Good Afternoon!!

I'm Olly, I'm not new, but I'm starting to feel new.

I have lost 28 pounds in the last 50 days, and i'm feeling awesome :)

So HELLO EVERYONE....this is the new Olly :)

I still have a loooooong way to go, but i'm starting to enjoy the journey :)


  • phatgirl4
    HI Olly. you have done great!!! I am new at this i have lost 4lbs i have a ways to go. Id like to lose a total of 25 . I already feel better with just 4lbs loss. come the 1st of the year is when everyone starts there diets, we will be that much ahead of them. way to go. keep up the good work. phatgirl4
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    Well thank you, I'm so much happier already :)

    4lbs is a great start, keep it up!! It's just the beginning....