frustrated - I'm always hungry!!

mgodby86 Posts: 27 Member
Hi guys
I am looking for some opinions, insight, advice. I am ALWAYS hungry it seems, and it's so frustrating. When I first joined MFP I tried to eat 1200 calories a day, but I always went over. I now have it set to lose .5 lb/week but still go over most days. I can't help that I am constantly hungry (stomach growling). I just ate about 30-40 minutes ago (rice and shrimp), and already my stomach is growling. I always am over on my protein and fiber, eat frequently throughout the day (every 3-4) hours. Today I have eaten almost 1800 calories, and I didn't go to the gym today.
Maybe it has something to do with calculating my activity level incorrectly? I think I might have posted about this before, but that was before I tried raising my calories. 5 days a week I am on campus (student), and do a lot of walking. I also take my dog for a 30 minute walk most days of the week, and go to the gym 3x a week where I do both strength training and cardio at 80% of my heart rate.
I am finding it exceptionally frustrating at the gym, I have had to leave early in the past because I was so shaky and hungry. It seems I have tried everything and I am so confused why this is happening! Any ideas?


  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I would like to see your whole diary. Personally I think that the protein and fiber amounts on the website are too low. I need to get at least 24 grams of fiber a day. How much water are you drinking? At least the 8 glasses a day? Also are you eating vegies?
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    Your not eating enough. You need to eat your 1200 plus what your exercising. So you burn 400 with walking and at the gym you need to eat 1600 that day. If you eat only 1200 and your exercising your body thinks your starving and you are starving if you stomach is growling. Make sure your drinking plenty of water with your meals and eating all your calories. I was underestimating what I do, so once I change my activity level up one, I was able to satisfy my hungry and still be on target o lose 1-2 lbs a week.
  • mgodby86
    mgodby86 Posts: 27 Member
    I have made my food diary public if anyone wants to take a look. To answer your ?s so far, I am drinking plenty of water, and am eating all my exercise calories. Today though, it was set for me to eat about 1300, and even after eating my 'dog walking' calories, I still felt hungry and went over.
  • gnme4243
    gnme4243 Posts: 120
    Not sure if this will help at all, but thanks to another user who posted this link a couple days ago, I tried it out and just in the past day and a half I notice a HUGE difference in my hunger, overall feeling, stamina, etc... I am going to try this out for a couple weeks and see if it really makes a difference.

    It's Metabolic Typing, and this link takes you to a test you can take to see more about what types of food might be better for you to be eating when you eat.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I just looked at your diary for today. My first suggestion would be to try adding in vegies. Some carrots or peas (Steamfresh has single serve packages that are really yummy) with the rice and shrimp would have been great. Also you could eat a Red or Yellow pepper instead of the apple you had with lunch. Try snacking on some carrots or broccoli instead of a snack bar. See what happens. I find that if I don't have enough variety I get more hungry. The days I do the best I pair protein with a carb and a fruit or vegie at every meal. Trend to the vegies and you will get more nutrients, therefore not feeling as hungry. I have heard and seen that when I don't eat nutritionally dense foods I eat more. Just a thought.

    Good luck!
  • SNOWMAN101750
    SNOWMAN101750 Posts: 9 Member
    oriental foods are eat and eat 20 minutes later. need fiber things such as I eat a bowl of wheat cheks with sweetener and 1% milk for 7 pm, no later. also I drink alot of crystal lite clone from wally world. did you set the 1200 or did the computer. you might be asking to much. 1 lb at week might feel feel low but it is 50 lbs a year that will stay off with exercise. I have lost 22 lbs in 6 weeks, but it is alot of work and 4 days a week min. in the gym. good luck at stick with it. even any weight lost in a week, is a lost
  • foxywife75
    foxywife75 Posts: 59 Member
    Learn about psyllium seed husks. Has great health benefits for you & it helps you feel full. Eating nuts like almonds or walnuts will also help you feel full.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Not sure if this will help at all, but thanks to another user who posted this link a couple days ago, I tried it out and just in the past day and a half I notice a HUGE difference in my hunger, overall feeling, stamina, etc... I am going to try this out for a couple weeks and see if it really makes a difference.

    It's Metabolic Typing, and this link takes you to a test you can take to see more about what types of food might be better for you to be eating when you eat.

    WOW, that's very interesting, I'm gonna have to dedicate some time to doing that questionnaire, I get the feeling already that I'm a Fast Oxidizer.
  • seldomspock
    Look into the South Beach diet. In Phase 1 I was eating 1200 to 1300 calories a day, and did not feel hungry. Now I take in a bit more most days, but feel full after meals and have not reverted back to eating a lot of carbs. And the amazing thing about it is that I follow the spirit of the diet, but not the law--still eating foods I enjoy. But, the diet has helped me with portion control and making good choices that keep me nourished and full. I highly recommend it.

    I think it's important to have an independent diet plan, and to use the website as an add on. As much as I like myfitnessplan, there's no real guidance into HOW to get the calories that you're allowed. It's easy to go over in protein or the amount of carbs you should have while staying close to your calorie goals. Or, if you eat up too many calories with the wrong kinds of foods, you are left pushing your limits but still hungry. You have to get the balance just right.

    Last word of advice--I have not looked at your diary, but one really BIG help for me was eliminating extra calories from drinks. There are lots of great low calorie or sugar free alternatives these days that taste good! There are even low sugar fruit juices by Tropicana (I love my glass of juice in the morning). Beverages that are high in calories don't do anything more than water to keep you feeling full, but they pack on the extra calories.

    Hope you find something helpful in my post. Best of luck!