Fit Bit

Hi all,

I am considering getting a Fit Bit. I want a more realistic idea of the calories I am burning, rather than relying on machines at the gym and the estimates from MFP.

Please reply if you have purchased one. Please specify which one you use(d) and what you thought of it. Other suggestions for similar devices welcome!

Thanks in advance!



  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    It will only give you estimates for walking or running, nothing else. If you want accurate numbers for cardio in general, get a heart rate monitor.

    I bought my Zip mainly as a pedometer for use during our Disney trip. It worked very well for that. But on a daily basis, I use my HRM which is more accurate.
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    It will only give you estimates for walking or running, nothing else. If you want accurate numbers for cardio in general, get a heart rate monitor.

    I bought my Zip mainly as a pedometer for use during our Disney trip. It worked very well for that. But on a daily basis, I use my HRM which is more accurate.

    I agree. I really can't see how it can do a calorie estimate without monitoring your heart rate... same for the sleep analysis.
  • I just ordered one yesterday, I'm looking forward to it coming! I have heard nothing but good things about it, so we'll see.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I've had a FitBit Zip for about a month now and I love it! I love that it automatically syncs with my MFP diary and it makes it really easy to challenge yourself to be more active. I actiually just did a long review on my blog (link in profile).
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    I have an Ultra. I like it because it can capture not only run / walk based exercise sessions, but also the walking I do in the course of a day. With the exception of counting how many steps you take, it's calculations are estimates based on your height, weight, BMR, etc., so don't take it as gospel. But it can help make sure you capture your exertion (or lack thereof) that you might not incorporate here when watching your calories.
  • junebaby21
    junebaby21 Posts: 260 Member
    I am thinking of the Ultra, also, csuhar. Do you find it is more accurate than the machines at the gym?
  • slshaw23
    slshaw23 Posts: 126 Member
    So the fitbit does nothing for cardio does anyone know what HRM is good for cardio and calculating calories
  • I have a fitbit ultra and LOVE it! It is wonderful to track how many steps I've taken in a day, and really pushes me to get up to 10,000. Great motivation! All the features on the site are interesting, but then again i'm a "graph girl." :-)
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Honestly, I haven't really had a chance to compare it to the machines at the gym very much. I'm usually doing incline work on the treadmills, and if you're not actually going up in elevation like going up a flight of stairs, the FitBit doesn't seem to recognize the additional vertically-oriented effort.

    But even with that, I don't think there's been any insane difference between the treadmill's reading and the FitBit's calculation, and the treadmill has always been on the higher end of the two.
  • megsunshine87
    megsunshine87 Posts: 5 Member
    I have an Ultra. I like it because it can capture not only run / walk based exercise sessions, but also the walking I do in the course of a day. With the exception of counting how many steps you take, it's calculations are estimates based on your height, weight, BMR, etc., so don't take it as gospel. But it can help make sure you capture your exertion (or lack thereof) that you might not incorporate here when watching your calories.

    Where did you find thisUltra and how much did you pay? I also was looking at the FitBit but I want something that does more than just count steps, I like how you descried the Ultra.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    FYI-the ultra is being discontinued because Fitbit is releasing One. My understanding is that One is a revised version of the ultra-the clip is attached to it, it's waterproof, and it syncs with a phone or bluetooth. Same price.

    I have an Ultra myself, bought it last spring. I also have an HRM, and when I compare the calorie count on both of them, the fitbit agrees with my HRM. How I don'tk now, because like the others mentioned, it doesn't monitor your heart rate. I think the technology in a fitbit is an accelerometer (like in a WIi remote) so it can tell how quickly you are taking your steps/moving, so maybe it takes that into account for how it calculates calories? All I know is I like how it updates on the MFP page, and by keeping track of my steps I am very mindful of my activity level, even on the days I don't go to the gym.

    If I were to buy one now, I'd get the zip. I don't use the sleep feature, I just want the steps and calories burned.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    If you do a search you will find loads of threads and a group on the fitbit. You may also want to look at bodybug/ bodyfit media. Search on here for into on those too.
  • junebaby21
    junebaby21 Posts: 260 Member
    FYI-the ultra is being discontinued because Fitbit is releasing One. My understanding is that One is a revised version of the ultra-the clip is attached to it, it's waterproof, and it syncs with a phone or bluetooth. Same price.

    I have an Ultra myself, bought it last spring. I also have an HRM, and when I compare the calorie count on both of them, the fitbit agrees with my HRM. How I don'tk now, because like the others mentioned, it doesn't monitor your heart rate. I think the technology in a fitbit is an accelerometer (like in a WIi remote) so it can tell how quickly you are taking your steps/moving, so maybe it takes that into account for how it calculates calories? All I know is I like how it updates on the MFP page, and by keeping track of my steps I am very mindful of my activity level, even on the days I don't go to the gym.

    This is very helpful!
  • Ultra is on sale right now at best buy because they are discontinuing it. I have that verison and I love it. I do not connect it to my fitness pal though because I dont like that MFP adds calories for working out.