doing exercise but gaining weight

Hey guys!
This will be my first post in here but I really need to ask this.

You all know who is Shaun T. So, I'm doing his workouts. I mixed rockin Body and Hiphop Abs while I was dieting at the same time a month ago. But I didn't lose weight, I gained. But when I looked at the mirror I saw myself thinner. My pants widened around me. But seeing my weight higher on the scale made depressed and I did quit.

And I started to do Rockin Body again. Properly this time. I'm dieting too. Today is my second day. And I'm going good for now. But I don't want to gain weight again. Yes, being thinner is good but i don't know guys. You think, I will start to lose weight too at the end or ... ?


  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Honestly if your clothes were smaller, is it really a problem if your weight went up? If you're new to exercise it'll be water weight..honestly, be pleased!
    You're hardly gonna carry scales around and show everyone you've lost weight.
    The fact your clothes are bigger is a result!!
  • you are loosing bf making you slim and gaining weight due to muscle increase. this is a good thing.
  • ametys
    ametys Posts: 21
    Thanx. I'll be keep doing it this time. Just you know, seeing your weight went up is annoying.
  • Izzii0x
    Izzii0x Posts: 8 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are losing fat and gaining muscle (which is a very good thing!) then you will appear to weight more, but you'll look better and feel better and thats all that matters :) there are things you can do to lose the water weight, drink more water for a start! and maybe try some things like Jillian Michaels cranberry juice (google it)
  • kage5678
    kage5678 Posts: 29 Member
    Throw your scale in the bin!!!!!
  • geeniusatwurk
    geeniusatwurk Posts: 68 Member
    Don't weigh yourself more than once every 2 weeks at the max. Water weight will cause significant fluctuations, especially in the early parts of a diet. Those programs you're doing aren't going to add significant muscle mass so that can be ignored as a culprit. Just go through the 30 or 60 days of the programs, count your calories, maintain a deficit, and don't weigh yourself often.
  • dori1979
    dori1979 Posts: 7 Member
    Throw your scale in the bin!!!!!

    Ditto!! The scale is crap! Take measurements and pictures and go by that and how your clothes fit and how you feel rather than the scale.
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    wrong, weight is weight! 1lb of feathers is equal to a 1lb weight! No matter how you look at it!
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    wrong, weight is weight! 1lb of feathers is equal to a 1lb weight! No matter how you look at it!
    Um yes you are correct. However one square inch of fat will weigh less than one square inch of muscle. It's about the volumenot the weight. So more muscle means more weight but better tone.
  • ametys
    ametys Posts: 21
    Throw your scale in the bin!!!!!

    :DD I will
  • ametys
    ametys Posts: 21
    Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are losing fat and gaining muscle (which is a very good thing!) then you will appear to weight more, but you'll look better and feel better and thats all that matters :) there are things you can do to lose the water weight, drink more water for a start! and maybe try some things like Jillian Michaels cranberry juice (google it)

    I can try it. Thanks :)
  • ametys
    ametys Posts: 21
    Don't weigh yourself more than once every 2 weeks at the max. Water weight will cause significant fluctuations, especially in the early parts of a diet. Those programs you're doing aren't going to add significant muscle mass so that can be ignored as a culprit. Just go through the 30 or 60 days of the programs, count your calories, maintain a deficit, and don't weigh yourself often.

    I'm going through 30 days program. I'll wait and see.
  • blackmantis
    blackmantis Posts: 165 Member
    That hip hop abs is really just soft porn and I'm not sure if it benefits anyone.
  • ametys
    ametys Posts: 21
    That hip hop abs is really just soft porn and I'm not sure if it benefits anyone.

    I'm not doing it right now. I'm going with rockin body. I want to do insanity but I'm not that insane right now. I don't wanna kill myself just for lose weight. First I need to warm and familiarize my body to the moves.
  • ninabaz
    ninabaz Posts: 75 Member
    its muscle. i always gain two or three lbs then drop it plus 1-2 lbs ever three weeks or so. you want to gain muscle. and weight loss will go up and down
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Throw your scale in the bin!!!!!

    This is the best advice I have ever seen on MFP.. I only weigh myself when something I have always worn is falling to the floor. Then I act all shocked cuz it is only a 4 lb loss in a month. But, I am clearly down a jean size.

    Forget about the scale. Get a tape measure instead.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    its muscle. i always gain two or three lbs then drop it plus 1-2 lbs ever three weeks or so. you want to gain muscle. and weight loss will go up and down

    No it's not. On average, a woman can gain approximately 5 to 12 lbs. of muscle a year, and that is with proper diet (no deficit) and consistent strength training - not being "hip hop abs".
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You saw yourself thinner and your pants were fitting loosely - but because the scale went up a bit you QUIT?? :noway:

    Why do people (myself included in the past) put so much stock in what the silly scale says? Who cares what it says if you're visibly dropping the fat and having to belt up your jeans? Or even better, buy smaller ones?

    Your weight fluctuates daily - water weight (especially if you are exercising), sodium intake, monthly hormone changes, the full moon (kidding!). If it drives you crazy, then don't weigh yourself more than once a week, or even every two weeks.

    Here's a great example of someone who has gone up in weight, or even stayed the same as far as the scale goes, but by her photos, you can see that her body has changed and she looks amazing:

    Ditch the scale, embrace the tape measure. Eat well, fuel your body for your workouts. Lift heavy things. DON'T QUIT! :bigsmile:
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It's not uncommon to gain a couple of pounds when we start or increase a workout routine because our bodies flood sore muscles with water to help them heal. Drink lots of fluids and give it time and you should see the scale do what you want it to in time.
  • ametys
    ametys Posts: 21
    You saw yourself thinner and your pants were fitting loosely - but because the scale went up a bit you QUIT??

    Why do people (myself included in the past) put so much stock in what the silly scale says? Who cares what it says if you're visibly dropping the fat and having to belt up your jeans? Or even better, buy smaller ones?

    Your weight fluctuates daily - water weight (especially if you are exercising), sodium intake, monthly hormone changes, the full moon (kidding!). If it drives you crazy, then don't weigh yourself more than once a week, or even every two weeks.

    Here's a great example of someone who has gone up in weight, or even stayed the same as far as the scale goes, but by her photos, you can see that her body has changed and she looks amazing:

    Ditch the scale, embrace the tape measure. Eat well, fuel your body for your workouts. Lift heavy things. DON'T QUIT!

    Okay, okay don't beat me up :tongue:
    I admit that it was such a stupid behaviour to quit but it was the first time I tried a workout routine and I got mad about gaining weight. But I am looking at the mirror and I don't like the way I look now. So, I'm now more determined to do it. I know Rockin Body is not a P90X or insanity but I need to start from somewhere, right.? So, I guess, I'll be more friendly with my measure than my scale :)

    Waoww it is really an inspiring story :)