I feel full and hungry at the same time...



  • tcortez3
    tcortez3 Posts: 10 Member
    I know this is way late, but I googled this topic because I am hungry and full right now but I know i've eaten enough. This was really helpful. Thanks old posters!
  • nesstle
    nesstle Posts: 62
    Yes! 3 things work for me
    1. Water
    2. Hot tea
    3. Have avocado or nuts, I find my body wants fats, so I try give it the good kind, and it can be withdrawals of fast food
    Style stuff.

    When I add avocado to my dinner I don't get it, but thoose nights I don't, I do
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Being full and "still hungry" comes from having eaten things with low ability to "satiate." Fat is satiating. When folks eat exclusively low-fat/fat-free "diet foods" they often have this feeling. For some...its transitory. But for others, it isn't...and is a big reason why they fail on their diets. You can still stick to a sensible, lower fat diet while recognizing the dietary value of fat. Nuts. Dairy. Avocado. Regular meat...you don't have to mainline gristle, but it doesn't all have to be a skinless chicken breast. And "a little dab will do you"...sometimes when I'm hungry, one cheese stick. Just one, will make the "hunger" go away.

    Good luck!
  • mrsvandenberg
    I used to feel that sometimes too, but I haven't felt that since I started nibbling on my healthy snacky foods throughout the day. I have found that these small portions of goodness keep me satisfied. I'm going on three weeks of my diet and exercise routine, and so far, so good!
  • blueluck
    I feel that all the times. I have a 6" subway and I don't feel full until hour later. But at the same time I am feeling hungry. Normally Drinking water helps a bit. But my mind is craving food yet stomach is saying no more food. I just ignore it and keep myself busy with work.
  • emg9
    emg9 Posts: 112
    i havent felt like this for ages but right now i do! it's ever since ihad my pig out day yesterday and had so much pizza. ive felt so bloated all day and it wont go!! :(
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    My personal trainer explains this as feeling full but not satisfied. When I started with him, we used this basic terminology to work out where my body best works with food. If I am getting all my daily dietary needs and eating well, but still not satisfied, then we need to readjust the quantities of carb, protein and fat in my diet. Everyone is different on this. Personally, I have never found myself feeling more full and satisfied since I increased my protein - making sure I have some with every meal. Before that I was basically eating 100% carbs, and just craving more carbs all the time.

    I know that sometimes you can think you are hungry, but it is actually your body wanting more water. That is why drinking water can help sometimes. A good trick I have found if I think I am hungry, but I know I shouldnt be, is to drink water and wait half an hour. If Im still hungry after that, then I eat something, otherwise, I know it was a water craving.
  • raheelsiddiquei
    Many people don't know is that eating Wheat is actually not a good thing. The wheat that we have today has something in it that actually triggers hunger. so limited wheat may resolve problems of hunger.
  • dillydally123
    dillydally123 Posts: 139 Member
    oats don't agree with me and I feel like that shortly after I eat them. my sister the same, though with her it extends to wheat as well.
  • charismoore24
    I just started and ultra clean diet. No sugar added, only complex carbs, protien, veggies, low fat. I feel this way. After I eat I feel stuffed. Even an hour later my stomach feels stuffed, but then my throat has a weird feeling of hunger. I feel lke I need to eat every 2 hours! Did this get better for you over time?
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    I find this happens to me when I am bored. Once I find something to occupy myself (like when I am at work) the hunger passes. I think the brain is trying to make you focus and absent something to do it makes you focus on hunger.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    all the time especially right now as I am going through some family issue and constantly feel emotional....I think that might be some sort of craving instead of true hunger? I am not sure....
  • casey1053
    casey1053 Posts: 10 Member
    I have felt something similar. I find myself craving carbs of any kind. Sometimes the feeling is overpowering. Food can be addictive, and changing eating habits can bring on withdrawl symptoms. Drinking water helps. Also, I found that if I was craving something sweet, I would eat something spicy and my craving would go away.
  • lgeh
    lgeh Posts: 1
    Stress is normally followed by emotional circumstances. The brain triggers hunger to give it extra energy and natural chemical release(high). It just Depends if you go for something Low fat/sodium like Fruit/Veg(Rice etc too) you'd be going for the healthy choice compared to the others. If your still hungry(Even if feel full) you either want water or haven't eaten enough cals.
  • KarmaKills
    KarmaKills Posts: 99 Member
    I notice I tend to feel like this when I'm bored.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I have had this happen and I think part of it is just cravings. I get the hungry feeling at night because I'm in the habit of eating at night. It helps to break those habits. I have also found it REALLY helps when you reduce your overall intake of sugar. Sugar is addictive like a drug, you have a little and you want more. So if you can reduce how much you consume, you will want less. Look at labels on processed foods (especially anything labeled fat free) and avoid things with more than 10g of sugar a serving (you're only supposed to have about 30g of sugar a day). You can also go to this website and sign up for a 10 day sugar challenge. It has a lot of good info on other hidden sources of sugar and if you do the challenge they will email you tips daily to help stay on track - http://fedupmovie.com/ . I did the challenge and even though I wasn't perfect, I found it still helped me get back on track and lower my sugar cravings. IF you have less sugar you will also notice you actually have higher energy levels too!
  • greeneyes972
    I've been here too, and it's usually on days where I have very low fat in my diet. I combat it by eating about 70 grams of avacado, or some nuts. Hope you figure it out, it's an awful feeling to feel hungry even when you're physically full!!
  • craftergin
    craftergin Posts: 25 Member
    For me, it's being full, but not satisfied. Like another poster mentioned. Increasing the fat content (good fat) in my meals helps a great deal with satisfaction. I usually have The Big Salad for dinner. If I don't have some avocado on it, I get that craving for something else after.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    Were you thirsty? They* say thirst can often be mistaken for hunger, so maybe that's it?

    *no idea who 'they' are, just something I've heard multiple times!
  • Creiddylad
    Creiddylad Posts: 27

    I know exactly the feeling you describe and it's the weirdest thing. Fullness and hunger at the same time. I don't notice it so much during the day but after I've eaten my dinner I get it quite often in the early evening. I know I'm full because of the amount I've eaten but the sensation in my gullet is one of hunger.

    I've tried drinking the water too, but it doesn't seem to help. I just try and ignore it and eventually it passes.