I have a bad time eating out. Anyone else like me?

I just start MFP and this is my 4th day and I know when I have the money, the first thing my kids are gonna ask me is "mommy can we eat at mc Donald's?" talk about tempting right. Do any of y'all eat out too? I use to eat out almost everyday or every other day, but I noticed when I ate at home even home cooked meals before joining MFP that I had lost 13 lbs so I must have been doing something right by just eating at home. Hmmm. Anyone else eat out and if so what do you eat that is more healthier? For example: subway veggie delite is more healthier than mc Donald's anyway but of course I know my girls are gonna say "mommy I want chicken nuggets from mc Donald's!" now when they went to mc donalds in the past (they haven't been in while) they would always say "mommy do you want a chicken nugget from my happy meal? I'm full, I can't eat it all" my girls are slender girls, but one reason why I joined MFP was to set better eating examples for them. I thought about when I have the money offering them subway, but of course, im prepared to hear them say "I don't like subway!" when they use to always love subway but got so use to eating at mc d in the past all the time. Any advice on where to eat, what to eat when I'm out and about and going to the stores with them? How can I make it an exciting experience for all of us? Where would be a good place to take them to eat or what to eat from mc d more healthier because I heard the salads are very high calories too and I don't want to take them to subway all the time but I also don't want to eat mc d or unhealthy stuff from there and then they follow my lead and become overweight? Advice for the mom always on the go and having car rides for sometimes hours at a time? Thanks!!!


  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I don't really like to eat out, because it is sooo hard to find healthy choices on most menus. But most places that you go, even McDonalds, you can make BETTER choices. McDonalds has a couple of salads that are okay. That being said, I also have the same concern about teaching my children better eating habits than what I learned. So while I will occasionally take them to McDonalds, I try to either eat at home or go to places where we can make better choices. I feel like it is easier for them to learn now than to grow up eating unhealthy foods and have to try to undo a lifetime of unhealthy choices like I am!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I try not to eat out, but sometimes it just happens because life is busy. As already mentioned, almost every place has healthier options. If it's a rare event to go out, then maybe plan your day around that one meal out.

    Subway I love their turkey or oven roasted chicken sandwiches with everything (veggie wise) on it.
    I know it's not the healthiest, but places like McDonald's or Burger King, I love the chicken or fish sandwiches.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I def eat out more than I should. I try and work it into my calories but do go over plenty. Look at the mcdonalds menu online and decide ahead of time what you want. Even with the dressing added a grilled chicken salad is better than a cheeseburger and FF :) I know many others on here have the opinion of just avoid it and eat healthy food, teach good habits. I guess I fall more into the have a treat sometimes but eat healthy most of the time category and this works for me.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I almost always opt for subway when I can't eat at home. In the northwest here we also have Taco Time and they have some healthy options. Jack in the box makes a salad I like. It's hard to eat out and stay on track.
  • StarryOne
    StarryOne Posts: 50 Member
    I eat out every day- I don't have time to cook or grocery shop. It really is just about making healthy choices when you eat out. I have lost over 50 pounds eating out at least one meal a day for the past 11 months, so it can be done. I rarely eat at chain restaurants, but rather eat at ethnic places that use real food and less preservatives. I just finished eating some African rice and chicken that was delicious. Yesterday's lunch was Korean tofu soup. Eating healthier doesn't have to be homemade or boring.
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    I've never had complaints ;)

    In all seriousness... I started doing research on what goes into the food, how its processed, and having friends who work/have worked at these places... I'm no longer enticed by it.

    Edit: I should read the whole post.... you could try bringing snacks along... my son loves McDonalds fries, so when we drive past and he's hungry there's a similar reaction... we either hand him a pack of crackers, actually stop JUST for fries (sometimes) or wait until the complaining stops, and then hand them some snack of sorts.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Make healthier chicken nuggets at home aand INVOLVE the girls with you. Kids love spending time with their parents, especially when they get to do "grown-up" things like cook. Make some chicken nuggets together, then go to the park to play or something. :)
  • JJferRRT
    Hey, Im new to MFP too and my boyfriend and I use to eat out WAY too much. I find that if I am going to McDonalds chances are Im not going to pick the salad but one small change I made was to not get combos. If you skip the fries and get a water instead of pop you are saving yourself some calories. I have also started to make bugers at home or I try to replicate what I would have at the fast food places. I'll make turkey burgers on whole wheat or make baked potatoe wedges with some tastey seasoning. Stay stong and keep up the hard work, it will pay off!!
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    try to change their taste buds early. at least try to find a local sandwich shop or homeade restaurant that your kids will like. even eating the same foods at other restaurants will be better for them. If you keep eating at mcdonalds, your kids will get used to eating high salt foods and thats bad for their little hearts!
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    I know its difficult, but don't let your kids sway you- you make the rules, you set the example. I think it just might take some of you putting your foot down. It is an adjustment, believe me, I've been there. But you don't want your kids struggling with the same thing you are, right? Give them a head start, and get them headed in the right direction. They may fight it for a while, but their health is more important than their fleeting happiness over chemicals and fat in the shape of a "nugget". Hang in there, and fight that good fight. But remember to also teach them moderation. Putting a hyper-strict NO on everything is going to make them want it more. So find a somewhat healthier alternative, and then teach them its something that you only eat every once in a while. I hope that helps!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    there is not one thing at McDo anymore that I would want to put in my body. My kids love McDo. They get to go there now on their birthday if they choose - that's it. Not once have they complained, because we've found other places they like instead.

