Losing too fast?

I have been dieting and exercising since December 2, 2009. since then I have lost 21 lbs. I have lost 11 lbs since January 14 and 10 lbs since joining MFP the end of January. I have felt great and continue to feel good.
Today I was at work and one of the therapist(PT) told me i was losing too fast! I eat anywhere from 1200 calories on days i dont exercise up to 1800 calories on days i work out alot. I dont get too hungry and i do endulge in the Pizza once a week and fast food items 1-3 times a week. other wise i eat a variety of fruits and veggies, cheese, meat and whole grain breads. just needing some feed back and support. I get many many complements on my appearance and how well i am looking now. I visited my GP last week and she adjusted my blood pressure meds and said keep up the good work. what am i to do? Thank you for listening. this is a great place to keep track of my foods and keep me accountable. Thank you MFP for helping me.


  • marzenka012192
    i say there is no such thing as losing too fast, unless you're doing it the unhealthy way.
    if you're eating your calories and working out instead of taking some pills, you're fine.. just keeping doing what you're doing.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    I know there are many posts in the sticky thread about higher BMI and faster weight loss. If you are eating what the recommended calorie intake is, and you have 75 lbs to lose, I don't think 21 lbs in 13 weeks is too much......that's 1.6 lbs a week. When we are obese it is easier to lose the weight and so important for our health, that the recommendation to lose 2 lbs a week makes sense.

    As you get closer to your goal, it will become necessary to adjust your goals down to 1lb a week or even less.

    Good job, keep up the great work!
  • huntee75
    huntee75 Posts: 31
    i say there is no such thing as losing too fast, unless you're doing it the unhealthy way.
    if you're eating your calories and working out instead of taking some pills, you're fine.. just keeping doing what you're doing.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    i agree!!!! congrats and keep up the good work
  • jdejre_k
    jdejre_k Posts: 54

    First, congrats on your weight loss!

    As for losing the weight too fast, it can cause a vitamin deficiency, eating disorders, inability to perform cognitive processes (which require calories) and it also causes excessive loose skin. Unless you are severely overweight, a loss of more than 1 - 2 pounds per week is considered unhealthy.

    According to your post, you have lost 10 pounds since the end of January, which is about 2 pounds per week. That is not considered excessive.

    However, if you feel chronically tired, become obsessed with weight loss or have any worries about the weight loss, see a dietitian. I would also get regular blood tests to verify that all of your levels are OK, as dieting can cause vitamin / mineral deficiencies (including anemia) and low blood sugars (which is required for brain functioning).

    - Danielle
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    If your doctor is happy, and you feel fan-freakin'-tastic, then that's all that matters!! :)
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    Congrats and keep doing what you're doing.
  • angiehubb
    I don't know about anyone else but I agree that as long as you're doing things pretty healthy who should care. I like getting it off quick as possible!!!!!!!!! but that's just me. instant gratification! keep up the good work.!!!!!!
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    2 pounds a week is not too fast.. sounds like someone is jealous. Keep doing what you are doing.. but know that the closer you get to your goal the slower it will come off!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Sounds like you are doing perfect!
  • panther87
    panther87 Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks EVERYONE! I guess i just needed some Verbal Gratification. I forgot to mention I do take a multivitamin/mineral supplement and I sleep great and am usually able to do what i want when i want. Just got back from the Gym and had a great walk. Almost couldn't get off the treadmill, 10 more calories, 1/8th more mile, just and another 2 min, etc etc. finally got off after 45 min and 320 cal later and 2.25 miles.