Help With American Football Training

Before reading this post there is one thing you should bare in mind.... I'm a Brit which means I'm fairly new to the whole concept of American Football haha

Ok here goes...

for as long as I can remember I have always had an interest in American Football, I love the hits, the tactics and the game. Recently in my home town of Burnley, Lancashire, it was announced that an over 18 BAFL team was starting up called the Tornadoes and of course wanted players.

I jumped at the chance and have been slotted into the offensive linesman role, either left or right of center. My problem is that I really want to take this seriously and become the best but they only train 2 hours a week. Is there anything I can do on my own that would improve me as a player?? any techniques I could practice? any specific gym regimes I could do? specific exercises etc??

your help would be greatly appreciated :)


  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    If you're going to be an O-Lineman, pushing exercises will be where your money is made.

    What position though, Guard..Tackle...Center?

    I ask bebuase Tackles need to be quicker and are more "stand up" players so agility training will be a must. Guards need to explode out of the 3-pt stance. Lower body and core strength is extremely important.

    Need more info...
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Starting Strength
  • ok more info on position .....

    this is going to seem daft as i dont actually know the actual term for the position, I just know it as right center or left center.... basically to the right of left of the guy who pitches the ball to the QB...

    I really do apologize for my sheer noviness hahaha
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    ok more info on position .....

    this is going to seem daft as i dont actually know the actual term for the position, I just know it as right center or left center.... basically to the right of left of the guy who pitches the ball to the QB...

    I really do apologize for my sheer noviness hahaha

  • Thanks mate ....

    Guard it is
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    block! tackle! run! and get strong,so you can knock em' down!!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    This may help:

    You need to be strong primarily it seems so get your *kitten* into the gym....

    Or you could MTFU and start playing rugby ;)
  • I know it must seem i'm being light heated and not serious but I honestly am, I'm just slightly embarrassed at the lack of knowledge I have. I really honestly do want to be the best I can be, Im roughly 550lbs at the moment 5 ft 10 with short legs so low center of gravity. I really would love any exercise I can do, any technique I can practice that would give me an edge
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Thanks mate ....

    Guard it is

    If you're a Guard, then arms are for show...and legs are for go.

    You'll need upper body strenght..of course..but you'll need power from your legs to move people. I'm guessing you'll be a primarily run oriented offense.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
  • This may help:

    You need to be strong primarily it seems so get your *kitten* into the gym....

    Or you could MTFU and start playing rugby ;)

    cheers dude :) although rugger aint for me .....
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I know it must seem i'm being light heated and not serious but I honestly am, I'm just slightly embarrassed at the lack of knowledge I have. I really honestly do want to be the best I can be, Im roughly 550lbs at the moment 5 ft 10 with short legs so low center of gravity. I really would love any exercise I can do, any technique I can practice that would give me an edge

    Just work at it.

    Friend me and mesage me. I'll help out. I was a tailback, so I didn't block much but needed to understand them to be able to run through the right holes.
  • :flowerforyou:

    hahano im roughly 550 lbs based on 14lbs to a stone, last time i weighed in at 40 stone give or take a pound
  • I know it must seem i'm being light heated and not serious but I honestly am, I'm just slightly embarrassed at the lack of knowledge I have. I really honestly do want to be the best I can be, Im roughly 550lbs at the moment 5 ft 10 with short legs so low center of gravity. I really would love any exercise I can do, any technique I can practice that would give me an edge

    Just work at it.

    Friend me and mesage me. I'll help out. I was a tailback, so I didn't block much but needed to understand them to be able to run through the right holes.

    cheers will do :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    This may help:

    You need to be strong primarily it seems so get your *kitten* into the gym....

    Or you could MTFU and start playing rugby ;)

    cheers dude :) although rugger aint for me .....


    Nah, jut kidding mate. I think it's great you have found a sport you like and want to excel at it. That is amazing because half the battle is desire.

    Your team / coach should be able to give you specific advice and cross training (going to the gym etc) can be beneficial but really you get better by playing and doing football specific drills etc.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    In HS, we did a lifting workout similar to starting strength, and LOTS of agility work. Lots of work staying low and under balance out of your stance as a on O-lineman too (that art is kind of going the way of the dinos with todays passing game and shotgun offenses though)

    So I'd say strength work, agility work and 20-40 yard sprints for conditioning.

    So like:

    I'd do cleans instread of deadlifts on starting strength, but the workout is a basically what I did for football (and I played guard/middle linebacker).

    For agility simply set up cones in a square 5-10 yards apart and run just run around them trying to make plants and as square of movements as possible. Do 10 or so in a workout.

    For sprints, 20-40 yard sprints (about 20x or so) with 10-30 seconds rest in between will be fine.

    Power cleans, squat, and bench press are your three most important lifts as a lineman for functional football strength.
  • In HS, we did a lifting workout similar to starting strength, and LOTS of agility work. Lots of work staying low and under balance out of your stance as a on O-lineman too (that art is kind of going the way of the dinos with todays passing game and shotgun offenses though)

    So I'd say strength work, agility work and 20-40 yard sprints for conditioning.

    So like:

    I'd do cleans instread of deadlifts on starting strength, but the workout is a basically what I did for football (and I played guard/middle linebacker).

    For agility simply set up cones in a square 5-10 yards apart and run just run around them trying to make plants and as square of movements as possible. Do 10 or so in a workout.

    For sprints, 20-40 yard sprints (about 20x or so) with 10-30 seconds rest in between will be fine.

    Power cleans, squat, and bench press are your three most important lifts as a lineman for functional football strength.

    Awesome info thank you :)
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    I know it must seem i'm being light heated and not serious but I honestly am, I'm just slightly embarrassed at the lack of knowledge I have. I really honestly do want to be the best I can be, Im roughly 550lbs at the moment 5 ft 10 with short legs so low center of gravity. I really would love any exercise I can do, any technique I can practice that would give me an edge

    Hey, if ya dont know ya gotta ask and there are no stupid questions.

    I dont know a damn thing about soccer or rugby but I bet you could school us all on those two sports,lol.

    Definitely use explosive lifts...squats, Clean and jerks, etc. Football isnt just about the amount of weight you can lift but how fast you can lift it.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    good luck.
  • I know it must seem i'm being light heated and not serious but I honestly am, I'm just slightly embarrassed at the lack of knowledge I have. I really honestly do want to be the best I can be, Im roughly 550lbs at the moment 5 ft 10 with short legs so low center of gravity. I really would love any exercise I can do, any technique I can practice that would give me an edge

    Hey, if ya dont know ya gotta ask and there are no stupid questions.

    I dont know a damn thing about soccer or rugby but I bet you could school us all on those two sports,lol.

    Definitely use explosive lifts...squats, Clean and jerks, etc. Football isnt just about the amount of weight you can lift but how fast you can lift it.

    Nice one pal :) I think my thoughts towards "soccer" are probably best left off a public forum hahaha