


  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    chicken, fish, shrimp (which is high in sodium) nuts, (I like pecans) any meat. Need to be careful of prepackaged lunch meats they are packed with sodium. They cause water retention if you eat too much. Or they cause me to retain fluid.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    I can tell you that I was an avid, "get enough protein", until last month. I went in for a yearly doctors exam, and it appears my triglycerides were out of the roof (400) and my HDL was very low (36) and my kidneys were inflamed. I also had severe kidney stones earlier this year. The first thing out of the doc's mouth was, "do you eat a lot of protein?" I knew I did, but not how much. He had me specifically look at it over th e next two weeks, and I was staying right in the margin listed on myfitnesspal.

    He suggested, I cut down my protein, and replace it with "good" carbs. I did that just two weeks ago, eating mostly fruits, vegatables, grains, and legumes. I still eat small portions of meat now and again. So the results so far? I have lost 8 pounds in two weeks, I feel great, my triglycerides are falling quickly (280) and my HDL is up (46). I am going to stay with this for 90 days, and be re-tested, that should give my body time to level off and be consistent.

    My point? Everyone is different. Get tested, track what you eat, and change if necessary. By the way I am 5'9" and weigh 217 pounds. I am very active, but eat a lot. I am a firefighter by trade, and work-out every single day. The recommended amount of protein was 66g (according to myfitnesspal), I am now consuming around 55g. That is the only change I have made, and I feel GREAT!

    what were your main sources of protein when you were on a high protein diet? and were you including/incorporating a good amount of healthy fats and nutrient dense fruits/vegetables?

    reason i'm saying this, i have the strong feeling that protein is not the reason your triglycerides were through the roof and your HDL was very low. its probably due to your protein sources being high in bad fat and you being deficient in good fat and nutrient dense plants and fiber.

    Most of the things the person said are genetic, really has nothing to do with the amount of protein. Some people are genetically disposed to have issues with higher protein intake.

    so which is it, an issue with the amount of protein or not??? that's my point.
  • FitnessLover27
    I see you don't have enough protein. At one point, I had too much guess is probably from too much red meat from what I remember. I usually have string cheese, Greek yogurt on wheat toast, protein smoothies (i use All Pro Science's whey protein powder) or a light amount of eggs.