Water intake - does it include tea and juice?



  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I agree with everyone else who has said that water is water. I never count tea, juice, soda, etc. Because it's not water just because it has water in it.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member

    Appropriate Fluid Sources
    If you're not a devoted water drinker, you may wonder if other liquids count toward your daily fluid needs or if only water should be consumed for adequate hydration. While water is healthy and commonly recommended, other liquids serve the same purpose. In other words, juices, milk, caffeinated beverages, herbal tea and even soups can appropriately count toward your daily fluid needs and should be considered when calculating fluid intake.

  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Pure water only is how I do it
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    I count only water, tea with sweetener and the ice I eat as water. I track my soda and hardly ever drink juice because of the outrageous amount of calories in some of it.

    Everyone is going to have a different opinion and the main objective is to stay hydrated. There are a thousand different threads on a thousand websites and they all say something different!
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    I only count actual water towards my daily intake. This includes the bottle of sparkling water I drink on a daily basis (which is sugar/calorie free). I don't count my sugar/calorie free energy drinks, coffee, etc. as water. Just makes more sense to me.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Not a silly question but as usual some really silly answers!
    Water is water - just H20. No pixey dust or black magic.
    Your body doesn't really care how you take in water or whether there is anything added to it.

    "8 glasses a day" is just a marketing type phrase and about as scientific as "speed kills" for road safety.
  • sistersyd
    sistersyd Posts: 30 Member
    Yes, All - only water is water, but there are programs (like WW) that say black coffee and unsweetened tea (things with no calories) don't need to be counted, but they are NOT water. If you are putting sugar or milk/cream in your coffee or tea, you need to count it - it adds up quickly!!
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member

    Appropriate Fluid Sources
    If you're not a devoted water drinker, you may wonder if other liquids count toward your daily fluid needs or if only water should be consumed for adequate hydration. While water is healthy and commonly recommended, other liquids serve the same purpose. In other words, juices, milk, caffeinated beverages, herbal tea and even soups can appropriately count toward your daily fluid needs and should be considered when calculating fluid intake.


    OK, Love this answer!

  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I follow a diet my doctor prescribed me.

    It's basically a low carbs diet and no food after 6 pm. Liquids are also limited after 6 pm, not more than 30% of daily liquids . And this post 6 pm liquid should be fat free and sugar free.
  • keni88
    keni88 Posts: 22
    gotta love some of these answers.

    by some of the logic on here, adding mince to my rice stops it being carbs!?

    no matter what you add to your water, nothing bonds with it on a molecular level, which is the level your body absorbs it at! no matter what you ad its filtered out.

    and have to also agree with the comments of taking in too much water, and flushing out your body minerals and vitamins, having a negative effect!

    8 pints a day is the same as 'your 5 a day' its a rough estimate dependent on lifestyle.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I only count pure water, my rule of thumb is that my pee should always be clear and fragrance free :laugh:

    you might want to stress your kidneys a little less by allowing some straw colour into your pee........
  • WW said tea and coffee also counted for your 8 cups per day. Although juice is good for you, it does have a lot more calories than just eating the fruit and fruit will stay with you longer. If you are in a dry environment, it is suggested you drink even more than the 8 cups. Try adding flavored Stevia of SF flavors to your water. Stevia comes in a ton of great varieties. You can also add a little lemon juice.
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    I only count water as water intake. I drink green tea and coffee, as well.
  • Be_EmbracE
    Be_EmbracE Posts: 1,472 Member
    Water is only water :)
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I agree with everyone else who has said that water is water. I never count tea, juice, soda, etc. Because it's not water just because it has water in it.
    OMG! What happens to the water when it mixes with what you ate in your stomach? Not water any more I guess.
    It's all water people. Put it to rest.
    Look at it this way, Blend up a piece of fruit and eat it. Add the calories to your diary. Drink a glass of water. Add it to your daily water tally. Now, instead, mix the juice and water together and drink it. Add th3ecalories to your diary, and add the water to your water intake.
    Any difference to your stomach/body?
    They just want you to stay hydrated.
  • IMO, saying that coffee doesn't count as water because you're putting caffeine in it is like saying a bowl of carrots don't count as a vegetable because you dipped it in ranch dressing.

    If you drink 8 oz of coffee and add a splash of milk you count the water as water and also count the calories in your milk. Just because you add SOME milk to the coffee doesn't make it an entire cup of milk.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Everyone is different and has different needs. If you eat a lot of raw fruits and veg, you might not need to drink as much as someone who eats more processed/cooked/prpared foods. Personally, I go by how the liquids make me feel. Coffee, soda and sport drinks aren't very refreshing to me (and too much cola can even bring on UT irritation). Water and green tea are refreshing so that's what I mostly drink. And yes, pee color is a pretty good indicator as long as you're not on meds that might alter it. Pale/light yellow is optimal.
  • fletchleg
    fletchleg Posts: 116 Member
    I don't count coffee or any sodas....fruit/green teas and flavoured water/squash I do. Weird I know but I've got into that habit now.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    That 8 glasses of water thing is based on Nothing. An urban myth- no science or study behind it.:grumble:
  • NoMoreFlubbering
    NoMoreFlubbering Posts: 95 Member
    The only items that go on my water counting are tall glasses of water, and cups of herbal tea with nothing in it. Other than that, sugar, milk, and other drinks all get logged as calories.