Keeping the goal

I have a very particular reason for wanting/needing to lose weight. The end goal is very very important to me but as yet I am unwilling to disclose what it is. I am having problems cutting down. I keep telling myself that this is what I need to do to get what I need but it doesn't seem to work like that. I am fine in the mornings but come afternoons I crave food, sweets, crisps, scones, just food. It seems so long from lunch to dinner. Which brings me to dinner!! I am having a hard time figuring what to eat every evening to keep me filled but which I also enjoy. I can cut out the butter on the mash etc but I don't want food to become boring! I gave up smoking four months ago and am still trying to kick some of the cravings for that. I am also low on iron levels so I need to increase my iron intake which I have no option but to try and do through food as it would seem my body cannot tolerate Galfer, Spatone etc. I've tried them all.. I am currently taking mutli vitamins once daily.

I kinda went of course with all of that I guess I just need a little support, a little guidance. I have never ever been any good at dieting. Slimming world was the only thing that worked for me before but even at that I was only lasting max two months on the diet and then I gave up.


  • junemiller
    junemiller Posts: 16 Member
    I know how you feel. I was doing great and then I just stopped being aware of what I was doing. Suddenly it wasn't as easy. Now I'm determined to get back in the swing of what worked so well before.
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    Don't give up... we are all there with you... if you need to be inspired look at some great pics that have been posted... this site is amazing and awesome for support... you can add me as a friend if you like.. I login daily and I follow up if you dont login...we all own this..change is good and it really is one day at a time...your worth it!!!!
  • HellsBelles123
    Thanks for the replies! I'll see how tomorrow goes. Fingers crossed :)
  • vanity4u
    Im in..i also need guys like u..and i also have stories to tell with my experience in losing weight. Lets keep it up!
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    Reserach on line. I foudn a great motivator for me was reading blogs and information about weight loss and health, gave me ideas and then led me to more and more information. There are some great healthly website for recipes that have great ideas for yummy food but healhty and low cals, helps to to think and recreate things. is amazing, so is skinny girl and Perhaps look at some books, I have been listening to Jillian Micheals free pod casts and they have been a great help to me. Also re your gola. Write down (or in your head) in private what it is then what is really means to achieve it, make it really real and as much details, what it will look like, what it will mean, what you will be able to do, make it real. Also really important to stop and think before eating, and make the best choice. I find i need somethign at 6pm, as like you hungry from lunch and dinner still awhile away. But if you could find something filling and healthy and satisfing without ruining it. Think about what is happening when you have those cravings. Bored, tired etc. Work out solutions for it. 3pm is my bad time at work when feel like something bad.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    This site is great for seeing in writing what you eat and the fats, calories, ect. When I look at mine I can see what I am lacking and what I may have gone over on. You can do this and a group of supportive friends really can help a lot. When I was going to the gym I did cardio two days a week and strength training two days a week. Working out is hard work, but it feels so good afterwards. I have trouble with emotional eating especially in the evening. I found that journaling my feelings before I eat can be a release for my emotions and make me ask if I am hungry or just want the food to quell my emotions. Feel free to add me.