
    Honestly, I'm the type of person who wouldn't think twice. I wouldn't really even notice that they were really overweight unless someone pointed it out to me. And then, I would probably do the "who the hell cares?" kind of deal. If anything, more power to em. I mean, isn't that what people go to the gym for a lot of the time; to lose weight? You have to start somewhere.

    This! :-)
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    If you secretly think that some buff jerk is going to start pointing and giggling- that doesnt happen.
  • Everythin2Lose
    Don't let anyone put you off going... I'm still on my journey and a lot of people at my gym are on the same journey and they are rocking it!
    I'm NOT a small girl and when I see the really big ladies (I got to a ladies gym) I am so proud of them for getting there! The gym is an intimidating environment if you let it be- but you get there and you do what needs to be done! It's also really amazing to see that "big" girl putting everything into it (when I bother looking- usually in my own world watching tv or listening to music while I'm sweating up a puddle!) and I use it as inspiration- If she can do this SO CAN I!
    So go! Have Fun! Be an Inspiration! x