Looking for new Loser Friends!



  • You can do it!! I think it's admirable that you are going to get the weight off through diet/exercise vs. surgery. Way to go!! You can add me as a friend!

    Yes I can and thanks for the encouragement. WE all can do it if we truly put our minds to it. It's not easy and it has taken conscious thougth to actually get my mind wrapped around the whole thing including excersise.....but slowly we get there by taking one step at a time.

    It's not about perfection... its all about progress.... steady small steps carry us to the goal successfully!
  • My main goal is to lose 70lbs - I'm at 39 lost now. Would love extra help it getting to 70 and beyond!! ultimately I want to reach 100 total lost - would be my greatest accomplishment in years!!! Let';s do this!

    I am ALL IN!!!!
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    Add me !
  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    You, and anyone else, can add me! I need all the support I can get!
  • jaforgie
    jaforgie Posts: 19 Member
    I am halfway to my 50 lb goal, feel free to add me! I would love all the new friends and motivation! Good luck to all!
  • Looking to lose at least 25lbs, ADD ME!!
  • Hello! I would like to join your group. I am on a mission to lose 40-45 pounds. I lost it twice and hoping that this time I will figure out sustained weight loss not yo yo loss. I am a mom of 10 year old twins. I just moved from Sacramento, CA to beautiful Clovis, CA. I would love to be my goal weight by Birthday. I have lost 17 so far. I have been stuck for almost 2 weeks. Now I am amping up my work outs. Hopefully I will break through the 17 mark this week.
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    I am on a mission to re-lose the last 20, to maintain my nearly 100 lb loss & to achieve a high fitness level. I would be proud to join this loser group! If you are positive and supportive, feel free to add me - I don't have the time to listen to whining or excuses!
  • Count me in as well! I'm new to MFP and am looking for some new friends and extra motivation. My sister gets married in the spring and I'd like to lose 30+ lbs before then. Feel free to add me! This is a great group you have here!
  • Count me in! Anyone can also feel free to add me :)
  • musiqueange
    musiqueange Posts: 64 Member
    Hi! I decided to reply because of your May goal - I've got one, too! I'm going on a BIG vacation mid May and my goal was originally 50 lbs but it's just not possible for me so I'm aiming for 30 (but praying for 40 :P). I've been at it for a month now and lost 7 lbs which is what I figured I'd be at so that's progress!

    Best of luck to you and all! (Feel free to add me, as well!)
  • I would love to loose 50 by summer please motivate me!
  • I have 50+ pounds to lose! Count me in!

  • Hi all! I'm new to the site and would LOVE some friends to help keep me and my husband motivated! We both have a goal: I want to lose 75, and my husband would like to lose about 40. I'll be tracking our food and exercise on here. Please add me too!
  • Hey all - feel free to add me too! We can do this!!! :-D
  • BK66
    BK66 Posts: 10 Member
    My goal is to loose 50 as well I just got started this month.
  • Sure Add me in, I want to lose another 300 lbs
  • mollywalkslots
    mollywalkslots Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to loose 50lbs by May next year, have just started and would love to join your group. I'm in Leicestershire UK, work in education, have 2 dogs (Molly is my old lady at 10 - hence my username, she's more active than me at the moment).
  • Tammiecarver
    Tammiecarver Posts: 37 Member
    I'm a loser sending request. Anyone who wants to add me please feel free too.
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi I have lost 2 stones (I am in the uk) got 70lbs to go. This is a great support network but at the end of the day this is your journey and its up to you how you make this journey. Add me if you want, if not good luck on your journey.