Almost there!

Okay this is the first time I am posting a topic but I am in need of help!

I started this journey in August, full of motivation and thinking I was going to bust this out and hit me goal by my birthday in January (which was to lose about 35 pounds). I stayed consistent for about 2 1/2 months and lost 18 pounds (SW 176 CW 158) but somehow the end of this month, I don't have ANY motivation. I can't get myself to go to the gym and somehow unhealthy food is much more appealing than healthy food. I feel like I am going back to my old ways of when I would eat bad and think it was okay because I would be starting my new lifestyle tomorrow. It was always tomorrow and never today. Well last night while I was looking through some older pictures I found one of when I was at my heaviest (about 190 pounds) and it scared the crap out of me and I decided it was time to knock this out once and for all. I am so tired of weight loss being the only thing on my mind. With about 20 pounds to lose I just wanted to see if anyone is going through the same thing, or maybe you went through this and got past it, either way, what are your suggestions on how to get back on track and stay on track? How did you get past this point?

All in all I am just in need of motivation. Thanks.


  • stacnm
    stacnm Posts: 47 Member
    Your doing great! Finding old photos is a good way to help remind us how far we have come. Maybe you should keep that handy until you break free of this slump. Maybe put it on your fridge? Also, this might sound silly, but I have written 'cheerleading' statements about myself and put them on my bathroom mirror and on my steering wheel in the car - this helps me when I am struggling. Your statements can be anything "You are awesome" "You are beautiful" "I love everything about you" ...are some examples of statements I have used. I also try to remember that this is my choice and no one is forcing me - so what do I decide for that moment? To eat the chips or not to eat the chips - that is question. Don't beat yourself up too much - you are doing awesome!
  • mhaworth12
    mhaworth12 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for responding! I think my biggest problem is accountability. When I eat bad, if I don't log it or if no one saw me, Did it really happen? I just have to realize I have to do something about this and thats the only way it will get done. There is no magic answer or way to lose weight. I just have to do it and stop talking about it!