Insanity is hard on my knees, what should I try instead?

I've completed about a week of Insanity so far and I can really feel it in my knees. They're starting to hurt, especially when I bend them. I've done P90X and TurboFire in the past so I'm good with intensity and fast pace exercises. Although I am continuing to workout with Insanity for now, I was thinking maybe I should switch my exercise program. I was thinking of maybe doing ChaLEAN Extreme or TurboFire? Any suggestions? Or maybe even an effective program that I haven't listed? I don't have weight to lose, I just really want to tone up and get that nice BEACHBODY!!


  • wloukurtz
    wloukurtz Posts: 14 Member
    My sister has the same issue with hurts her knees. She is doing P90x right now and enjoys that. TurboFire is the next program I'm going to do but I've seen and heard great things about TurboFire and ChaLEAN Extreme. TurboFire and ChaLEAN will burn since you don't have much weight to lose maybe stick with P90X for that beach bod!?
  • melissaf09
    melissaf09 Posts: 2 Member
    I also enjoyed P90X. That is also another option. Maybe i'll incorporate TurboFire with P90X to get that extra cardio in. Thanks for your input!! :)
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Lift weights and eat an amount of food that matches your current goals.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    Weighted squats (when done correctly) have shown to really strengthen the knee joint.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Weighted squats (when done correctly) have shown to really strengthen the knee joint.

    Agreed. Last year my knees gave me issues, so I was worried about squats. I found that my knees actually improved as time went by. Make sure to go all the way down parallel or slightly past. I wasnt at first because I thought I was protecting my knees, when in actuality i was putting a greater strain on them.
  • Weighted squats (when done correctly) have shown to really strengthen the knee joint.

    Agreed. Last year my knees gave me issues, so I was worried about squats. I found that my knees actually improved as time went by. Make sure to go all the way down parallel or slightly past. I wasnt at first because I thought I was protecting my knees, when in actuality i was putting a greater strain on them.

    ^^^Yup, this! All the way! Taking off some extra weight helps...but strengthening that knee joint is the ticket. I used to cringe just walking up the stairs....and lunges killed me (I thought I was going to need knee surgery at 30 yo!). Start a good lifting routine and work your way into heavier weights...that knee pain will disappear and you'll feel like new again!
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Jillian Michael's Body Revolution was pretty easy on my knees and back, though I did modify some. It was also VERY effective!
  • rsteele66
    rsteele66 Posts: 12 Member
    I also had knees that started to hurt with the insanity workout. I started doing a hybrid workout with p90x and insanity, this way im not jumping around every day doing the insanity workout. I just do p90x and then do the insanity workout on the cardio days of p90x. I think they are more intense then the p90x cardio knees have stopped hurting and i get more variety in my workouts .
  • jrmartinezb
    jrmartinezb Posts: 147 Member
    I had a similar problem when I started running. Dr recommended I started including stretches in my workout, (specially for quadriceps) and that I take glucosamine supplement. After losing about 10 pounds and a month of the exercise and supplements the pain went away.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I love Brazil Butt Lift. I ended up in Physical Therapy for knee pain after running and insanity. Found out - knee pain was weaknesses in my hips. They have me a bunch of hip exercises, which were taking about 30 minutes per day. I figured BBL would be more fun. I wasn't a huge fan at first, but after seeing great results, having no knee pain, etc, the pay off has been worth it for me. The intensity is up to you on how hard you push the program. I've done some day with no ankle weights, just to PUSH the range of motion, the next day, with no weights, I'm sore again. I didn't really ever do the cardio routine, as I was doing it with running and biking, so didn't need it. But would greatly recommend it!
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    bump for reading
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    Weighted squats (when done correctly) have shown to really strengthen the knee joint.

    Agreed. Last year my knees gave me issues, so I was worried about squats. I found that my knees actually improved as time went by. Make sure to go all the way down parallel or slightly past. I wasnt at first because I thought I was protecting my knees, when in actuality i was putting a greater strain on them.

    ^^^Yup, this! All the way! Taking off some extra weight helps...but strengthening that knee joint is the ticket. I used to cringe just walking up the stairs....and lunges killed me (I thought I was going to need knee surgery at 30 yo!). Start a good lifting routine and work your way into heavier weights...that knee pain will disappear and you'll feel like new again!

    Thanks for the back ups. Pro lifters are squatting over 900 pounds. Just goes to show you that you CAN strengthen your knees through squatting (when done correctly of course). Like before stated a proper squat should be low enough for you thighs to be parallel to the ground or lower.

    "But I can't go that low!" - That is because you sit in a chair and your hips have grown tight. Start stretching those joints and you can gain the proper mobility needed to squat deep.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Weighted squats (when done correctly) have shown to really strengthen the knee joint.

    Agreed. Last year my knees gave me issues, so I was worried about squats. I found that my knees actually improved as time went by. Make sure to go all the way down parallel or slightly past. I wasnt at first because I thought I was protecting my knees, when in actuality i was putting a greater strain on them.

    ^^^Yup, this! All the way! Taking off some extra weight helps...but strengthening that knee joint is the ticket. I used to cringe just walking up the stairs....and lunges killed me (I thought I was going to need knee surgery at 30 yo!). Start a good lifting routine and work your way into heavier weights...that knee pain will disappear and you'll feel like new again!

    This. I've had knee pain for many years and when I'm lifting regularly it goes away completely.