Spaghetti Squash



  • prairiedawg2014
    i have just baked mine in the oven with butter flavored spray and garlic powder. if you cook too long yes it gets really soft, but i find if i lessen the cook time its crunchy. i prefer it soft. i have only cooked it twice. i googled spaghetti squash and man its so healthy!
  • prairiedawg2014
    if you're lookin for a pasta substitute, try zucchini. cut it legthwise in skinny strips. pan fry with spray or olive oil. add spaghetti works well.
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    I like this recipe:

    I put the all of the ingredients in to MFP and the total calorie count is 213 calories per serving. The recipe makes 4 servings. It seems like not very much at first since it only uses half of the squash but once you mix it all together its a very filling meal! Might not be the healthiest but still healthier than if you put all of this yummy goodness on pasta :)
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    I have a spaghetti squash lasgna recipe i am going to try either today or tmrw. you just cook the squash enough to be able to string it up, not too long though cuz u bake it again. u layer it like lasgna noodles, ricotta cheese, marinara sauce, mozz cheese and so forth. I would only do about two layers though to keep the count down low and use part skim cheeses. u bake it all uniformed. can't wait to see how it comes out. :)

    ETA: Try food They have a spaghetti squash jam recipe that looks amazing too! Many ingredients can be switched around to change cal count (or change the serving size!)
  • Fondaroo
    Fondaroo Posts: 9 Member
    I eat it all the time and had it last night as a matter of fact! We don't usually put sauce on it but mostly do a smidge of real butter and parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper. I slice in half, roast it upside down in 350 degree oven till fork tender. It really doesn't have a stong flavor of anything and takes on whatever seasoning you like. Carefull sliceing it though :)
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    I had it for dinner last night. When I was a kid, my friend and I planted some seeds and grew it ourselves. I have been eating it for a long time!

    To cook, I make a foil snake, then curve that into a loop. I put the loop in the bottom of my crockpot, rest a raw squash on top, add about a cup of water and cook it all day. CAREFULLY take the whole squash out of the crock, then slice it open lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds, discard then, and then scoop the pulp (spaghetti like part) into a strainer.

    I use either spaghetti sauce or alfredo sauce on the top. You could also serve with sauteed mushrooms, onions, green peppers, grated parmesan cheese, etc. Just add whatever else uou like. The squash doesn't really have much taste on its own. It's a really good for you low cal pasta sub, though.

    ETA-the squash is HOT when you take it out, so I use potholders or a dish towel to grab it.

  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I like it best with taco lean meat and salsa and low-fat cheese, using the squash instead of tortillas.

    I didn't like it so much as a substitute for spaghetti, although it was all right. My ulcerative colitis HATES pasta so I never-ever eat it.
  • RunsForFood
    RunsForFood Posts: 110 Member
    My favorite way (I cook it all the time) is just mixed up with a little olive oil, chicken sausage, spinach and cherry tomatoes, with some feta cheese. YUM!

    I have made the lasagna with it as well and that was great. Like most people say it's not exactly pasta, it does have a slight crunch to it. But I am really picky and I love it. It's os healthy and filling!!

    Look on pinterest, they have a million recipes for it.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Here's an awesome recipe that I rather enjoyed:
  • budru21
    budru21 Posts: 127
    I am simple. I microwave mine, gut it out, throw some salsa in there and mow down. :-)
    JBWILLOW Posts: 108 Member
  • SouthernArt77
    SouthernArt77 Posts: 265 Member
    I like it best with taco lean meat and salsa and low-fat cheese, using the squash instead of tortillas.
    I love this idea and plan to try it! Thanks!

    I have found spaghetti squash does best roasted in the oven at 350 for an hour, cut side up. It's great with just a little salt & pepper or with some Laughing Cow cheese stirred in! I recently tried this recipe and have made it several times since. Hubby & I both LOVE it, and it's unbelievably low in calories! We're having it again tomorrow night:
  • amberlilies
    amberlilies Posts: 41 Member
    I love spaghetti squash! To me it's like a veggie burger, which you would be disappointed with if you expected it to taste like a hamburger, but it warrants appreciation in its own right. Same with spaghetti squash: it's tasty if you expect it to taste like spaghetti squash and not like pasta.

    But it's a great medium for all those yummy sauces you missed while you were counting carbs! I like to have it with a turkey bolegnese, which I simmer down in a light plum tomato sauce with some white wine. I just saw something on pinterest about making it with sriracha (hot, spicy, Asian, yum!) so you have some options beyond the Italian vibe.

    Slice it in half long-ways. Put it face down on a cookie sheet with no oil. Bake on 400 for about 45 minutes. Scoop out the seeds into the garbage, and then use a fork to pull the stringy meat away from the hard shell, fluff, and enjoy :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Spaghetti squash doesn't taste anything like pasta. But if you are trying to avoid pasta, it's not a bad way to enjoy your favorite pasta sauces. I've had it with several sauces - marinara, mushroom, pesto, cheese, probably something else I'm forgetting. It's very versatile. It also makes a good 'impasta' salad. :laugh:

    And it's good just all by itself.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I find it to be a little bit sweet but it makes both a good main or side dish, with sauce like any traditional pasta or with herbs and butter or oil. I find my favorite way to eat it is with a splash of cream and fresh parm so I don't have to have a jar of sauce hanging about.

    This is my favorite way as well. It is sweet and i find that using it as the base for carbonara (cream, parm, bacon, egg) is delicious. I don't particularly like it with tomato-based sauces, especially meat sauces. My husband, on the other hand, adores it with meatballs and sauce. If I'm planning a meat sauce, i prefer julienned zucchini "noodles"
  • Junglejoyce
    Junglejoyce Posts: 49 Member
    I like spaghetti squash, but not as a substitute for spaghetti. I just like it with butter and salt and pepper. I prefer zucchini as a spaghetti substitute. OXO has a gadget that will julienne zucchini to the same thickness as spaghetti. Throw it into a skillet with olive oil, butter. Top with whatever. Yummy!!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I love it! No, it's not just like spaghetti...but it's close. I made it the other day with ground turkey and marinera sauce. It was great, everyone loved it, and one squash makes a lot!
  • phillips0911
    I personally love it! I also use bell pepper... I prefer squash with spaghetti sauce and bell pepper with a light alfredo sauce. It's very filling and while it's not a "noodle" it's so full of flavor. :)
  • phillips0911
    My favorite way (I cook it all the time) is just mixed up with a little olive oil, chicken sausage, spinach and cherry tomatoes, with some feta cheese. YUM!

    I have made the lasagna with it as well and that was great. Like most people say it's not exactly pasta, it does have a slight crunch to it. But I am really picky and I love it. It's os healthy and filling!!

    Look on pinterest, they have a million recipes for it.

    ^^^sounds yummy!