Not Loosing

kimmyonherway Posts: 35 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So, 2 determined weeks into my life change and not one stickin' pound lost. I'm walking, eating at 1200 calorie diet. Right on target with fat intake, fiber and calories. I rarely go over them and if i do it's within 20. I have read all the newbie info, I have my activity level set correctly, I input my exercise in the proper section and I am adding EVERY SINGLE BIT of FOOD i eat. There is no cheating going on. Any suggestions.

SW 180
CW 180
Goal: 140

30 years old


  • msforeverfaithful
    msforeverfaithful Posts: 8 Member
    Hi KimmyBaar1! are you drinking 64 oz of water i did not see you mention that. Drinking water helps you lose weight. Also how long have you been on your new life plan? give yourself time and don't give up. two weeks drinking 64 oz of water everyday you will drop weight. I hope this helps!
  • kimmyonherway
    kimmyonherway Posts: 35 Member
    Yes, I am drinking 8 glasses a day...I'm doing this honestly and trying really hard. It's just a bummer to have no reward at the end of two weeks :(
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    I've found that portioning my food into baggies as soon as I bring it home counts...And if i really want something to snack on, Popcorn twists are a good "snack" choice (4 cups = 300 calories!). Plan to have lots of healthy snacks (carrot sticks, almonds, fruit, that kind of thing) throughout the day. If it feels like you are eating often, it helps.
    Other than your measurements. Even if you arnt losing weight, if you are working out, Inches are the first thing that I personally notice.
    The last thing I can offer, is plan all of your meals in advance, and enter them in the tracker as soon as you plan them. If you have an idea of how many calories you're planning on eating throughout the day, I find it's helpful to help me avoid grazing throughout the day. If i do really want something, I check on here to see how many more calories I have left. It usually keeps me away from the chocolate bars!
  • stang41992
    stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
    You should go over on fiber and protein. These are too low. Also, bump up your calories to 1500. 1200 tends to be too low for a lot of people (myself included). Try to not eat much after 7:30 at night if you can help it. Also, go light on carbs at dinner. Women tend to have a tougher time breaking those down at night. Good luck! It will happen if you keep it up!
  • kimmyonherway
    kimmyonherway Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks so much. Im still feeling the like the only person in the world who changes so much about my life, and nothing rewarding happens. But, I will up my calories and fiber. :) I'll be back one day soon to update my weight!
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    I think you are eating too few calories too. I know when I was at 180- I was eating somewhere around 1500 calories a day. + exercise calories!
  • Yep, I have to agree. With you being 5'5 you are not eating enough calories. About 1400-1500 should be good. Your body might be in starvation mode, which means it holds on to every calorie you eat because it's afraid it's not going to get any more. Plus you need to give your body time to adjust. How many calories did you eat prior to starting?
  • kimmyonherway
    kimmyonherway Posts: 35 Member
    Good lord- I don't even know how many calories I was eating before. I will. Increase my calories to 1500 and see what happens. Explains why I'm always hungry! Thanks all :)
  • kimmyonherway
    kimmyonherway Posts: 35 Member
    I have opened my food diary for you all to see!! Only because I want some more help. I increased my calories the last two days...hopefully it helps. Thanks all
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I would eat more at breakfast at lunch and less at dinner. Also, I take about a month of eating a certain way and exercising to really start losing so just hang in there.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I always eat some kind of protein in the morning. It keeps me full longer and starts my metabolism working for the day.
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    I looked at your diary and you really do eat quality food.
    I did notice that your protein seems set low and MFP has the fiber set much tooo low.
    you should be getting 25 grams of fiber per day , BUT when you increase that do it SLOWLY and increase your water .
    You dont need those problems.
    I think you are eating very well, I would suggest eating more lean protein at EVERY meal.

    Increase fiber / water maybe 2 more cups? and protein.
    I think you will notice results.
  • verito
    verito Posts: 19 Member
    It’s nice to see what another person is eating. It’s a learning process for me. I used to eat a fruit after dinner, and I noticed that I didn’t drop a pound. I realized that the sugar transform in fat during the night, so for that reason the scale didn't move. Now I eat my fruit during the morning of after lunch, and I see better results. Another thing that I notice from your day, it’s that you begin to eat your dinner and night snack and you are eating around 700 or more cal per day, wish I think it’s a lot of cal for that period of time. I try to even it out my food during the day, so my stomach doesn’t feel too heavy when I go to bed. We want to see results fast, some time takes more than 3 weeks. Good luck in your journey and don’t give up!
  • kimmyonherway
    kimmyonherway Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks all!! I will use your knowledge and experience the best I can. Opening your food diary is scary! Also, I spelled losing wrong! Lol. Thanks again
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