Really hard to balance upto 1200 calories everyday

Hi there,

I am 35 year old, 5-3 and 137 pounds. I have gone up and down a lot with my weight, In 2007- I was 115 pounds, I ran a half marathon in 2007- and after the race, didn't adjust my diet- and put on almost 10 to 15 pounds in 2008! Since then I have been anywhere between 128 to 130 pound for past 5 years- and I have always been active with either dancing or running or swimming. Last year, I broke my ankle and had 2 surgeries. Due to being inactive for a little bit, I put on weight again- and now I am at my highest!- at 137 pounds.

I think I want to be realistic and don't think I want to be 115 again. But my happy sustainable weight can be 125 pounds.

Fitness pal recommends that I net out to 1200 calories everyday to lose 10 pounds. Its been very hard to do that even with working out. I feel really hungry in the nights when I balance to 1200 cals. I eat a good portion of fruits, veggies, carbs and protein. I don't eat fast food. I don't drink much. My only weakness is chocolates- which I have 100 to 200 cal of chocolates every day.

Anyone overcome similar challenges? Any help I can get will be so awesome!!

Thanks so much!


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Try setting your goal on MFP to lose half a pound a week and see if it gives you a more reasonable calorie goal. Since you only have to lose about 10-12 pounds, you shouldn't expect to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week.

    Your BMR is approximately 1376 calories (the amount they would feed you in a coma to fuel basic bodily functions). Your TDEE is 1892 if you consider yourself "lightly active". It could be more depending on how active you actually are. If you take a 15% cut from that, your calories would be about 1600.
  • sharialwee
    sharialwee Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. I was in your situation initially when I started with MFP. Actually in terms of height and weight, I am about your size and seeking to also lose 10 pounds. MFP also recommended 1200 cal daily intake and initially I absolutely cannot do it! But as I focus on my eating habits, I began to reduce my food portions and make simple changes such as having more tea instead of coffee coz this eliminates sugar (I am slowly trying black coffee!), I manage to achieve my calorie goal. But I hv not lost any weight yet but at least I am happy with my food choices now. Good luck to you.
  • I have a similar problem I am 4,11 and 139lbs I am 23 and I hate to use excuses but I've been traveling for the past year so not been working out at all! N ive put on about 10llbs, ive always been stocky but super healthy working out atleast 5 times a week, But I am home now so working out will be easier its just food 1200 calories seems so little?! Maybe I'm just greedy haha! I'm jus hoping working out again il lose a good bit of it quickly!
  • MadtownMadisonian
    MadtownMadisonian Posts: 66 Member
    I envy your 137! That's my goal weight and I am also 5'3" - but of course we are all different.

    As to 1200 - I've been staying pretty close to that for a while. Seems I must load my meals with salad and vegetables to bulk up without calories and eat a more modest level of most proteins, which are calorie dense. When I do eat protein, it tends now to be salmon, or perhaps chicken. I also discovered the joy of oatmeal, which is very filling for its calorie count and allows me to have a low cal breakfast that keeps me going comfortably until a midday salad or frozen Indian lunch. All of which leaves plenty of calories for dinner, when I too tend to be hungry for a more substantial meal. For late snack I've taken to drinking Silk plain almond milk (30 calories per glass) sweetened and flavored with things like Splenda and cinnamon or such.
  • Thanks all! I think i will up my cal intake (1350 to 1600), rev up working out and eat smaller meals- Will report back on if it worked! :) Thanks everyone for your support
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    I couldn't stick to that very long either! I increased my calories to around 1500 and Im still losing.