Smoke free one full calendar month- Who's Yer Daddy!

31 days smoke free! I feel great....I am in control, and I am so awesome. I do not even want a cigarette, and since I am back to the weight i started at when I quit, I can no longer use "gaining weight' as the excuse to stay smoking. For those of you that are using that excuse, you need to cowboy up and stop being lazy. You can do this! I feel good and smell good, I have more energy and can go harder, longer in physical activity than I ever have been able to. I love it! Come get some!


  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Well done its not easy to do but you have done the hardest bit now
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Congratulations to you today I am trying to quit for the first time I found some nicotine patches with some meds in the cabinet So how did you do it and did you slip up at all. What did you do to keep your mind off it it when you were craving one Please help LOL
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    Massive well done to you! Great achievement. Stoptober, you owned it.
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    Awesome Job!!! Not an easy task you are to be commended.:drinker:
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    WAY TO GO!!!! I know how hard it is. I've done it.. Getting to your weight..keeping it off and not smoking. That is mind over matter!

    I'm 2 years smoke free now! Keep going, it only gets better from here!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Congratulations! Keep it up!
  • _Dan_
    _Dan_ Posts: 55 Member
    Congrats! Good job! It's hard to do. :-)
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    Awesome!! Congrats to you!!
  • josachi
    Great job! What an accomplishment!
  • diligentjosh
    Congratulations to you today I am trying to quit for the first time I found some nicotine patches with some meds in the cabinet So how did you do it and did you slip up at all. What did you do to keep your mind off it it when you were craving one Please help LOL

    I quit almost cold turkey. I had a few pieces of gum, but then I just didn't need it anymore. I just got it into my head that I didn't want to be huffing and puffing everywhere I go. I have career goals in mind that cannot involve smoking (teaching). I did not want to meet a wife that smokes, and then breed future smokers in the family, as has been the m.o. in my family. My brothers still smoke, and my parent still smoke, but I do not like it anymore.

    My best tip, is that you cannot lean on the patches, gum, etc. If you are relying on those things to change your mind for you, then you are setting yourself up to fail. Two things matter, and the rest is history (disclaimer: this is just my thoughts on it- there are plenty of theories):

    1. You have to truly, really, exclusively want to quit for you. If even a hint of why you are quitting is for someone else or something else, you are going to fail. You have to truly want to quit smoking, and it has to eat you up inside with guilt every time you have a cigarette. If I were to have a cigarette now after coming this far, it would destroy my entire mantra of turning over a new leaf and finishing what I start with consistency.

    2. You have to be in a low stress situation. If you are working 12 hours a day, or are on the verge of finals, promotions, family difficulties, etc, you will most likely fail. I am in a stress free position right now, so I saw the need to quit at this time. I have tried 3 separate times before, and all times I was in high stress situations. I was worrying about money and was on edge. This does not aid in quitting.

    So if you can truly, 100% say you are both of those, then I think you are ready. The first week is chemical, and the rest of it is will power and psychological change and resistance. I did gain weight for a little bit -you see 0 on my scale, but I have lost 10 lbs in the past 3 weeks, just look at my graph. What I told myself, every time I slipped up with food (which happened quite a bit), is that it is okay. After all, I have QUIT SMOKING, and that is a monumental achievement.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    And you probably saved more money than switching to GEICO!