
Help me out folks. I've been weight lifting all summer long and for the most part I am stuck at the same amount of weights for a very long while. Don't get me wrong my routine is flawless and I feel the burn and achieve muscle failure everytime. I just want to not only lean up I want to get some bulk going too. What can I do to achieve that next level of lifting, getting the bulk up effect getting to the heavier weights?

As far as my routine I got it from a Drill Sergeant who was also the US Army's top Infantry fitness instructor for two years running before retiring. Yes this routine is hardcore and has done amazing wonders for me. I will not change it or alter it, I am only looking what I can to do get to that next level of it.

Any suggestions?


  • rickerred12
    what is your diet like?
  • rickerred12
    never mind found it.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    fiddle with your calories
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    Don't get me wrong my routine is flawless

    If your routine was flawless you wouldn't have to ask questions on how to fix it.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    What are your current weight lifting stats?

    Consecutive number of pull ups:
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member

    *assuming your calorie burns are correct you are WAY under eating.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member

    *assuming your calorie burns are correct you are WAY under eating.
    Pretty much.
  • Train less have more rest and recuperate,, If you go out into the sun today and get burnt would you go out into the sun tomorrow?
    The same applies with weight training, You could be way over trained and the body hasn't had enough time to rebuild ,, back off for a while or even have a week off weight training all together, Focus on reducing your calories by 200 and focus on cardio for burning fat (long medium pace walks for 45mins) try this and see how you go!!

    Hope this has helped!!
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hands down, you are not enough.
    Also, make sure you let your body rest.
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    if you haven't already i would suggest 15 mins on the elliptical before and after you lift younger brother did that and he lost weight when he was at his plateau, and still gained more muscle
  • rickerred12
    Help me out folks. I've been weight lifting all summer long and for the most part I am stuck at the same amount of weights for a very long while. Don't get me wrong my routine is flawless and I feel the burn and achieve muscle failure everytime. What can I do to achieve that next level of lifting, getting the bulk up effect getting to the heavier weights?

    As far as my routine I got it from a Drill Sergeant who was also the US Army's top Infantry fitness instructor for two years running before retiring. Yes this routine is hardcore and has done amazing wonders for me. I will not change it or alter it, I am only looking what I can to do get to that next level of it.

    Any suggestions?

    Very difficult (probably next to impossible) to get lean and bulk at the same time. Pro body builders bulk off season and cut when prepping for a contest. So now you have to pick, lean out for awhile more or change your diet (which is terrible) and bulk up, also bulking up doesn't mean getting fat.

    While dieting I would keep protein at approx 1.5g per pound, fat at approx 15-20g per meal and carbs 150g or blow depending on the type of diet. Your diet needs to be healthier, if I were a betting man I would say your metabolism is low.
    Have a look at my diet, probably not ideal for you but it will give you a starting point. I am 40yrs old, 13% bf and 167lbs.
    Increase protein, and fat intake (healthy fat i.e essential fatty acids, EFA)
  • rickerred12
    Train less have more rest and recuperate,, If you go out into the sun today and get burnt would you go out into the sun tomorrow?
    The same applies with weight training, You could be way over trained and the body hasn't had enough time to rebuild ,, back off for a while or even have a week off weight training all together, Focus on reducing your calories by 200 and focus on cardio for burning fat (long medium pace walks for 45mins) try this and see how you go!!

    Hope this has helped!!

    if he reduces calories by 200 he will be getting only 700 cals a day, he will loose weight but it will be muscle not bf.
  • rickerred12
    What are your current weight lifting stats?

    Consecutive number of pull ups:
    I would like to see these numbers as well, I would say they are low based on his caloric intake 903.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    focus on cardio for burning fat (long medium pace walks for 45mins) try this and see how you go!!

    Uhhh you know you don't have to do any cardio ever to burn fat right?
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    Rick I think he is following a re-feed diet because some days are in the 3,000 and others are 1,700. Which is ....odd.
  • rickerred12
    AHHHH thanks, just figured out how to see the other days. Took a quick look and his diet is not very clean. Re feed I understand, the main days there is a lot of sugary junk food and almost living on protein powder. Duc do me a favor and set your diet plant to measure sugar instead of potassium, bet we can clean up some issues if we see how much sugar you are taking in.
    CLCinNOLA Posts: 82 Member
    Help me out folks. I've been weight lifting all summer long and for the most part I am stuck at the same amount of weights for a very long while. Don't get me wrong my routine is flawless and I feel the burn and achieve muscle failure everytime. I just want to not only lean up I want to get some bulk going too. What can I do to achieve that next level of lifting, getting the bulk up effect getting to the heavier weights?

    As far as my routine I got it from a Drill Sergeant who was also the US Army's top Infantry fitness instructor for two years running before retiring. Yes this routine is hardcore and has done amazing wonders for me. I will not change it or alter it, I am only looking what I can to do get to that next level of it.

    Any suggestions?

    I have been lifting weights for some time, and like you, every now and then I get to a point where I am not ready to iincrease the weights for a long time. My recommendation is to just listen to what your body is telling you, and realize that you are getting some benefit if the weights you are lifting are challenging to you (which apparently they still are). I think the longest for me was about 2 months, and I wondered if maybe I was lifting all that my body could ever handle. Wrong! After a couple of months I was ready to increase my weights again. You will be, too.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Don't get me wrong my routine is flawless

    If your routine was flawless you wouldn't have to ask questions on how to fix it.

    As much as I prefer to troll Plates than agree with Plates, ^^^^This.

    Of course, Plates did leave out this nugget:

    "Yes this routine is hardcore and has done amazing wonders for me. I will not change it or alter it, I am only looking what I can to do get to that next level of it."

    So now I'm wondering if the OP is trolling us. "Help, my routine is perfect, so please suggest changes to it that I will not follow because this routine be the awesomest routine." Ooooooooook