Back at it!! New here.

I did weight watchers for 11 months and lost 98 pounds. 2 pounds shy of my first real goal. 250 down to 150. Anyway, I found out I was pregnant with our third child and fell off of eating healthy thinking "Well, I am pregnant, I can eat what I want". WRONG! I gained a lot back and after having my son I weighed in at 210 pounds. Devastating. But I am on that journey again. I have lost 28ish pounds since I started back at this 3 months ago. And this month I decided to take a plunge and stop doing Weight Watchers. I am calorie counting now and couldn't be happier with it. It is the change I needed. So I am at 182 now and working my way back to my first goal of 150. Then I have plans to go all the way to 120!!! Wish me luck.


  • jessimarina
    jessimarina Posts: 1 Member
    I'm married with a daughter and work a lot. I need to lose over 80lbs to get back to the way I was before my baby and before I started working. It's been a struggle because my job is stressful and most of my friends and family are pregnant. I'm right there with ya, used to do weight watchers but i like this so much more. I got up to 210, now my goal is to get down to 120/130lb.
    Thanks! Jessica
  • dawn_lily

    Well done for making a change! Its hard starting a new thing but you clearly have the motivation so good luck and I am sure you will reach your intended target!
  • GroveGirl1905
    Hello! I'm new here and am a Weight Watchers alumni as well! I've been on and off the program several times and realized a few years ago I just couldn't do it any more. I've heard good things about MFP and am looking forward to connecting with others so we can help each other reach our goals! It's been eye opening after just one day of tracking to see what I have actually been eating. Here's to healthy positive changes for all of us!
  • renar77
    Hi my name is Serena and I am ready to make a change and I would really like to make some friends on this site to help me stick with my goals. I am 35, I just ended a 3.5 year relationship giving up a home a co-owned, no children, so I could find happiness in my life. I have a good career in Aviation and I write in my spare time.
    I would like to take some time to become the person on the outside that I am on the inside. I ultimately want to be healthier and within a healthy body weight and if I end up looking better that will just be a bonus. I wish everyone on this site much luck and success :)
  • MelodieRSA
    Welcome! There are lots of WW Dropouts here :smile:
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I did weight watchers for 11 months and lost 98 pounds. 2 pounds shy of my first real goal. 250 down to 150. Anyway, I found out I was pregnant with our third child and fell off of eating healthy thinking "Well, I am pregnant, I can eat what I want". WRONG! I gained a lot back and after having my son I weighed in at 210 pounds. Devastating. But I am on that journey again. I have lost 28ish pounds since I started back at this 3 months ago. And this month I decided to take a plunge and stop doing Weight Watchers. I am calorie counting now and couldn't be happier with it. It is the change I needed. So I am at 182 now and working my way back to my first goal of 150. Then I have plans to go all the way to 120!!! Wish me luck.

    Keep up the awesome work! I also switched to MFP from WW. I lost 20 pounds initially on WW earlier this year.... now I'm gonna take the rest of the 20-25 pounds off with MFP! Good luck to you as you pursue your goals!
  • stackhead
    stackhead Posts: 121 Member
    Another WW alumi - actually i don't think I can say that, I barely lost anything with WW! MFP is way easier but almost on the same premise AND it's nice not to hear about points all the time!

    Good luck xx
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    How awesome to find so much support and so many other WW drop outs. lol I can't completely discredit WW. I mean I did lose almost 100 pounds with it and it was an amazing the time I saw it as a real life change I could make. Then they switched to PP right before I got pregnant and when I came back this time I just found it very difficult especially when fruits weren't accounted for and most veggies too. I live off of fruits and veggies, eating very little processed food so for me this was confusing. I kept stalling and the pounds just didn't want to budge but I was staying in my points range and not going over I just couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. In the first week and a half calorie counting I have lost 2.4 pounds. So apparently it wasn't me, it was that the program just wasn't for me anymore. I feel so much more accountable with calorie counting, I feel like instead of putting a points number on a food I am forced to actually look at that food's label and see what's in it. It makes me make much better decisions and look at food in a whole new way. I could do this for the rest of my life and I think I will. :) Thanks for all the support. I love MFP so far!!!!!!