Hi everyone I need some tips and advice

Im new to this site. I wanted to see if anybody had any good tips or advice for weight loss. Im 5'3 and my weight is 160lbs. I desperately need to loose 40lbs. I have been yo-yo dieting with no stable and permanent results. I am getting pretty desperate now, I NEED to loose this weight. I appreciate any advice or any tips that you guys have :smile:


  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    First thing is be honest and log everything, everything that goes down your throat is calorific. Then you will know what can or should be avoided

    No harm or guilt in having a cream doughnut, just realise that you could have had a more nutritious item instead
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Why does it say you joined in July 2011?

    Anyway, welcome! What makes you so desperate to lose 40 lbs? I'd suggest going for a smaller initial goal - 140lbs would be you at a healthy bmi - and then reassess your final goal when you achieve that.

    What's your current diet and exercise regime like?
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Log it and exercise! I will look for your success story when you meet your goal.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Yup, log every bite you eat and keep it within the daily range.
  • NaughtyForties
    I'd go along with what everyone else says:

    1. Log everything good and bad - its amazing how you quickly make different choices (I still make bad choices but I make fewer since logging everyday).
    2. Do some cardio; swimming, running, cross trainer, row, squash, tennis, badminton, skating, skipping, volleyball - just find something you can tolerate or better still enjoy and aim for twice a week (I love squash and find it fun but boy does it give me a work out).
    3. Strength training - some hate the idea and miss this step out. Each to their own but it's an integral part of weight loss. Aim for 3 times a week.

    All of the above result in one thing - weight loss. Yippee!

  • evelina90
    evelina90 Posts: 19 Member
    It says I joined back in 2011 because I have been trying to loose weight for a few years now on and off. I seem to lack motivation and I have a hard time committing to it. But enough is enough, this time I AM going to loose the excess weight. I am use to being around 125 - 130 lb. No where near a 160lbs. I want to be healthy and feel good about myself :smile:
  • evelina90
    evelina90 Posts: 19 Member
    I find it kind of difficult logging everything accurately because I eat home cooked meals mainly.
  • vicktoria339
    I find it really easy to log things when i cook for myself - 100g mince, 50g peppers etc then break it down into how many portions you made. Thats how i do it anyway!
  • hajir7
    hajir7 Posts: 53 Member
    First thing is be honest and log everything, everything that goes down your throat is calorific. Then you will know what can or should be avoided

    No harm or guilt in having a cream doughnut, just realise that you could have had a more nutritious item instead

    That is so true, I am just adding, get a good scale and check your weight in every week do it at the same time wearing the same thing, this way you will know how you are doing:) feel free to add me:)
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    I find it kind of difficult logging everything accurately because I eat home cooked meals mainly.

    There is a recipe calculator with MFP. Under the Food tab, there's a link for "recipes," where you can input the various ingredients of a recipe, the number of servings, and then it'll calculate the calories / nutritional breakdown. I generally cook everything we eat for dinner from scratch and the recipe function has been invaluable. It's a little fiddly to begin with, but once you have a recipe inputted you can just add servings to your diary. I keep a pen and pad of paper next to my stove and I just weigh ingredients as I cook and then I input them into the recipe calculator.
  • ceceoplaymate
    ceceoplaymate Posts: 63 Member
    Yes, LOG in everyday, write down everything you eat and drink, even if you go over!This reminds me a lot of weight watchers, and i lost 55 with that program. This program is just as effective as long as you track everything and stay on track (for the most part) Good luck to ya! :)
  • hajir7
    hajir7 Posts: 53 Member
    I find it kind of difficult logging everything accurately because I eat home cooked meals mainly.

    There is a recipe calculator with MFP. Under the Food tab, there's a link for "recipes," where you can input the various ingredients of a recipe, the number of servings, and then it'll calculate the calories / nutritional breakdown. I generally cook everything we eat for dinner from scratch and the recipe function has been invaluable. It's a little fiddly to begin with, but once you have a recipe inputted you can just add servings to your diary. I keep a pen and pad of paper next to my stove and I just weigh ingredients as I cook and then I input them into the recipe calculator.
    Thank you for the recipe calculator hints, I will start doing it because I cook my meals, and I just put the ingredients there:)
  • formerlykn0wn
    okay first find out your BMR : go to this ( http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/ ) website and calculate.

    As it says on the website, your BMR is just how many calories your body burns daily if you did nothing. So in order to loose weight, you would just want to subtract some calories, that way your body will be burning more calories than you are eating... this will equal weight loss :) for me, my BMR is around 1,500, so I'll just eat 500 cals less than that, resulting in a one lb loss per week. When you're just starting it is obviously hard to stick to it so make small changes. Maybe instead of 500 less, just do 250. That's still 2 lbs a month!

