Just really feeling good today!!

kelli_panzera Posts: 171
edited September 20 in Success Stories
I woke up and found I am within a pound of the goal weight I set for 4-1-10. I am excited and proud, and there are quite a range of emotions going on today. I am 5 pounds away from what I weighed in high school- 9th grade to be exact. I always thought I was fat, and would stay fat. I always assumed I would be the butt of people's jokes til I died...really. Tomorrow I will be 36 years old and I truly never would have thought I could even accomplish this mini-goal at my age. Like I said, I was certain of what my future was going to be, and it wasn't bright and cheery.
Today I feel amazing. Next week my husband and I are reconciling and i'm taking the kids and moving back home. It's been 7 months and when that journey began I thought it was over for good. But like the weight, after 16 years I believe there's a chance and something to be saved. For anyone who feels overwhelmed and down- for anyone who can't see a light at the end of the tunnel- PLEASE! Find what motivates you...whether its sadness or happiness, love for yourself, love for someone else. Take that first step...take it as many times as you have to until you're able to feel good about it and be strong enough to continue. I started this journey numerous times with numerous failures. It took awhile, but i'd eventually dust myself off and try again. It's just like many other things in your life- it may not be EASY to obtain, but all is POSSIBLE.
I'm really feeling reflective and thankful today. Thankful that I never gave up on my marriage, thankful that I never gave up on MYSELF. I feel like I am finally succeeding, and for anyone who's having a down day, please know that I love and believe in you, even if you don't believe in yourself today. I know you can do it, and don't shake your head at me. I AM YOU.
And I am having pizza to celebrate. I am happy, and I know I can do this :flowerforyou:
I love all of you for being accountable, holding me accountable, and being the best support a girl could ask for. Stay strong!! Have an AMAZING weekend ladies and gentlemen!


  • Congratulations. Such a nice, positive sentiment to start the day with. Thanks for sharing! :happy:
  • dhitz
    dhitz Posts: 8
    Aww that was a beautiful message!!! Good luck with your husband and family and stay strong and motivated! Everything in life takes work to make things work well! CONGRATS
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    CONGRAT'S to you!!!! It sure feels great to accomplish your goals, I can attest to that!! Happy Birthday to you when it comes :flowerforyou: ..

    Cheers to your continued success!! :drinker:
  • shellybressler
    shellybressler Posts: 13 Member
    Well congratulations on all of your accomplishments... And for the record 36 is not old... You are just beginning life... :)
  • You guys are all so freaking awesome! And yes, I feel like this is a new beginning and a total transformation. I hope everybody has a day like mine really soon.
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! and good luck for your future, and may god bless you with all the good things in life. "KEEP UP THE SPIRIT" WAY TO GO
  • donsch
    donsch Posts: 40
    I do not know if I have read your posts before but I am cheering you on!!
    I am so happy to hear that you are healing your marriage and family. Just think what you are doing for your children too!! good for you.
    I am heading back towards the weight that I was when I was in my twenties!!(and to think I thought I was fat!! HA HA) I sure wish for the days of that "fat" but the pounds are coming off little by little and I am going to find that "fat" again.
    Keep up the good efforts.
    Live, love, LAUGH!
  • marjaskow
    marjaskow Posts: 81
    It's soooo great to hear someone having so many happy things happening these days. Congrats on the weight loss and a new beginning in your life. Life is pretty stressful right now here with my mom being ill, but I jut have to take a day at a time & know we'll get through it. I'm going to do my best to make sure I still fit in the time I need for myself. I know there are others with greater problems than mine!
    I'm 50. Waited longer than I should have to take care of myself, but am reaching new goals all the time & it does feel great.
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Congrats! You must be floating on top of the world today! Enjoy your pizza today - you definitely deserve it!!!!
  • Thanks for sharing a wonderful story
    I am very happy for you
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