I hate working out.

I do not enjoy it at all. i force myself to do it and I don't feel good after. I feel like i don't burn as many calories as i would like in each workout because I cant run because of my asthma. I am eating better but i need help finding something that will burn a lot of calories without making feel like I'm going to die.


  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    i can't run either but not due to asthma. In any case I do bike or recumbent elliptical for cardio. aside from that I do some weights/circuit training at my gym. At home I use some small weights and resistance bands while watching tv. I don't get out of breath but do feel it in my arms.
  • barbdp
    barbdp Posts: 5
    oh i for got to mention, i do not have a gym membership. i do have a treadmill at home and walk on that but just seems like i could do more...
  • barbdp
    barbdp Posts: 5
    thanks, I'll try that :)
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I have asthma and knee problems. I do "Turbo Jam" because there's a low-impact modification that still burns a TON of calories. It gets my heart rate way up but doesn't bother my asthma. I got it for about $10 on Amazon. I like the "Cardio Party" workout.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    if you have a wii you could always try wii fit, also yoga would be good too, while it may not feel like a hard workout it can help in a number of ways. If I didnot do yoga I would not have the function that i do have. Lots of stretching ect.
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    Can you put the treadmill on an incline? I was shocked when i saw how many more calories this actually burns. Even just walking at a good incline for 30 min is a great burn.
  • maerieanne
    maerieanne Posts: 42 Member
    look around look around look around!! you might not like running but what about dancing? hiking? kicking stuff? football? tennis?
    I think you'll be better of doing something you like so you won't dread the workout time, also it might help you stick to it, the point is to stay active on the long run, right?
  • sheclimbsrocks
    sheclimbsrocks Posts: 110 Member
    I have to fool myself into exercising. I don't like gyms. I don't like to run (especially to catch a train or bus!). But I do like being outdoors. My primary exercise is rock climbing. I also use a bike to commute. At home, I'll pick up a hula hoop or a jump rope. These things are not boring to me and make me feel good. I do, however, need more rigorous cardio in my life.

    edit to add - I also have asthma that is triggered by exercise and fragrance / perfume. Cardio has improved my asthma so much that I cannot remember the last time I used my inhaler. When exercising, I just pace myself.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    join the club... i dread exercising! but i do it every day that i can (5 days/week)
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    Two months ago I hated it! Now that it's become a habit, I look forward to my workouts. When I'm having knee or shin issues and running/walking is not an option, I will find something lower impact on my legs. I like the rowing machine (but if you don't have a gym that's not going to be possible). Otherwise I just try to move every day, even if I can't get a full on 500 calorie burn going. Even walks outside help a lot.
  • sisterphonetica
    sisterphonetica Posts: 59 Member
    I don't do gyms. I have health problems too and the idea of a gym fills me with horror. I hate going INDOORS to exercise too apart from swimming. I walk everywhere I can, more at weekends and days off than on weekdays, especially in winter.

    What about cycling, gets you somewhere and burns calories? I enjoy occasional yoga at home. I've just started swimming lessons too and absolutely loved it.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Then don't do cardiovascular exercises.

    Instead, make your deficit through diet and do weight lifting as your exercise.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I do not enjoy it at all. i force myself to do it and I don't feel good after. I feel like i don't burn as many calories as i would like in each workout because I cant run because of my asthma. I am eating better but i need help finding something that will burn a lot of calories without making feel like I'm going to die.

    Just keep in mind you can not out exercise too many calories.

    Lifting weights is KEY. I recently had my DXA scan done and at 51.5 years of age I have the bone density of a super athletic 30 year old. That is a direct result of lifting for over 30 years. Now if that is not scientific proof that lifting weights keeps you younger I don't know what is! Also I believe it is why most people think I look much younger than I really am.

    Start lifting now, lift heavy and change it up often, find a lot of weight routines with free weights, make it fun, embrace it, make it part of your life. Only 3 days a week is all it would take. Crank up your tunes and learn to love it, because your body will love it and it will make your quality of life better in many ways, especially when you get older like me.

    Because of this I don't have to worry about osteoporosis. If you wait until you are older and your bones start to deteriorate it's a bit too late, you can't get back what you lost, and you can only start a resistance routine that will prevent further damage.

