
I've been logging into MFP for 205 days now. I log every day, even the bad days & I go to the gym/work out 5-6 days a week (ellipticalling, tredmilling, ARC training, biking, yoga, and recently running). At first, I was losing pretty quickly, but now I have been GAINING weight back...SO discouraging. I am on a 1200 cal/day diet. Most days I do pretty good but only because of my exercise calories. I am just hungry all the time.): I feel like I just need some tips, or motivation & encouragement. I don't know what I am doing wrong.

EDIT: My BMR is 1492.5 & my TDEE is 2304.


  • kbauman09
    kbauman09 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! You might not be eating enough! Try to add in some high quality calories and see what happens!
  • Em__143
    Em__143 Posts: 22
    Hi! You might not be eating enough! Try to add in some high quality calories and see what happens!

    High quality?
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Protein. What are your protein sources? Open your diary and people can give you more helpful advice.
  • Em__143
    Em__143 Posts: 22
    Protein. What are your protein sources? Open your diary and people can give you more helpful advice.

    I don't eat meat. And minimal dairy. I try to get protein from beans and meat substitute products. I thought my diary was open...I will go do that.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    You may be overestimating your calorie burns - doing the same exercises over time decreases their effectiveness. Have you actually calculated BMR & TDEE or just going based on what MFP says? At age 19 with 30 lbs to lose your BMR is way higher than 1200.

    You are not getting anywhere near the amount of protein you should - even based on the overly LOW MFP default settings. Cake, cookies and cupcakes are OK occasionally but I would be willing to be the amount of sugar you consume is through the roof.
  • Em__143
    Em__143 Posts: 22
    You may be overestimating your calorie burns - doing the same exercises over time decreases their effectiveness. Have you actually calculated BMR & TDEE or just going based on what MFP says? At age 19 with 30 lbs to lose your BMR is way higher than 1200.

    You are not getting anywhere near the amount of protein you should - even based on the overly LOW MFP default settings. Cake, cookies and cupcakes are OK occasionally but I would be willing to be the amount of sugar you consume is through the roof.

    I haven't calculated a BMR or a TDEE. I use the calorie burns the machines give me after I put in my weight and age. Sweets are my problem! I am always craving them, and then I just eat them. No self control. ):
  • Em__143
    Em__143 Posts: 22
    My BMR is 1492.5 & my TDEE is 2304
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    For my sweet tooth

    I add one tablespoon cocoa powder and one stevia packet with 12oz water.
    Delicious hot cocoa and only 20 cals. :drinker:

    Also Fiber bars with chocolate.:happy:
  • Em__143
    Em__143 Posts: 22
    I will have to try some fiber bars. That should help with my chocolate needs AND feeling hungry.
  • Em__143
    Em__143 Posts: 22
    What is BMR and TDEE?