Working out, limiting calories, but can't lose a pound!

I've been working out for years, but got super serious in September. I go to the gym about six days a week, do at least 30 minutes of cardio and then 20 minutes of weight work. I'm staying to the suggested 1200 calories (not eating back my exercise calories). Still...this past week I actually gained two pound! Sooooo frustrated. Oh...and my measurements are not changing either. Any suggestions??


  • You are not eating enough. 1200 calories is what you should have on your REST day ONLY.

    You need to NET 1200 calories. Eat back *most* of your exercise calories. You are working out like a madman and not giving your body the fuel it needs to function properly. You won't lose weight doing that.
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 253 Member
    You are not eating enough. 1200 calories is what you should have on your REST day ONLY.

    You need to NET 1200 calories. Eat back *most* of your exercise calories. You are working out like a madman and not giving your body the fuel it needs to function properly. You won't lose weight doing that.
    well said!
  • You are not eating enough. 1200 calories is what you should have on your REST day ONLY.

    You need to NET 1200 calories. Eat back *most* of your exercise calories. You are working out like a madman and not giving your body the fuel it needs to function properly. You won't lose weight doing that.

    This^^ Also, you may want to get your thyroid checked.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    What kind of exercises are you doing? You may want to do HIIT or something different if you do elliptical or biking - my moms wanting to lose weight and she bikes for an hour a day and has been doing so for about a year and hasn't seen a weight difference. IDK i am not a fan of low intensity cardio, it has worked for me but I don't have 30-50 min of extra time that I wouldn't rather devote to lifting. Also, what kind of lifts do you do? Resistance training is great (cables, machines maybe) but if you stick to the same plan for years then your body will adapt to that kind of stress and just be the same. Add calories, or more specifically add macro nutrients. I'd say its 95% diet and 5% your workout so if changing your diet doesn't show improvements might I suggest a change in routine?
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    It could be retention of some kind. In weeks I have suddenly lost kilo and a half after losing water and excess.
    You have to be careful in your accounting to understand how you spend your calories.
    Buy measuring cups and spons. You may be having larger portions than accounted.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    It is confusing, but I agree with most fellows... Do not starve, do not let yourself go hungry! That is unpleasant and unhealthy.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I've been working out for years, but got super serious in September. I go to the gym about six days a week, do at least 30 minutes of cardio and then 20 minutes of weight work. I'm staying to the suggested 1200 calories (not eating back my exercise calories). Still...this past week I actually gained two pound! Sooooo frustrated. Oh...and my measurements are not changing either. Any suggestions??

    Your ticker suggests that you have very little to lose. I suggest calculating your TDEE and just cut 10% from that. With less than 40 pounds to lose, you shouldn't be on 1200 calories unless you are about 4 ft tall and 70 yrs old or something.
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    If you gained 2 pounds and didn't overeat - you could make sure you have sodium listed on yours.
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    I know everyone says not eating enough is the reason for not losing weight and eat back your excercise calories becasue your body needs the fuel but how do anorexic people lose so much weight then? ....not that im promoting anorexia or want to be anorexic... i just want to know how it works.

    If your eating only 1200 cals a day and creating a calorie defecit your body will lose weight anyway so add in excercise when your are burning more calories then surely you should lose the weight?

    i see where people are coming from but i just dont get how eating more will make you thinner. I know your all right. But i just dont get it!!
  • rhondamoline
    rhondamoline Posts: 3 Member
    My niece is a persoanl trainer and she said "make sure you are eatting those extra calories you get when exercising". Make then "good calories". She sees it all the time, don't eat, don't lose- Eat and Lose!
    True...1200 is what to eat when you don't exercise at all.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I found that it was more about WHAT I was eating. I would eat the same amount of calories but would always be over in sugar and would be high on carbs. I never lost no matter what the exercise. Once I started paying attention to carbs/sugars the weight started coming off for the first time in almost 3 years. Maybe make your diary public?
  • rhondamoline
    rhondamoline Posts: 3 Member
    Anorexics hardly eat at all. That's different, they are starving and yes they will lose.
    It's all chemistry! Sodium, pooping, water, etc...
  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    You are not eating enough. 1200 calories is what you should have on your REST day ONLY.

    You need to NET 1200 calories. Eat back *most* of your exercise calories. You are working out like a madman and not giving your body the fuel it needs to function properly. You won't lose weight doing that.

    I went through this too. I was working out at least 5x a week for about 1.5 each night and only eating about 1200. I was eating my workout calories back, but still it wasn't enough. I adjusted my activity level and upped my calorie intake to 1410. I still eat back my workout calories, and I noticed a change pretty quickly. You have to fuel your body for that much activity.
  • rhondamoline
    rhondamoline Posts: 3 Member
    eating enough protein is very important!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I know everyone says not eating enough is the reason for not losing weight and eat back your excercise calories becasue your body needs the fuel but how do anorexic people lose so much weight then? ....not that im promoting anorexia or want to be anorexic... i just want to know how it works.

    If your eating only 1200 cals a day and creating a calorie defecit your body will lose weight anyway so add in excercise when your are burning more calories then surely you should lose the weight?

    i see where people are coming from but i just dont get how eating more will make you thinner. I know your all right. But i just dont get it!!

    Not eating enough slows down your metabolism. Not eating enough on top of exercising causes stress on your body, increasing your cortisol levels which also makes it difficult to lose weight.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Eat more! this REALLY helps shift a plateau.

    Also, do your weights before cardio.

  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Yep, 1200 is for when you don't exercise!!
    When you exercise, mfp gives you a new daily goal! EAT back most of these calories (or at least half)!!!!
  • You are not eating enough. 1200 calories is what you should have on your REST day ONLY.

    You need to NET 1200 calories. Eat back *most* of your exercise calories. You are working out like a madman and not giving your body the fuel it needs to function properly. You won't lose weight doing that.

    Ditto. At 1600, I can't lose weight and according to MFP I'm burning close to 1200 with my cardio heavy routine. Eat something.
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    Someone once told me this.... and it has stuck with me....... Not all calories are created equal. You may be eating 1200 calories (people will argue this is too little or too much... I upped mine to 1350) anyways.... 1200 calories of Snickers Bar's is not going to help you lose any weight, but 1200 calories of lean protein vegetables fruit, nuts etc is much more healthy and will help you see the numbers on the scale go down.

    I also was advised to limit the amount of processed "stuff" we eat. Try to buy things to eat that don't come in a bag or a box (easier said then done, I know)

    Kind Regards
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I am almost 70 and very tiny. My TDEE less 20% is 1056 calories a day. If I go over this, I gain weight.