    If you are female you don't have the hormones to get big naturally. I lift heavy and I'm still really tiny. My lean body mass is only 104 lbs and that is fairly heavy for a 5'1" female, and quite a bit of this is due to my having very dense bones from 30 years of lifting, not all muscle, and I'm still quite tiny.

    My muscles really are not that big, but they show a lot of definition because I'm quite lean. If I gained some fat then I would have a softer more toned look (which is OKAY too!). Then if I gained more fat I would look bulky and hefty like I did most of my life until last year. YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER YOU WANT. Lean and ripped, soft and toned, or hefty, it all depends on how much fat you leave on your body. Calories are the only thing that changes fat. Exercise is for changing or maintaining your lean body mass only. Lifting weights will give you the best bang for your buck for shaping your body. I finally changed my shape by putting lifting first and cardio 2nd. You cannot out exercise too many calories.
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    Zumba! It is latin dancing and is sooooo much fun! =)
  • clousea17
    clousea17 Posts: 6 Member
    I used to hate working out too because I always felt like afterwards I was just exhausted and couldn't catch my breath. I've learned though that really low-impact stuff can be enjoyable, like cycling and dancing (Just Dance, etc). Also I kind of figured out that once I start to feel tired, if I just push through it and force myself to continue for a few more minutes, the last half of the workout is rather enjoyable and it does give me energy. If you ease into it and just try to do a little bit, eventually you will find what works for you.
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    I have asthma too, and for a long time I felt like I couldn't do anything cardio-related because I would get winded so easily. I don't know how severe yours is, mine wasn't that bad. But if you want to improve, and possibly eliminate your asthma, the key is to pace yourself. Run as slow as you need to -- no sprinting! Light jogs where you can still talk and aren't terribly winded. I'm doing the Couch to 5k program, and the first few weeks you run in very short intervals. This is the first time I've enjoyed running and been able to do it without feeling like I'm going to die. :) Keep pushing, be patient, and find forms of cardio you enjoy so you can work your way up without being miserable.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Then don't do cardiovascular exercises.

    Instead, make your deficit through diet and do weight lifting as your exercise.

    I agree. For some reason, weight lifting doesn't register in my head as 'hard' exercise. Even though I'm burning calories, sweating, and my heart rate is up, it's not the same 'I' feel like I'm dying' feeling that you get with straight-up cardio. The mental aspect of it is easier to handle and get through. 30 minutes of weight lifting means 10 or 15 or however many different exercises you want. You take breaks between sets, and sometimes you even sit or lie down. You can do it while you watch tv for God's sake as long as you keep your form good. :P
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    What do you like to do? And what do you consider "a lot of calories"?

    Swim laps, dance, zumba, spinning class, pilates, do an exercise video (you can find them for free on Fit TV or On Demand or on Youtube), Circuit train (do a strength training exercise followed by 1-2 minutes or even 5 of a cardio), jump rope for 5 minutes, ride a bike outside, go for a walk, go hiking, in line skate or roller skate, go skiing or ice skating.

    Sometimes when we're bored (my husband and I) and its crappy weather, we do cardio circuits:

    5 minutes each station:
    rowing machine
    Alternative (kicking & punching a heavy bag) or step aerobics
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    if you have a wii you could always try wii fit, also yoga would be good too, while it may not feel like a hard workout it can help in a number of ways. If I didnot do yoga I would not have the function that i do have. Lots of stretching ect.

    Keep trying to find new things you WILL like. Remember .... keeping the weight off is a "lifestyle" change .... you want to workout for the rest of your life.

    Re: Wii, XBox ... whatever .... Redbox has several fitness games available. You can test drive them, before buying. Check your local library, they have videos. Netflix by mail has tons of exercise videos.

    You don't have to kill yourself, you just need to make improvements one step at a time.
  • jhunny31
    I hate it and love it at the same time. I kind of wish I didn't have to workout and still remained small. Unfortunately for me, I have to workout or I'll blow up like a balloon. I have bad knees also and realize it triggers more when I do jumping jacks but I kind of just fight right through it. Have you tried Leslie Sansone walk from home? I got amazing results (I owe a lot of my weightloss because of her) she's really good and it never bothered my knees no matter which mile I did with her.