I hate strength training!



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So boring! I am a triathlete for 5 years now. Just completed my first half Ironman distance this fall (70.3 total miles) but I am SO SLOW! I know that strength training is the answer but I cannot afford the fun ones like Crossfit and tho I have a modest weight bench, bands, etc. at home, I have a hard time making myself use them consistently. Same for speed work and/or hill sprints. They are just not enjoyable like my cardio. Any advice besides suck it up and get it done? lol. Thanks!

    I feel the same way about weights! So friggin' boring! I switched to mostly body weight exercises and have had much better success.

    I am on week 6 (last week) of the 200 squat challenge (www.twohundredsquats.com) and it's made such a difference in my legs. More than I had imagined. And I'm stuggling with the 100 pushup challenge (www.onehundredpushups.com) and have just started the 150 dips challenge.

    Don't get me wrong. These are not as fun as cardio and it's hard to do that many reps. But IMO it's much better than pumping iron and I've had better results (though that's probably due to better consistency).
  • Broadzilla007
    Broadzilla007 Posts: 20 Member
    I am doing Danny Cahill's 10 Burpee challenge. It's day three!
  • 1 - Crossfit is NOT strength training. It's using strength training movements to do cardio.

    2 - I have yet to be bored with 350 over my neck waiting to crush my larynx.

    I totaly agree......I'd skip the crossfit. Lift and make a challenge out of it. I hate leg day with every fiber of my being but I still do it. You have to MAKE yourself do it. Sooner or later it will become a habit.....
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    i hate all exercise equally lol no discrimination here
    edit: i like how it has changed my body, though!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I'm a big advocate of strength training but I have to admit..not a big fan of it. I just suck it up and do it because I know it's essential for my goals. Now that I'm becoming stronger there are certain exercises I'm digging....love working my back and doing dips! Pushups I'm starting to like too. But pull ups still make me wanna puke blahh. I agree with the poster who said crossfit and like workouts are really just cardio....you're using light weights, faster movements and muscle confusion, awesome workout!!..but cardio.

    My advice, just pick up the 'heavy' weights and do it!

    I was just introduced to the linear leg press, and I LOVE it. I have only done it a few times, and I can do 208lbs, 3 sets of 10 reps. I also have been doing pull ups for 3 months. I used to need the whole 165 pounds of assist, but now I only need 115 pounds. Hopefully this winter I can get the money together to get a trainer and get into more weights.