Newly Engaged - Bride on a Mission

hello everyone!
My name is Becky and I am newly engaged. From today, I have 327 days until I get married! OMG! So with that saying, of course I need to get into wedding shape. I am 225lbs and would love to get down to 170-180 by my wedding. I know it's a lot of weight but that is where I was in 2007 and I felt my happiest and prettiest.

So I will need all the motivation I can get!


  • RoseAmongThorns91
    RoseAmongThorns91 Posts: 215 Member
    You can add me! And don't worry about how much weight that is - do it in sets. Like 10-15 lbs at a time and you'll get there.
  • :smile: Congradulations Becky. You must be so happy. This is a very excitting time for you. I will also tell you that it is may be very stressful.

    First thing I would tell you to do is to exercise to relief stress and to get out of the wedding planning mode for 30 minutes a day. If you loose weight for just the wedding, it will drive you crazy. 327 is really close to a year and it isn't easy when you are under a great deal of stress.

    You can definately get down to you desired size, but please don't stress out. You'll have enough on your plate. See if you can get a personal trainer or get some exercise videos. Whatever makes it fun. When you buy a dress, get it at your current size and tailor it to the true size you are when you are very close to the event. If you buy it small now, it may not fit properly when you do the final fitting and then you'll feel bad.

    Good luck and have faith you can meet your goals. Just try to not stress over it. You'll have enough to worry about and you want to have fun when you plan your wedding.
  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    And I agree...set small goals first. They are much more reachable in the short term than being determined on the end number at first. There is a lot of support here. I'll be happy to help as much as I can! :)

    You can do anything you set your mind to!
  • Congrats!! I am somewhat newly engaged as well and while we haven't been able to pick a date yet (got house stuff to worry about first) I might be getting married around the same time as you! I have at least 20 pounds I'd like to lose...So I could definitely relate and would love to help, feel free to add me!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Here's the first thing I'll say to you, since I see lots of this all the time and always disagree.

    Don't set goals.

    You heard me... don't set goals.

    Numbers, that is. Don't aim for a number on the scale, or a pant/dress size (which can be tough when trying to get a wedding dress).

    Focus on fitness goals. Focus on being able to run faster, longer. Focus on being able to life heavier, more often.

    You will learn that you can feel strong and beautiful WITHOUT a set number on the scale... and I think you'll be surprised to find you get to your goal "look" (as in, how you looked at 170) much faster, even if the number on the scale doesn't quite match.

    With about a year's worth of time to accomplish this, you have more than enough time. Start lifting TODAY. Push the scale away TODAY. Take pictures TODAY... then when EVERYONE takes pictures of you on your wedding day, you'll have quite a few before/afters ;)
  • @Raven - my sister just got her Personal Trainer license about 6 months ago so she is training me FOR FREE!!!
  • coppercat25
    coppercat25 Posts: 54 Member
    congrats!!! My wedding is on Feb 16th next year, so I have about 100 odd days left and I'd like to lose another 20lbs at least but I'm finding it difficult as I've had alot of social engagements with wedding planning etc. so good you're starting now!

    Just remember to try and not get too stressed and enjoy the planning has been the best tip I've been given!

    Feel free to add me x
  • :smile: Congradulations Becky. You must be so happy. This is a very excitting time for you. I will also tell you that it is may be very stressful.

    First thing I would tell you to do is to exercise to relief stress and to get out of the wedding planning mode for 30 minutes a day. If you loose weight for just the wedding, it will drive you crazy. 327 is really close to a year and it isn't easy when you are under a great deal of stress.

    You can definately get down to you desired size, but please don't stress out. You'll have enough on your plate. See if you can get a personal trainer or get some exercise videos. Whatever makes it fun. When you buy a dress, get it at your current size and tailor it to the true size you are when you are very close to the event. If you buy it small now, it may not fit properly when you do the final fitting and then you'll feel bad.

    Good luck and have faith you can meet your goals. Just try to not stress over it. You'll have enough to worry about and you want to have fun when you plan your wedding.


    I lost about 30lbs for my wedding but put on about 5 lbs just in the last month from stress! LUCKILY the wedding dress still fit but, my Honeymoon dress didnt. If I were to go back, I would SOOOOOO exercise to relieve stress more!! We had a LOT more going on then the wedding at the time tho so that added to it but, exercising to relieve stress is my BIGGEST suggestion.

    Again, congrats and feel free to add me if you want!! I LOVE inspiring and motivation people!! :-) YOU GOT THIS GIRL!!!!
  • You can totally do it! You have almost a year! Start of slow, and pace yourself! Try to get more active and incorporate workouts into your healthy eating plan! It's hard at first, but after a few weeks it just becomes a way of life! You got this! :)
  • goforkissy
    goforkissy Posts: 157 Member
    Add me!! I am getting married September 14, 2013.
  • Thank you everyone! Such inspiration!!!. I really feel I can do this! I have to do this!! I know my boyfriend think I beautiful but I want to feel it on my wedding day!
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    Feel free to add me - I got married 6 months ago yesterday. I'm the encouraging type.

    One thing people asked me was if I planned to keep the weight off. A lot of friends of mine and my husband's got married a year or a few months before us, and the brides tended to gain their weight back pretty fast. Well, I hadn't exactly lost POUNDS - I lost FAT. I didn't want to be a skinny bride - I wanted to be a buff bride!

    So yeah, I kept up the lifestyle and I'm still here, working for a better body. I recommend strength training with your cardio, and watch those carbs! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. You can do this!
  • Hello everyone! After 4.5 years of dating, my High School Sweetheart and I are finally ready to take the plunge! So naturally, I'm thinking ahead to all the photos and dress trying ons and the honeymoon and have decided to get off my lazy butt and start to work out!!

    I'm looking for friendly people to add!! Feel free to send me a request!!
  • LJ728
    LJ728 Posts: 52 Member
    Sent you a request. Anyone else can also feel free to add me!
  • I love weddings!! I got married 2 years ago and although the planning was a bit stressful, now I look back and remember only the good things! As for the weight, just take it one day at a time. People are really amazing and resiliant and there is nothing that you can't do if you find the right motivation :)
  • I am getting married in september this year and that's why I'm losing weight too. Good luck! I am 163 lbs and want to get down to 150lbs. Trying lean cuisines. Lovin the pizza ones.
  • I getting married April 23rd 2013 . I must admit I normally get fed up after a few weeks but having something to focus on has helped no end. My H2B does not care what size I am but I just want to be the best that I can be for my day. I totally agree with the philosophy of one at a time and to set mini goals but don't beat yourself up if you "fall of the wagon". If you are determined you can do it.... All the best and good luck .... U can do it