Too little sodium

I am always WAY under my allowed sodium intake. I don't mean to be, I guess I just naturally prefer lower sodium foods. Will this effect my health in an adverse way?

Not sure if this bit of information will be relevant to the above question but I am currently trying to maintain, not lose.


  • kellybroadbent
    I can't speak for how it might affect weight loss, but I personally have very low sodium levels in my blood and a side effect of that is frequent and severe cramps. It's a nightmare. I'm supposed a eat a teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water every day but I can NOT bring myself to do that. I'd rather just live with low sodium. I, like you, naturally tend to prefer foods that aren't excessively salty. Are there any foods you particularly LIKE, salty? E.g. I am a big fan of a fair amount of salt in my vege soup or mashed potatoes, so if my cramps are getting really bad I'll make an effort to have one of those items. Could you do something like that?
  • PursuingPerfect
    PursuingPerfect Posts: 16 Member
    I get really bad leg cramps out of nowhere maybe that's what this is from?! I'm going to try adding salt to my eggs or maybe my fish. Not sure why I didn't think of it before! Thanks for the advice:smile: