NutraSweet Allergy

Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I am allergic to Aspartame or the commercial name, Nutra Sweet. First, my face and mouth go numb, then I loose my equilibrium and the room spins around and I stumble around like I'm drunk...which is very entertaining for others but not much fun for me. Does anyone else have any adverse reactions to NutraSweet? Have you tried any of the new sweetners? What do you think of them? Inquiring minds want to know.


  • I have been using Splenda (sucralose), which is a sweetener made from sugar. I don't use it much, as I don't sweeten much, but I like it. The biggest convert though is my hubby, he used to refuse to try any, and he is now using Splenda too, in his tea and on cereal. He says he doesn't really notice a difference from sugar. I did a lot of research, and I liked the fact that there are no known side effects from sucralose at this time. Good luck!
  • eliblish
    eliblish Posts: 124 Member
    I react badly to sucralose and aspartame. Aspartame=headaches suralose=repiratory difficulties and wheezing. Artificial sweeteners aren't healthy anyways. You should try stevia. It is 100% natural and 0 calories I believe.
  • aerome
    aerome Posts: 171 Member
    Every artificial sweetener I've tried has messed with my blood sugar. I think it causes me to release insulin, but since the fake stuff doesn't counteract insulin, the insulin stays in my system and my blood sugar gets too low and I get the shakes. I just stick with the real stuff. I don't really add it to anything anyway, but at 15 calories/tsp, I don't think it has enough calories to be too bad if I want to sweeten my tea or something.
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    Every artificial sweetener I've tried has messed with my blood sugar. I think it causes me to release insulin, but since the fake stuff doesn't counteract insulin, the insulin stays in my system and my blood sugar gets too low and I get the shakes. I just stick with the real stuff. I don't really add it to anything anyway, but at 15 calories/tsp, I don't think it has enough calories to be too bad if I want to sweeten my tea or something.

    I have just stayed with sugar too. I get the domino sugar dots and at then I don't have to measure, just 10 calories a dot.
  • atlmom
    atlmom Posts: 27 Member
    i get headaches with nutrasweet. i've not used it almost since it came out. i do like cokes. big problem. i like diet rite, the only cola with splenda.
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    i get headaches with nutrasweet. i've not used it almost since it came out. i do like cokes. big problem. i like diet rite, the only cola with splenda.
    I know what you mean, I have a HUGE addiction to Coke ( the real thing not the drug). But, I am proud to say I've kicked the habit...not easily done.
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