Never thought I'd post a "poor me" thread...



  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Thank you all so much for the reponses. I will be making a few changes to see if things move. I honestly never bothered to look at sugar intake much because I never use it...for my coffee and etc. I always use Splenda, so I never thought about how much of it might already be in the food I'm eating.

    I think if you change your diary to show it, it will retroactively show you how you've been doing. You'll probably notice a trend of going over your daily sugar.

    I hope this is all the adjustment you need to kickstart your loss again!
  • Hey guys,
    I have a success story I want to share with you.
    It's not my success story, but one of my clients.

    Suzie spent most of her adult life in a morbidly obese category. She was an active and healthy teen and young adult, and always managed to keep her weight under control, but once she got pregnant and had kids, she let it all go.

    After 4 years she occasionally struggled to lose a bit of weight, but only to gain it all back a short time after.

    After about a year and half ago, she started to a high protein diet, and joined some fitness classes. She did lose weight doing this, to the tune of around 10 pounds, but struggled to keep the weight off. She even tried to change things up, but the weight loss seemed slow.

    She knew at that stage she had to add something new...
    She was fed up with trying so hard to only see a little progress, especially when it took forever for little results, but most of all she hated not being able to keep up with her kids...

    Thats when I met her. I gave her some instructions to do some specific resistance training and interval training. It was at this point she realized that this was the missing key. She stuck with it 3 times a week for sessions that lasted 20 minutes each, and changed her eating habits so that her body would want to lose body fat. When she did this she started to see her waist measurement drop dramatically, and commented that this was much easier then what she was doing in the past, and also saw results faster.

    I can tell you that diet and an exercise program put together will work wonders if done properly!

    Before, she use to workout over 5 hours a week, and her diet was almost starving her!

    After 12 weeks went by, her results were totally amazing. She had lost just over 12kg, lost 2 pant sizes, and lost some of the giggly bits she hated. The best thing about it as that she didnt work as hard as she did previously, she found it much easier to incorporate into her busy life, and at the same time the weight dropped off her easier then ever before.

    She hit some awesome physical milestones too... like being able to do 20 pushups in a row, and run 3 miles in 35 minutes, when she couldnt do any of those before.

    If you stick with it and get the right advice , you too can get fantastic results in minimum time.

    I hope that this gave you a little mroe inspiration to keep at it and never give up!

    Find the right advice and keep moving forward

    I've written an article on my blog about the 3 Major Fat Loss Mistakes
    You can get see it here

    It's about the most common mistakes that people face when losing weight and how to avoid them ;)

    (I hope its okay with everyone. Dont worry there is nothing to sell, and you dont have to sign up to anything to see it, just some good advice to help you achieve the body you desire)

    Thanks for reading guys, I hope this helped

  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'm gonna stick my neck out here and suggest that you look at cleaning up your diet. I only say this as you stated you are doing Strong Lifts. It looks like your protein is fairly low, so I think that may be hampering your progress to an extent.

    I'm not sure if your long term goal is to add lean muscle, I'm presuming so as you are following a heavy lifting programme, if that is the case I really would look at upping your protein levels.
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    You're my twin! Me too.
    Glad I'm not the only one. I get upset when I see bigger losses but then have to remind myself that I've done this the right way. I'm more fit and healthy then I've ever been. Some people just can't believe it when I say I've only lost just a bit more than 20lbs in 9 months.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    I am in the same exact boat. Followed NROL4W, eating like it stronger, but no physical change. Switched to SL 5x5, two weeks change. I just posted pretty much this same thing over in the SL 5x5 for Women forum. It is super frustrating. I don't really have any weight to lose, but I would like to get my BF% under 20...and its not budging. Looks like we can all have a pity party together!
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    What is your BMR? TDEE? How do you know 1600-1700 is your required amount to lose?