Every night

Cindib13 Posts: 234 Member
edited January 2 in Introduce Yourself
I tell myself tomorrow I will start the journey to a new, healthy me. I plan to eat right and work out the following day. Then the day comes and I make poor food choices and don't get on the treadmill and that night I hate myself for wasting another day. I don't know why it's so hard for me to make this commitment. Does anyone else have this problem? I don't want to stay like this. Would love for a good support system to help keep me accoutable.


  • manofpies
    manofpies Posts: 71 Member
    Been there, done that, got several t-shirts that no longer fit to prove it...
    For me it wasn't that it was hard to make the commitment , it's just that it's too easy to put it off (if that makes sense), then before you know years have crept past (I'll start this week, this month, this year) and in usual bloke style it takes a rather miserable trip to the docs to kick you into action.
    Only you can make yourself take action, but with the support you can find on here from others in a similar situation, it gets easier to keep it going..

    Good luck in your journey, stick with it, it'll be worth it.
  • RubySinclair
    RubySinclair Posts: 90 Member
    For me, what worked was NOT making a big deal out of it.... NOT making a big commitment out of it. The more I built it up, the more I could talk myself out of it! (I'm good like that!) One Monday night I just told myself, I'd try out the treadmill to see if it still worked and scare away the animals that were probably living in it. I did 15 minutes of "cleaning it out" that night and ran with it from there. "Well, if I did 15 minutes last night, lets keep that roll going and try for that or more tonight!" As for the food portion, I just told myself I'd start logging what I was eating anyway just to see what I was doing. It's addicting, and easy cause you can always find whatEVER it is you stuff in your face. : ) Then it just becomes a challenge to do better for yourself! I'm to the point now where I can keep on track even if I don't look everything up!
    That's what worked for me.... one teeny, tiny step at a time - no big huge commitment! Hope you find what works for you! I think this site has a lot to offer no matter what your approach is!
  • iancranerocks
    iancranerocks Posts: 22 Member
    Find a way to make the exercise fun. Treadmill by itself is a gloomy prospect for the rest of your life. Here's what I've done to make myself look forward to it:

    1) Set up an elliptical in the garage and I started watching Breaking Bad on Netflix and I only watch it while on the elliptical. Sometimes I hate having to wait a couple of days while my legs rest up before I can go watch it again.

    2) Get an XBox with Kinect and pick up cheap used copies of these games:

    * Kinect Sports - boxing against the computer with weights in your hands is really fun and you'll lose yourself in the game until you're too tired and start getting sloppy and losing.

    * Dance Central 2 - great game and UI. I was too insecure to dance in public, so this was a safe way to learn and boost my cardio at the same time.

    * Your Shape Fitness Evolved - not as fun as the above games, but an excellent workout partner.

    3) When the weather cooperates, ride my mountain bike and do interesting things like explore the neighborhood or weave in and out of light poles in the school parking lot, etc.

    Good luck!
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    For me it was like the previous MFP'er said, find a fun exercise to help you stick with it. For me it was Zumba...love it and it is fun plus it keeps me motivated to keep going through this weight loss journey. It is all about choice...you choose the bad and there are no excuses....so choose the good and don't beat yourself up for when you fall off the track just pick yourself up and move on!!
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I used to be just like you. Determined in my mind but not in my actions. It took seeing myself in a very unflattering way to get my *kitten* moving. Truth is you have to want it bad enough, there has to be a moment when the lightbulb goes off and you say "That's it I can not and will not take it anymore and this is the day I start" That's it. Nobody can motivate you, nobody can make you do something you are not ready to do.

    I hope you do do it as the feeling is like no other. Good luck
  • Jenism1
    Jenism1 Posts: 149 Member
    I think we have all been there before. I would tell myself those exact same things...tomorrow I will eat better, tomorrow I will exercise...tomorrow I will really do it this time.

    I think I just got sick of feeling so crappy. Hating how my clothes fit, having to by bigger and bigger sizes, not liking what I saw in the mirror.

    All I know is that it started one day at a time. Heck, one meal at a time. I did Weight Watchers and I liked that program. Works for some, not for everyone. I liked the structure it gave me. As far as exercise...you just have to do it. As much as you don't want to...you just have to. After a while, it will be easier and you will want to do it, especially when you see some results!

    I will send a friend request and we can do this together!!
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