One Month In

Fairly new to this whole MFP malarky, however thought I would share as fairly chuffed with myself!

Started from scratch on the 1st Oct & 31 days later I have managed to shift 15lbs. Have done nothing too exciting. MFP set my goal & calorie intake and I have kept my end of the bargain by logging everything that is hoovered into my gob. I readily admit to snacking in the evenings and wondering if the extra bag of crisps should actually be logged in the diary, however the only person that is judging me is myself. (sometimes I even eat them regardless!!)

Exercise has been limited to when I can fit it round work and family. However 90 mins of football every Sunday greatly assists. So no great dramas, no particular effort and surprisingly decent results.

Here's to the next month before the food delights that is Xmas.

Hopefully others will read this and take heart that all is required is a little determination, some slight self control and a whole lot of checking calorie amounts on packaging!!



  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    you're doing great and thanks for sharing!
  • 28848
    28848 Posts: 32 Member
    Good going! Give up the crisps, man....seriously....... :0)

    Thanks for helping motivate others....