Work, Baby, School, and Workout...... is it possible?

I was doing a pretty good job of juggling work, school, and working out until I had my baby 8 months ago. Now it seems like no matter what I do I really struggle to find time to get a workout in. I did pretty well after I had her until I went back to school and then it was all downhill from there lol. I have managed to stay stable and slowly (very slowly) continue ticking away at the pounds but I know I would feel better and be able to do more if I could just get the motivation to get moving again.

Anyway, I say that to say this.. is anyone else making this work? and how? It would be really nice to know I'm not the only one in the boat and that it is possible. And that I won't kill myself.

Thanks in advance.


  • fitmama419
    I finished my last semester of college with a newborn and still managed to get to the gym. I was also working part-time and had an internship that I was completing.

    It's tough, but it's only for a little bit!

    If it's any better, my daughter was born on the first day of my last semester. Nothing like emailing instructors from the hospital to let them know you won't be in class.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I read your headline and thought, ugh! All I have is school (part-time) and 3 little doggie and a husband and I still need to schedule my workouts. Hiring a personal trainer has helped. I have him scheduled 2 days per week and then I do cardio by myself or go to the gym the other 5 days. I don't have any advice, I just can't believe you have all of that stuff to do at once. Could you cut down, just be a stay at home Mom for awhile?!?
  • jigglewiggles
    jigglewiggles Posts: 173 Member
    Some gyms have daycare available, like lifetime fitness, not sure if you have any where you live, but maybe you could look into that? If you'd rather not go to a gym, maybe you could take your baby on a stroll in the stroller and get in some cardio, if it's too cold you could go to your local mall and walk the whole thing a couple of times. I know it's tough, I was in the same boat a while back and luckily I had my child in the onsite daycare while I was in school, so I would just go to the gym there after class and then go pick him up. It's tough, but doable. You just have to make a good schedule for yourself and have really good time management.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    If your main goal is to lose weight, you can do that with diet alone. It may not be ideal, lifting weights is great, but if it was me, time would be better spent studying/playing with baby than jogging on a treadmill.
  • tripn404
    tripn404 Posts: 109 Member
    if you only get to workout for ten minutes.. then do it ! Work out as many days as you can if you think you can't one day find a way to incorporate exercise in your routines...park far from school and walk there...blow drying your hair do squats... cooking dinner do lunges.... watching tv because your most favorite show is on do jumping jacks on commericials.. There is always a way
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    I can only imagine how hard that must be. Can you take your little one for a walk in the the stroller? That would be good for both of you. :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I hope so! I'll still be doing my Ph.D. for the next two years, and I fully intend on getting through all this with a newborn/toddler.

    I think making and sticking to a schedule and routine will do a lot of good. Try to find things you can do that fit your schedule. You can do short workouts at home or multitask and take baby out for a run or walk. At 8 months, she should be fine for a jogging stroller.
  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    Put the baby in a stroller or snugli and walk walk walk.
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I don't see why it isn't possible. I'm a single mom to 2 teens I still have to drive around, they're both involved in sports and other activities, I work, and am going to grad school full time with tons of homework. I manage to workout even when that means I have to get up early. Babies are tons of work, but I have to say, teenagers aren't a picnic either. Sometimes I swear it was easier when they were babies :laugh:
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Try to switch to 15-minute HIIT workouts instead of trying to do 30 mins to an hour workouts.

    10-15 minutes per day is very easy to find! :)

    Check out or
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    You can absolutely do it! You just need to be creative. There are some Mommy & Me type of videos that you actually incorporate the baby into your work-out. Maybe squeeze in a walk at lunch time at work (or do the stairs if they have them), make arrangements to pick the munchkin up a little later a couple days a week and stop to work-out on your way, see if you can find a moms & tots program where they offer classes along with child-care, work-out at home after the baby is in bed for the night, ask a friend to"swap" workout time with you, etc......

    It won't be easy, that's for sure. But, you can do it. I work a full-time job, sell real-estate part-time, am working on my degree (9 credit hours), and I have 3 kids. They're not babies (which are a TON of work), but I am constantly going to football practice, parent-teacher conferences, soccer, you name it. I have to sit down and schedule just about everything: specific time for homework, my work-out, weekly marketing for real estate, client appointments, housework, even clipping my finger nails. All of those are squeezed in around my regular 8-5 job. I have specific things that have to be done that day. I stay up until they're done. If something comes up to interrupt my "schedule", I will make sure I fit them into the next day.

    Life can be crazy sometimes. You can do it! :smile:

    Maybe try Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred - it's about 25 minutes total - you could squeeze that in and it's convenient.
  • mhaight85
    My son is a little older now, he's 3, but I am juggling an almost full time job, school and a 3 year old.

    There are some exercises you can do with baby...try a google search for "exercise with baby" and it will bring up several articles and images. The other suggestions of walking/jogging with baby it the stroller are great too. My son likes to dance, he has ever since he could stand we'll turn on some music and have a dance party. You could try that while holding baby, or he might think it is funny just to watch you dance while he's sitting or in a walker or something. :O)

    I know for me even when I get a day off work it's a struggle just to get housework done, let alone a workout. We have a mini-trampoline in our living room and I try to bounce on it throughout the day to burn a few calories....or if I actually get a chance to watch a show on tv I will often bounce while I watch it. fat this site has a chart showing how many calories rebounding burns. And they are pretty inexpensive, I think mine was about $30 at walmart.

    When baby is napping, maybe do a few quick exercises before you sit down to work on homework. Your body benefits from every minute of exercise, even if they are spread out through the day! You don't have to set aside a block of time to work out.
  • DunnaStunna
    DunnaStunna Posts: 22 Member
    Wow thanks so much for all the support :) wasn't expecting such a response. I did purchase a jogging stroller and definitely plan on using it once the weather warms up and I found a buddy to walk with on breaks at work so hopefully that will help too. It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there trying to do everything at once lol. Thanks again everyone!!
  • kariinbliss
    I sometimes don't think I'm going to survive it all either... full-time job, full-time school, new hubby, mom living with us, and my "baby" is a senior in HS. there definitely isn't a lot of "me" time available, but i've started getting up about 15 minutes earlier to hit the treadmill. tonight i also marched in place watching the end of a tv show. LOL! (i was VERY determined to hit 10,000 steps!) be creative, grab a minute here and there... it will happen! and definitely keep up with eating healthy! :-)
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Definitely eat healthy!!!!!!!!! I have a 9 month old, and weather right now is of an issue. I also can't go to the gym (don't have money for membership), but I also am going to school full time, work as a sports correspondent, and trying to find time is hard plus being a wife. It is possible but you have to figure out time.

    All I can say is that I usually work out before going to bed, which i need to change around to do in the morning (i end up going to bed later i notice) When the weather was nicer i would go running but now since winter hit ohio, i won't be going out to run because of the roads plus drivers.