    We choose other restaurants where there are better options. I'm not just doing this for me, I'm doing it for my kids. My kids are OK with it too (they are 4 and 7). The 7 year old understands that some foods are just for fun (like McDo), so they are not a frequent thing. If I continue to take them to places where all the food is garbage, what am I teaching them?

    We've been working hard at teaching the kids that some foods have no value other than being for fun - so we save those for "sometimes, not all the time". We've also been teaching the kids that if you do it right, healthy food tastes awesome. They are becoming less picky eaters, and this is a win-win situation.
  • redhotgtomama1
    I am the same way.. I LOVE eating out... and I'm always on the go.. while my daughter is only 1.. I do find my self finishing her food.. which is bad... we live out in the sticks so the nearest "restaurant" to us is McDonalds.. and well its my morning weakness. I can't just get a tea.. I seems to always need to get something else to go with it..

    I have been trying to "Plan my order" before I order and I share my meal with my daughter instead of getting her a separate meal... I buy her the toy separately because well she's a kid and that's the point of going to McDonalds when your little is the toy...

    I look for healthier options before I even get out of the car.. I also force my self to go in and eat.. its easier for me to be mindful of what I am eating if Imp not trying to drive etc.. I know it takes more time.. but in the end its really setting a better example for my daughter and this way we don't mess the car up because she have implemented a no eating in the car rule.. which makes daddy happy..
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    The BF and I only eat out once a month. It's more of a saving money deal, but it really helps with our healthy lifestyle.

    That once a month is so worth it when it comes time!!!
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    I used to eat at mcdonalds on a regular basis...regular meaning about 3-4 times a month. Never counted a calorie...LOL...

    Anyways now we do not have the money. So we save up to eat out and truth to tell my food tastes better than any fast food joint. And when we do go out I am much happier eating at a place where I can order blackened fish, sweet potato etc... The last few times we ate somewhere unhealthy it just wasn't worth my time and money. And my girls are definitely starting to recognize this. I explain why I like certain places and how the food tastes. They of course being children really just want the toy. :ohwell:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Most McDonald's are posting the Calories on their Menus right in the Store!! Their Salads are OK, without the Dressing. The Sodium may be Sky High, though. I usually get the Salad without Dressing, but you could take your own. I like the Oatmeal, and they do offer it all day. Plus the Fruit & Yogurt Parfait isn't too bad.
    :heart: Maybe try eating your OwnMeal before you go, and just get the Yogurt or a Garden Salad at the store?


    I lost nearly all my weight while eating out the majority of my meals so I know it CAN BE DONE. It just takes some Planning, and Wise Choices. Most restaurants will let you make Healthy Substitutions to your meal.
  • jimandpam87
    jimandpam87 Posts: 62 Member
    Personally, I have lost almost 50 lbs from my starting weight eating out. A lot. Not everyday, but at least several times a week. It can be done. If you're counting calories on MFP, look up the calorie counts for McDonald's ahead of time and see what would do the least amount of damage. Really, a 6 piece chicken nugget is less than 300 calories (without sauce), and it fills me up. Just don't get a big mac and large fries and you'll be ok. Obviously, it's best to consume healthier, unprocessed foods on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean you can't have a treat once in a while and take your kids there occasionally. Just don't make it a daily occurrence. The main thing you can do is look up calories ahead of time and plan what you're going to order.
  • WilhelmCF
    WilhelmCF Posts: 96 Member
    Obviously you do better at home but trying to lose weight does not mean you have to make the kids part of it. McDs is not the best for them but you can't deny them one of the special treats of childhood once in a while. They can have the occasional treat and you have the grilled chicken or garden salad. When I go to a restaurant, I simply stay away from the worst stuff on the menu. If it is a good place they will have somethings that are better than others for you, even McDonald's. Have fun with your kids, enjoy their giggles when you tell them where they are going and limit only yourself.

  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    I don't know where you are but our McDs has the calorie counts next to the product. If you don't eat there very often it's not a big deal. Make sure they eat healthier the rest of the time.
  • Princessmoe333
    Princessmoe333 Posts: 23 Member
    We have a policy in my house. If it has a drive-thru, it is not going to happen. I haven't eaten food from a building with a drive-thru since high school (I'm 33!). When we go out to eat, it is at a sit down restaurant where I at least have the option of ordering something remotely healthy. Fast Food is the Devil, don't even think otherwise.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Im sorry you wrote a lot and I don't have time to read BUT these are my sure fire ways to NOT overdo it while eating out....

    1. Make sure you are not HUNGRY before you go...don't go all day without eating then hit the restaurant. Eat a snack before hand if you have to.
    2. Become familiar with the menu before you arrive. Always have idea of what you are going to eat.
    3. WATER WATER WATER You're already pushing the limits by eating out so why go even further by drinking empty cals. PLUS is fills you up :-) Win Win.

    Good luck