Getting married, need tips on how to CUT and tone up!

Hi, I am 5'3 and currently at 125 pounds. I had gotten down to my goal weight at my engagement in June at 119 but have slacked off since. I wouldn't mind getting back to that, however, I am needing help with toning up. I don't want to gain any muscle I just want to define my muscle that I already have and tone up. I have hear cardio builds muscle and I should weight this true? If so what success have you had and what do you do to tone up? I have until June to look my best in my wedding dress and on my honeymoon, any tips would be great!


  • If I were you and wanted to tone up without adding muscle, I would look to one of the local gyms that offer cardio boxing classes (not the kick boxing classes...the cardio boxing where you put on gloves and hit a bag or hand mitts) and do that hour class three times a week at least. You will lose a lot of fat and tone up every where. Just my suggestion.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    1. It is physically impossible to tone a muscle. You can either build, maintain or destroy, you can not tone it.
    2. Cardio is for being cardiovascular healthy not for building muscle or "toning"
    3. If you want to look great a combination of heavy weight lifting using compound lifts, proper diet and light cardio is key.
    4. Honeymoon tips: there are many books out there but just stay calm and you'll both get better at it.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    For the most part, cardio does NOT build muscle.

    Weight training will retain muscle while losing fat. Losing fat is accomplished through calorie deficit which can be accomplished with or without cardio. You might gain a SMALL amount of muscle if you are new to lifting, but it will be small, less than a pound for sure. I'd suggest New Rules of Weight Training for Women.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    4. Honeymoon tips: there are many books out there but just stay calm and you'll both get better at it.

    Oh no you didn't...
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    4. Honeymoon tips: there are many books out there but just stay calm and you'll both get better at it.

    Oh no you didn't...

    Yeah what a jerk! I def dont need any advice in that area! Thanks tho!
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    For the most part, cardio does NOT build muscle.

    Weight training will retain muscle while losing fat. Losing fat is accomplished through calorie deficit which can be accomplished with or without cardio. You might gain a SMALL amount of muscle if you are new to lifting, but it will be small, less than a pound for sure. I'd suggest New Rules of Weight Training for Women.

    Awesome, thank you! I don't mind a little bit of muscle, I just already have muscular thighs from sports so I didn't want to add to that.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    and honeymoon any tips would be great!

    You asked for them... I don't see why you are raging.

    And I didn't even say anything explicit...
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    I bought my wedding dress a year before my wedding. Almost a year later (and two months before my wedding) I had gained 15lbs. I NEEDED to lose the weight or else no dress! I power walked every day an hour a day -at 3 small meals and 2 small snacks in between. The weight flew off! Good luck - you can do it! That was my motivation-you'll find yours :)
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    For the most part, cardio does NOT build muscle.

    Weight training will retain muscle while losing fat. Losing fat is accomplished through calorie deficit which can be accomplished with or without cardio. You might gain a SMALL amount of muscle if you are new to lifting, but it will be small, less than a pound for sure. I'd suggest New Rules of Weight Training for Women.

    Awesome, thank you! I don't mind a little bit of muscle, I just already have muscular thighs from sports so I didn't want to add to that.

    Don't worry, it is actually VERY hard for a woman to add ANY muscle to her frame, even when frequently pushing heavy weight. To see any huge muscle gains you would have to be eating a truck load and taking steroids. So you can feel free to train hard and heavy without getting bulky.
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    and honeymoon any tips would be great!

    You asked for them... I don't see why you are raging.

    I didn't ask for any honeymoon tips. How immature can you be?
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    and honeymoon any tips would be great!

    You asked for them... I don't see why you are raging.

    I didn't ask for any honeymoon tips. How immature can you be?

    wow , you forgot your sense of humour somewhere. It was cute
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    I bought my wedding dress a year before my wedding. Almost a year later (and two months before my wedding) I had gained 15lbs. I NEEDED to lose the weight or else no dress! I power walked every day an hour a day -at 3 small meals and 2 small snacks in between. The weight flew off! Good luck - you can do it! That was my motivation-you'll find yours :)

    Thank you!! I realy like to cycle, not much of a walker/ I will prob stick to that! I already fo the 3 small meals and 2 snacks...I just really slacked off lately which I shouldnt have. I too bough my in advance and it was when I was at my lowest weight! LOL So that is my motivation also!!
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    and honeymoon any tips would be great!

    You asked for them... I don't see why you are raging.

    I didn't ask for any honeymoon tips. How immature can you be?

    Very, how overly sensitive can you be?

    all "getting mad over what a complete stranger joked about" aside, my first 3 points are 100% correct.
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    and honeymoon any tips would be great!

    You asked for them... I don't see why you are raging.

    I didn't ask for any honeymoon tips. How immature can you be?

    wow , you forgot your sense of humour somewhere. It was cute

    I guess it is read wrong. I meant I want to look good in my wedding dress, as well as on my honeymoon. Thanks for the input though!
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    and honeymoon any tips would be great!

    You asked for them... I don't see why you are raging.

    I didn't ask for any honeymoon tips. How immature can you be?

    wow , you forgot your sense of humour somewhere. It was cute

    I guess it is read wrong. I meant I want to look good in my wedding dress, as well as on my honeymoon. Thanks for the input though!

    Lighten was funny, and really read his other points.
    i am sure you will make a stunning bride.
    LIFT the heavy wont build muscle (unless you eat above maintenance, and even then it's not a lot), it will make you look fabulous.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    wow.....lucky guy marrying this one
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    Yeah i think the average muscle gain for a woman is 10 pounds for an entire year... So yeah.
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    and honeymoon any tips would be great!

    You asked for them... I don't see why you are raging.

    I didn't ask for any honeymoon tips. How immature can you be?

    wow , you forgot your sense of humour somewhere. It was cute

    I guess it is read wrong. I meant I want to look good in my wedding dress, as well as on my honeymoon. Thanks for the input though!

    Lighten was funny, and really read his other points.
    i am sure you will make a stunning bride.
    LIFT the heavy wont build muscle (unless you eat above maintenance, and even then it's not a lot), it will make you look fabulous.

    Thank you! I have never been one to lift! So this will be new to me!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Yeah i think the average muscle gain for a woman is 10 pounds for an entire year... So yeah.

    IF she's eating at a surplus and following a rigorous hypertrophy routine, neither of which the OP will be doing.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Don't forget clean eating. I don't mean get rid of carbs but really pay attention to the quality and quantity of what you are eating.