Home compared to work

Help please! I never seem to have a problem sticking o my plan when I'm at work,but I always seem to have a problem when I'm at home. I'm always busy,but do to all the other snacks and food in the house for everyone else in the family I just can't seem to make it fthur my time off( 4 days at a shot ) any suggestions would be appriecated. Thanks!


  • dan_IRL
    dan_IRL Posts: 204 Member
    This may be really easy for me to say and much harder to actually do because it is just my wife and i in my house.

    But is there any reason why the rest of your family should have snacks and bad food in the house (i'm assuming the snacks and other food are bad?).

    I see friends who have kids cupboards in their houses and there always filled with packaged processed cereals, snacks, chips, junk food. Even "marketed to be healthy" junk food like 100 calorie packs and stuff like that.

    When I do have kids, I would like to only keep healthy but good food around the house. FOr my whole familys sake. I learned a lot of really really bad eating habits based on growing up in an unhealthy family with a fully stocked kitchen filled with unhealthy choices.

    I'm trying to UNlearn all those habits now.

    (I didn't mean for this to sound harsh and I know it's easier said than done. But I would say try and have healthy options in the house not just for you but for the rest of the household as well.)

    just a thought :smile:
  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    I'm the same way - but weekends are my tough time. Here are my suggestions (and saying them I hope will increase my resolution to them).

    1) Revamp all your kids snacks. If we have snacks it's fruit snack pouches and almonds/raisins/dark M&Ms mixed. It's fairly easy for me to stay away from them and if I get into them it minimizes the harm. There's no reason a person should have junky snacks for their kids. The junkiest thing we try to have around is those gummie fruit snacks and we limit how often the kids get them (ours are under 5). Otherwise it's fruit, a banana & PB sandwich/or graham crackers w/ PB & bananas. Additionally - the more effort it takes to make a snack, the more it slows you down from being impuslive and just popping it in your mouth.

    2) Don't keep trigger foods around - no matter who likes them. Hubby like snickers (and I'll eat if desperately wanting junk) so we don't keep them around (he is working on being healthy too) - or we keep some minis in the freezer if needed. I found out Nutella is a BINGE food for me recently and I cannot keep it in the house - so no one gets it. Also - pizza is bad. If I make homemade pizza (whole family loves it - including me), I make extra of the kid's type and Hub's type but not my type so it limits me (I can binge on it too). If I bake (which I like to in the winter) - I plan it around another event I can take the food too (taking brownies or cookies to church, over to a neighbor, etc) so we have a taste but get RID of it.

    3) Look at your anxiety or stress. If you look to food as a reward or a coping strategy (as I do) - you have to consciously work on your thinking. It's unhealthy to put a lock on your fridge (unless you have a baby who gets into it and plays) - so you have to work on the root of the issue - YOU. Try to find an alternative response. Stretch. Pray. Meditate. Go for a walk. Even get on-line for a little while and space-out. This one is the hardest one for me but I'm working on it.

    Just my 2 cents. Best wishes.
  • bordsilly
    bordsilly Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks I appriecate the input and suggestions, gonna try them. I don't have sm. kids at home anymore. My husband is my big kid and his eating habbits stink lol!!! I'm trying to get him to eat better and it is starting to work but it is a long process. He's our household Junk food junky. Even my 18year old step-daughter eats healthier then he does! I'm doing well 17lbs in approx 5 weeks but tho's days off are hard! Thanks again.
  • dan_IRL
    dan_IRL Posts: 204 Member
    Keep up the good work! Change is a gradual thing. We just have to keep at it. It gets more normal the longer you do it.