hurricane Sandy

I'm in NY and, thank God, my particular area did not have any damage aside from some downed trees and branches, but, what with all the stress of the hurricane and not being able to log into MFP, I went completely went off the rails!!! Today, I was able to get online and log onto MFP - what a difference it makes being able to enter food and see the values as the day goes by. In any event, I'm trying not to dwell on the past few days of excess (not to mention Halloween!!) and get back on track. Best to all.


  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    In my end of the world, we call it typhoon munchies. It is so common that most people plan out their junk food party during storm times. Because they happen frequently here, I've learned to at least plan out some healthy munchies but it is hard work not to give in and sometimes I still go over some and give into some temptations. Bottom line, I'm not surprised. Between being holed up, in boredom mode (though I kinda like this mode), inactive and having your routine disrupted, it is a known recipe for munchie time. Just laugh and move on. You will know next time.
  • happyonetwentyfive
    Good advice and many thanks!