    But instead of just 'dieting' or watching your cals, make a change. Just eat healthy, make better choices. Just eating less fat, sugar, and salt, and definitely no processed food, or veeeryyyy little. Try more fresh fruits/veggies, all natural, organic foods. Your plate should consist of half veggies/fruits, 25% protein and 25% grain. If you are wanting to build muscle, as well as loose fat, then up your protein intake and calories. 2 days a week eat 500 MORE than your BMR. So my BMR is 1500, I'd eat 2,000 twice a week, while muscle training harder than I would be the other 5 days. AND LOG EVERY MORSEL OF FOODIES! Stay loyal to MFP :)

    Now in addition to diet, you must exercise!! It will cause even more cals to be burned. So If I'm eating 1,000 cals a day PLUS burning 500 cals a day from exercise, that's 2 lbs a week because I am now naturally burning 500 and on top purposely burning 500. So, do cardio exercises to blast cals/fat and strength training for muscle gain. Make exercising fun!! (Running, walks in pretty parks, hiking, biking, swimming, sports, working out with friends, dancing, join a gym.) There's a woooorld of opportunities for making exercise enjoyable :)

    It's gonna be hard, but just do it, slowly, but effectively. "A year from now you're gonna wish you started today."

    Good luck! Add me, we can encourage each other :)
  • NaughtyForties
    okay first find out your BMR : go to this ( http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/ ) website and calculate.

    As it says on the website, your BMR is just how many calories your body burns daily if you did nothing. So in order to loose weight, you would just want to subtract some calories, that way your body will be burning more calories than you are eating... this will equal weight loss :) for me, my BMR is around 1,500, so I'll just eat 500 cals less than that, resulting in a one lb loss per week. When you're just starting it is obviously hard to stick to it so make small changes. Maybe instead of 500 less, just do 250. That's still 2 lbs a month!

    But instead of just 'dieting' or watching your cals, make a change. Just eat healthy, make better choices. Just eating less fat, sugar, and salt, and definitely no processed food, or veeeryyyy little. Try more fresh fruits/veggies, all natural, organic foods. Your plate should consist of half veggies/fruits, 25% protein and 25% grain. If you are wanting to build muscle, as well as loose fat, then up your protein intake and calories. 2 days a week eat 500 MORE than your BMR. So my BMR is 1500, I'd eat 2,000 twice a week, while muscle training harder than I would be the other 5 days. AND LOG EVERY MORSEL OF FOODIES! Stay loyal to MFP :)

    Now in addition to diet, you must exercise!! It will cause even more cals to be burned. So If I'm eating 1,000 cals a day PLUS burning 500 cals a day from exercise, that's 2 lbs a week because I am now naturally burning 500 and on top purposely burning 500. So, do cardio exercises to blast cals/fat and strength training for muscle gain. Make exercising fun!! (Running, walks in pretty parks, hiking, biking, swimming, sports, working out with friends, dancing, join a gym.) There's a woooorld of opportunities for making exercise enjoyable :)

    It's gonna be hard, but just do it, slowly, but effectively. "A year from now you're gonna wish you started today."

    Good luck! Add me, we can encourage each other :)

    An awesome post - that's great advice.
  • thinfifi
    Hi there, it's not everyones thing, but I had some hypnosis about 4 months ago and I have lost 12 kilos since then (about 26 pounds). I lost 16 kilos before the hypnosis but it was a struggle, the last 12 have been quite easy, I am relaxed, not bingeing, just focussed..... Obviously i eat a healthy diet and get lots of exercise, no gimmicks....
  • vickykl29
    Actually if you want a big change you will have to change first your way of thinking especially for food and your whole lifestyle.Once you do that the rest is easy..You shouldn't keep it only for 2 months but it has to be a part of your life this new outlook!!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Then if you decide to try it send me a friend request and i'll send out your name to the high cal team.
    We will help you lose the weight.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    Water, water, and more water :happy: Welcome and good luck to you!
  • nfrewin
    nfrewin Posts: 73 Member
    I find it kind of difficult logging everything accurately because I eat home cooked meals mainly.

    There is a recipe calculator with MFP. Under the Food tab, there's a link for "recipes," where you can input the various ingredients of a recipe, the number of servings, and then it'll calculate the calories / nutritional breakdown. I generally cook everything we eat for dinner from scratch and the recipe function has been invaluable. It's a little fiddly to begin with, but once you have a recipe inputted you can just add servings to your diary. I keep a pen and pad of paper next to my stove and I just weigh ingredients as I cook and then I input them into the recipe calculator.

    omg how did i not know this was there!! things just got so much more accurate for me yay!