
I ran for 5k on an elliptical yesterday. I believe doing this prooves to me than I can run in a 5K on Thanksgiving. My mother says that people don't run on ellipticals, their feet just go back and forth. I choose to run on the elliptical rather than the treadmill because I would like to see the speed my body would naturally run at and gradually decrease my time. I would then switch to the treadmill and push my body to do it faster. My time on the machine is about the same time I would get running on land I believe. So, I guess my question is: is using an elliptical machine really running/ is it working for my training?


  • bvinette31
    bvinette31 Posts: 15 Member
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I know I can do my elliptical for 45-60 minutes, but when I go outside to run, I could never run/jog that long.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    An elliptical could be what is considered cross-training for running. It's great for cardio endurance and is good for the legs. Now, it's not the same as running. If you want to get good at running, you need to run. There's a huge difference in running outside and doing something like the elliptical. Even the treadmill isn't as hard as running outside.

    Yes, it's working for your training but don't think that you can do 100% elliptical and be totally prepared to run a 5k. I'm sure you could still finish the 5k but you'll be surprised at the difference.
  • LaurySch
    LaurySch Posts: 277 Member
    Personally having done both, I'd say no. Totally different body movements/muscle groups. I use my elliptical occasionally for one of my 2 weekly cardio/endurance training days, but run at least 2-3 times a week. If you don't ever actually run before you race your body is going to give you a rude awakening.

    Just my opinion.
  • Christineab
    Christineab Posts: 28 Member
    Elliptical is not the same as running.....you're using a lot of different muscles

    I can do 60 min on an elliptical at a fast pace and could not do the same running.

    If you're planning a 5K you'll need treadmill and/or road time.
  • Very different. Event running 3 miles on a treadmill is quite a bit more challenging than on an elliptical. Ofcourse you can increase resistance on the elliptical to make it tough but you can also do the same on the treadmill. I have been working on running a big and want to do a 5k next summer so have been working on the treadmill. I do think that the normalll hills of the road will make things a bit more difficult and also the fact that I am not watching TV at the same time so it may be harder to zone out.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    The elliptical offers a great caloric burn, but it's really not the same as running. When you switch to the treadmill, you will notice that you are using entirely different muscle groups to propel yourself forward.

    Definitely give the treadmill a try before you jump right into running a 5k.

    Just for reference: I can do 60+ minutes on an elliptical without stopping, at a decent resistance. I can only run in spurts of about 15 minutes at a time.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    No way. not the same at all, on an elliptical your weight is held by the foot holds but on a treadmill or outside you're carrying yourself. And of course you've got different motions and different muscles working.
  • Christineab
    Christineab Posts: 28 Member
    I've run a 10K....training done on the treadmill only. The day of the race was the first time outdoors....I regret that...much harder than anticipated. MUST have some outdoors time.
  • I think its all about the type of elyptical. If you have access to one of these open stride type. Except for the impact you can pretty much simulate running. Crank up the resistance and have at it.


  • RopenChoke
    RopenChoke Posts: 31 Member
    It's good to supplement your running with an elliptical but not replace it. An elliptical has less impact on the body. It allows you to put in work without running everyday which could lead to overuse injuries. However, like stated above, the only way to get better at running is hitting the pavement. I like to take 1 day a week, usually a Sunday, leave the watch at home and go for a run. I enjoy these days because I have no concept of time or distance. I'm not trying to maintain a pace. It's just me and the road/trail until I feel like turning around and going home.
  • Elliptical is not the same as running.....you're using a lot of different muscles

    I can do 60 min on an elliptical at a fast pace and could not do the same running.

    If you're planning a 5K you'll need treadmill and/or road time.

    same for me.... train on a treadmill..
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    actual running is a lot harder than the elliptical....it helps boost ya and is great for cardio, but when i want to run i go outside and do it, and i still cant run a whole mile without stopping, but yet i can go on the elliptical for 45mins-1hr
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    Definitely a huge difference between elliptical and standard running.

    On Sunday I ran 10.78 miles on the elliptical in 95 minutes. I can safely say I'm nowhere near in the condition to run 10.78 miles on land in any decent passage of time!
  • bvinette31
    bvinette31 Posts: 15 Member
    That explains and clears up a lot for me. Thank you everybody for the replies! I'll get to stepping on the treadmill and outside as well