time of month?

i always thought working out during that time of the month would not give me any results, and the scale won't move.
so my question is.. if i work out a lot during this time, am i gunna lose anything at all when it is over or is the hard work for nothing?


  • panther87
    panther87 Posts: 78 Member
    I try to work out the same. I have has some months be better and some not. i usually have a slow weight loss week and then will see better results of loss the next week. my advice to not do anything different unless your body says it needs a rest. and keep trying to eat a well balanced diet and drink LOTS of water to keep hydrated, that seems to help me with those cravings too.
  • bttrflykisses820
    You will still lose... after all it is calories burned! The reason our scales seem a bit weird during the time of the month is due to our water retention. So once your period ends and the water amount balances you should see some additional weight loss from your workouts. :-)
  • queensara2478
    It's always worth it to work out, you may not see a difference in the scale until a week after it's over but it really does make a big difference. Not only does it help at least maintain your weight loss, it helps you to feel better and keep your energy up. I usually gain a pound or 2 during mine and then a week later I'm down 3! Good luck keep working at it.
  • marzenka012192
    i gain like 4 during this time. lol and its very discouraging when on my weigh in day, i haven't lost anything:(
    i mean, i can go run every day for over an hour each day and nothing changes.. its so frustrating, and that makes me wanna eat:(

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  • JennyVirginia
    Water retention is the big reason a lot of people gain weight during their period - I always make sure I drink lots and lots of water and also to reduce sodium intake because that just contributes to water retention. Water also helps me with cravings. Also bananas are great for that time of the month because the high potassium in them levels out the lactic acid that causes the feeling of cramps. I've also read to increase good carbs and fats during that time of the month because it turns out that carbohydrates and fats help release endorphins so that you feel better - I've tried it and it really does help. I also find that working out vigorously during that time of the month helps my PMS, mood swings, cramping and cravings. So you might not see a difference in your weight but in your overall emotional state you will notice a difference if you stay on track - alteast I do. Good Luck to you!!
  • hilldill22
    For me, the bloating happens right before the yucky part starts, so usually I don't see much of a gain when I have my period. The day before my weigh-ins (every Saturday morning as soon as I wake up) the dinner before (Friday night) would be very light with not a ton of sodium (water retention!) But hang in there! You can overcome this obstacle!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Your best bet is to NOT weigh yourself the week of your period. Your body is retaining fluid, your metabolism is either slowing or ramping up and you are eating a bit more. Continue to work out and drink plenty of pure water. The exercise will help your muscles shed excess fluid and your body will release endorphins to help with cramp pain and just plain ol' moodiness! (Well, at least it does for me...I know, we are all different).

    So, don't let the scale get you during your period week. It is not worth the mental anguish. Just follow your same workout and eating regimine and adjust if you are particularly tired or sore.